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Male   Air Force of Engineering University   With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study   Associate professor  


Dr. Li received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering in 2006 and 2009, respectively, and his Ph.D. in Computational Materials in 2012, all from the Air Force Engineering University. He was on the faculty of Air Force Engineering University since 2012. He was promoted to Lecturer in 2012. In 2018, he works as Lecturer in Xidian University.

Dr. Li has taught some subjects in mechanics and design. At the graduate level, he has been teaching courses on fatigue of materials and structures, fracture mechanics, etc.

Dr. Li's primary research interests and publications involve materials mechanical behavior in general, fatigue and fracture mechanics in particular, and in multiaxial fatigue life prediction, and so on. He has published over 40 refereed papers dealing with fatigue and fracture, both at the basic level helping to understand fundamental fatigue damage mechanisms as well as in the applied areas facilitating applications of the knowledge learned to the design and life prediction of engineering components and structures.

Dr. Li is a member of the Chinese Society of Astronautics (CSA), a reviewer of International Journal of Fatigue, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Journal of Astronautics, etc. He has received several awards for his research, including the Air Force Engineering University Outstanding Research Award in 2010.

Education Background

  • 空军工程大学理学院
  • 物理电子学
  • Doctoral degree
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

  • 空军工程大学工程学院
  • 飞机与发动机工程
  • Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)

Work Experience

  • 西安电子科技大学
  • 机电工程学院
  • 讲师
  • 空军工程大学
  • 理学院
  • 讲师
  • 空军哈尔滨飞行学院
  • 讲师

Social Affiliations

Research Focus
