西安电子科技大学学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (3): 40-49.doi: 10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2020.03.006

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  1. 黄冈师范学院 计算机学院,湖北 黄冈 438000
  • 收稿日期:2019-08-02 出版日期:2020-06-20 发布日期:2020-06-19
  • 通讯作者: 张瑞红
  • 作者简介:余志超(1971—),男,高级实验师,E-mail: yuzc1971@foxmail.com
  • 基金资助:

Improved Siamese network based object tracking combined with the deep contour feature

YU Zhichao,ZHANG Ruihong()   

  1. School of Computer,Huanggang Normal University, Huanggang 438000, China
  • Received:2019-08-02 Online:2020-06-20 Published:2020-06-19
  • Contact: Ruihong ZHANG



关键词: 目标跟踪, 深度学习, 孪生网络, 轮廓检测网络, 目标检测, 自适应模板更新


The existing Siamese object tracking algorithms easily lead to tracking drift under the influence of object deformation and occlusion, this paper proposes an improved object tracking algorithm based on deep contour extraction networks to achieve stable detection and tracking of any object under complex backgrounds. First, the contour detection network automatically obtains the closed contour information on the object and uses the flood-filling clustering algorithm to obtain the contour template. Then, the contour template and the search area are input into the improved Siamese network so as to obtain the optimal tracking score value and adaptively update the contour template. If the object is fully obscured or lost, the Yolov3 network is used to search the object in the entire field of view to achieve stable tracking throughout the process. A large number of qualitative and quantitative simulation results show that the improved model can not only improve the object tracking performance under complex backgrounds, but also improve the response time of airborne systems, which is suitable for engineering applications.

Key words: object tracking, deep learning, Siamese network, contour detection network, object detection, adaptive template updating


  • TP183