


Xiaotao Li, Ph.D.MS., NSCA-CPT, CSCS, 

Associate Professor, Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Vice President of Shaanxi Strength Training and Conditioning Association

Department of Sports Science and Physical Education, Xidian University,

Address: No. 2 South Taibai Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi, P. R. China

Post code: 710071

Phone: +86-131-8616-6601

E-mail: sportxiaotao@163.com OR xtli@xidianl.edu.cn



Medical Aspects of Specific Environment – Supervisor: Professor Xiqing Sun

The Fourth Medical University, June 2017


Exercise Physiology – Supervisor: Professor Zhenjun Tian

Shaanxi Normal University, June 2006


Human Movement Science/Sports Medicine/Athletic Training

Faculty of Health Science, Xi’an Physical Education University, July 2003



Physiology,  cardiovascular deconditioning, 

Exercise   science


Human   movement studies, Sports medicine, Athletic Training   


2018 to Present

Associate   Professor, Supervisor of master degree program in exercise science: Department   of Sports science and Physical Education, Xidian University

2017 to Present

Associate   Professor: Department of Sports science and Physical Education, Xidian   University

2014 to 2017

Senior   Lecturer: Department of Sports science and Physical Education, Xidian   University

2012 to 2017

Research   Assistant: Key   Laboratory of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China's Ministry of Education

2014 to 2017

Senior   instructor: Department of Sports science and Physical Education, Xidian   University

2008 to 2013

Instructor:   Department of Sports science and Physical Education, Xidian University

2006 to 2008

Teaching   Assistant: Department of Sports science and Physical Education, Xidian   University

2002 to 2003

Athletic   Training Assistant: Athlete Center of Shaanxi Province, Xi’an, China



Exercise   Physiology (lecture and laboratory)


Taekwondo, Taiji boxing, Swimming


Li XT, Yang CB, ZhuYS, Sun J, Shi F, WangYC, Gao Y, Zhao JD, Sun XQ. Moderate exercise based on artificial gravity preserves orthostatic tolerance and exercise capacity during short-term head down bed rest [J]. Physiological Research. 2017, 66(4):567-580.

Shi F, Wang YC, Hu ZB, Xu HY, Sun J, Gao Y, Li XT, Yang CB, Xie C, Li CF, Zhang S, Zhao JD, Cao XS, Sun XQ. Simulated Microgravity Promotes Angiogenesis through RhoA-Dependent Rearrangement of the Actin Cytoskeleton [J]. Cellular physiology and biochemistry. 2017, 41(1):227-238.

Li XT, Zhang C, Meng PJ, Yang CB, Shi F, Zhao JD, Gao Y, Tian ZJ, Sun XQ. Physiology of Microgravity within Exercise Physiology Crriculum [J]. Medical Education Research and Practice. 2017, 25(3):418-421.

Li XT, Gao Y, Zhao J D, Sun J,Yang CB, Shi F, Wang YC, Sun XQ. Effects of Artificial Gravity Combined with Moderate Exercise on Aerobic and Anaerobic Powers after 4 d Head-down Bed Rest [J]Space Medicine Medical Engineering2016,29(2):95-100.

Sun J, Li XT, Yang CB, Wang Yc, Shi f, Gao Y, Luan Q, Zhu YS, Sun XQ. Transcutaneous electrical acupuncture stimulation as a countermeasure against cardiovascular deconditioning during 4 days of head-down bed rest in humans [J]. Acupuncture in Medicine. 2015, 33(5): 381-387.

Li XT, Sun J,Yang CB, Shi F, Wang YC, Zhao JD, Gao Y, Chen RG, Sun XQ. Ergometric Exercise Combined with 2 G Artificial Gravity to Be Useful as efficacious Countermeasure against Orthostatic Intolerance after 4 Day Head-down Bed Rest. Space Medicine Medical Engineering,2014,27(2):142-145.

