


江希,男,工学博士,江西萍乡人,博士毕业于湖南大学电气工程专业。主要从事功率半导体器件设计、功率器件可靠性、功率模块封装、智能驱动技术等研究。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目、陕西省自然科学基金项目以及广州市自然科学基金。此外,作为核心骨干参与了多项国家级与省市级科研项目,包括国家863计划项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目及南通市科技局重点项目。在科研成果方面,以第一作者/通讯作者在IEEEIET等期刊与会议上发表了20余篇SCI/EI论文担任电力与能源领域IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPE)、IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE)、IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (TIA)和 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices (TED)等学术期刊审稿专家。欢迎各位学生提前联系与咨询。


l  Xi Jiang, et al., "Short-Circuit Failure Modes and Mechanism Investigation of Ohmic-Gate GaN HEMT," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 1455-1463, 2024  (SCI, IF=3.1)

l  Y. Wang, Xi Jiang, et al., "Innovative Reverse Current Coupling Layout of SiC Power Module for Parasitic Inductance Reduction," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 5609-5617, Sept. 2024   (通讯作者) (SCI, IF=3.1)

l  Y. Wang, Xi Jiang, et al., "Online Junction Temperature Estimation for SiC MOSFETs Using Drain Voltage Falling Edge Time," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 5228-5235, Oct. 2023.   (通讯作者) (SCI, IF=3.1)

l  Z. Yan, S. Yuan, Xi Jiang, et al., "A Novel AlGaN/GaN-Based Schottky Barrier Diode With Partial P-GaN Cap Layer and Semicircular T-Anode for Temperature Sensors," in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 5087-5091, Oct. 2023.  (通讯作者) (SCI, IF=3.1)

l  H. Yu, S. Liang, J. Wang, Xi Jiang, et al., "Understanding the Degradation of 1.2-kV Planar-Gate SiC MOSFETs Under Repetitive Over-Load Current Stress," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 5070-5080, Oct. 2022.(SCI, IF=5.9)

l S. Yuan,Y. Li, M. Hou, Xi Jiang, et al., "Analysis of the Operation Mechanism of Superjunction in RC-IGBT and a Novel Snapback-Free Partial Schottky Collector Superjunction RC-IGBT," in Micromachines, vol. 15, no. 73, 2024.  (通讯作者)(SCI, IF=3.3)

l  Xi Jiang, J. Wang, J. Chen, et al., "Investigation on Degradation of SiC MOSFET Under Surge Current Stress of Body Diode," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 77-89, March 2020. (SCI, IF=5.9)

l  Xi Jiang, J. Wang, H. Yu, et al., " Online Junction Temperature Measurement for SiC MOSFET Based on Dynamic Threshold Voltage Extraction," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 3757-3768, April 2021.(SCI, IF=6.7)

l  Xi Jiang, J. Wang, J. Chen, H. Yu, Z.Li, Z. John Shen, " Investigation on Degradation of SiC MOSFET under Accelerated Stress in PFC Converter ," in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 4299-4310, Aug. 2021. (SCI, IF=5.9)

l  Xi Jiang, J. Wang, J. Lu, J. Chen, X. Yin, Z. Li, C. Tu, J. Shen, “Failure Modes and Mechanism Analysis of SiC MOSFET under Short-Circuit Conditions”, in Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 88-90, pp. 593-597, 2018.(SCI, IF=1.6)

l  J. Wang, Xi Jiang, Z. Li and Z. J. Shen, "Short-Circuit Ruggedness and Failure Mechanisms of Si/SiC Hybrid Switch," in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 2771-2780, March 2019.  (通讯作者)(SCI, IF=6.7)

l  J. Wang, Xi Jiang, "Review and analysis of SiC MOSFETs’ ruggedness and reliability," in IET Power Electronics, Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp.445–455, 2019. (通讯作者)(SCI, IF=2.3)

l  Z. Li, X. Dai, Xi Jiang, et al. "A novel gate driver for Si/SiC hybrid switch for multi-objective optimization." in IET Power Electronics, Vol. 14, pp.422–431, 2020. (通讯作者)(SCI, IF=2.3)

l  C. Deng, Z. Pang, Xi Jiang, et al., "A semi-circular T-shaped anode AlGaN/GaN Schottky barrier diode temperature sensor," 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), Chengdu, China, 2024, pp. 1892-1897.(Best Paper Award)


l江希,徐志佳,尹溶璐,袁嵩,何艳静,弓小武. 一种垂直导电型功率半导体器件双面压接封装结构[P]. ZL202210824287.4, 2022-07-13. (发明专利)

l江希,姜涛,袁嵩,张世杰,严兆恒,何艳静,弓小武. 三端电压控制器件及其制作方法[P]. 202210671019.3,2022-06-14. (发明专利)

l江希,欧阳润泽,王颖,袁嵩,弓小武. 一种轴对称的碳化硅功率模块封装结构[P]. ZL202311426912.0, 2024-06-25. (发明专利)

l江希,王颖,贾道勇,欧阳润泽,马年龙,袁嵩,弓小武. 一种SiC双面散热功率模块[P]. ZL202311684822.1, 2024-07-16. (发明专利)

l王俊,李宗鉴,江希. 一种半导体结构以其制作方法[P]. ZL106449729B,2019-04-30. (发明专利)







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  • [1]功率半导体器件;功率器件可靠性;SiC功率器件封装技术;功率模块

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