Sun J, Li XTYang CB, Shi F, Wang YC, Zhao JD, Sun XQ. Effects of Electroacupuncture on Cardiovascular Regulatory Function Under 4 Day Head-down Bed rest Space Medicine

Medical Engineering,2014,27(2) :146–148

Xu Li, Li XT, Zhang KL, Yue ZW, Sun J, Zhang S, Liu YF. Effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on heart rate variability in military personnel on a plateau [J]. China Heart Journal. 2015, 7(1):55-57.

Zhao JD, Wang YC, Li XT, Chen RG, Sun XQ. Effects of Simulated Weightlessness on Expression of Beclin-1 and LC3 in the Ventricular Muscle of RatsSpace Medicine Medical Engineering, 2014,27(4):291-294

Lin F, Li XT. Biomechanical Analysis of Shoulder and Hip Angle in Tennis Technique of Two- handed Backhand Slap Topspin. International Symposium on It in Medicine & Education Proceedings. 2011, 1:670-673.


National Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (Rehabilitation treatment of vasovagal syncope by gravity stress based exercise, Grant no: 2018JM7088)

Shaanxi Exercise Science Research Program (14001) (15070)

Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China20101145184)(20101175184


National Natural Science Foundation of China (81301682) (81372130) 81471817 (81471815)


Education Background
  • [1]

    The University of Edinburgh 英国爱丁堡大学

  • [2]2018.9-2019.7

    北京体育大学 体能训练学院  | 体育教育训练学、体能训练  | 高级访问学者 | The graduate student is educated

  • [3]2017.9-2017.12

    西安外国语大学  | 教育部国家公派出国留学高级英语培训 | 其他

  • [4]2012.8-2017.6

    Fourth Medical University  | Medical Aspects Specific Environments  | Doctoral Degree in Medicine | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

  • [5]2003.9-2006.6

    陕西师范大学  | 运动人体科学  | Master's Degree in Science | With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

  • [6]1999.9-2003.7

    西安体育学院  | 人体科学/运动医学  | Bachelor's degree | University graduated

Work Experience
  • [1] 2006.6-Now
    体育部 | 西安电子科技大学 
Social Affiliations
  • [1]2024.9-Now
    深圳市绿航星际太空科技研究院 副院长、医学伦理委员会委员
  • [2]2024.4-Now
    中国宇航学会 航天医学工程与空间生物学专业委员会 高级会员
  • [3]
    中国空间科学学会 空间生命科学专业委员会 会员
  • [4]2020.6-Now
    陕西省体能协会 副会长,体医融合专业委员会秘书长
  • [5]2019.6-2024.4
    深圳市绿航星际太空科技研究院 特聘研究员
Research Focus
  • [1]体能训练

  • [2]运动健康促进

Team members
Name of Research Group:环境生理与体能训练研究团队

Description of Research Group:

1 特殊环境生理适应与防护研究方向:在掌握运动科学理论与实践技能的基础上,主要开展特殊环境的生理效应与防护机制研究等。以应用研究为主,涉及部分基础研究。报考该方向的研究生需有一定的生理学基础,欢迎体育、医学、生物等相关专业同学跨专业报考。
2 体能训练研究方向:主要研究领域涵盖竞技体能训练、特种作业人员的特种体能需求研究、特种体能训练策略研究。本研究方向主要侧重应用研究,涉及部分训练指导工作。报考本研究方向的研究生需有一定的运动训练经历和运动科学基础。欢迎体育相关专业同学、有强烈上进心并具较强自学能力的跨专业高水平运动员报考。
02.吕松泽,男,运动人体科学硕士研究生,美国体能协会认证私人教练(NSCA-CPT)、肌力与体能训练专家(CSCS)、CrossFit 认证教练。
03.赵航,男,运动人体科学 硕士研究生,体育教育专业本科,退役大学生士兵。

Name of Research Group:体医融合发展研究团队

Description of Research Group:

Academic honor
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