
Table of Content

    20 October 2013 Volume 40 Issue 5
    Original Articles
    Performance analysis of polarization space time cascade processing
    DU Wentao;LIAO Guisheng;YANG Zhiwei
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  1-7.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.001
    Abstract ( 939 )   PDF (553KB) ( 888 )   Save
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    Polarization-SpaceTime or SpaceTime-Polarization cascade processing can detect low velocity moving targets with polarized information on the received signal. To make a detailed analysis of the cascade processing, the adaptive weight is deduced. Then the detection performance against the cascade order, the space-time division and polarization division between the signal and clutter are qualitatively analysised, which would provide an instruction for choosing an appropriate cascade processing order. Simulation verifies the correctness of the analyzed conclusion.

    Iteration FDOA location algorithm and its performance analysis
    YANG Jie;LIU Congfeng
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  8-14.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.002
    Abstract ( 1234 )   PDF (631KB) ( 819 )   Save
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    For the FDOA location scene of locating the fixed radiation source with a moving observation station, an algorithm based on the iterative method is proposed, which can be used to solve the problem of calculating the target position in the FDOA location. The proposed algorithm includes two situations, one with the carrier frequency known, and the other with the carrier frequency unknown. In the condition of the known carrier frequency, the measured frequency difference equation is used to figure out the target position in an iterative way; in the case of the unknown frequency, the measured frequency difference equation is used to figure out both the target position and carrier frequency from the emitter in an iterative way. The location accuracy of the FDOA location algorithm is analyzed in detail, and furthermore, an elaborative simulation is given, which proves the accuracy and effectiveness of the theoretical analysis, and provides the FDOA location algorithm with a theoretical foundation.

    Analog TV visual and audio signal based mismatched filter for the passive radar
    WANG Haitao;WANG Jun
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  15-19+85.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.003
    Abstract ( 1020 )   PDF (1428KB) ( 768 )   Save
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    In an analog TV based passive radar, the mismatched filter for only visual signals will produce a high SNR loss. In this paper, a method for the mismatched filter for both visual and audio signals is proposed. First, the chosen frequency of the visual and audio signal is synthesized in a consecutive range of frequency, and then the mismatched filter for the synthesized signal is applied. This method can utilize all the power of analog TV. What's more, according to simulation results, it can be found that when the same peak sidelobe ratio is acquired, a much lower SNR loss can be acquired by the proposed mismatched filter based on visual and audio signals than the one based only on visual signals.

    Target state estimation of the over-the-horizon radar  using the cost-reference particle filter
    LU Jin;SU Hongtao;SHUI Penglang
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  20-25+59.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.004
    Abstract ( 1174 )   PDF (589KB) ( 672 )   Save
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    The cost-reference particle filter (CRPF) is applied for estimating the state sequence of the target in the over-the-horizon radar (OTHR), where the background noise level is high and obeys unknown distribution. On the basis of analyzing the resampling process and the sample impoverishment in the CRPF, it is proposed that the sample impoverishment can be alleviated by normalizing the costs and risks, or increasing the number of particles. And the tracking performance of the CRPF in OTHR target state estimates can be improved. Simulation results illustrate that, compared with the classical particle filters, the CRPF which needs none of the statistics of the signals in the system requires a smaller number of particles and consumes a less computational resource.

    Collaborative registration algorithm for the radar system error  without a priori association
    LIU Xi;YIN Hao;WU Zemin;TIAN Chang
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  26-32+140.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.005
    Abstract ( 1139 )   PDF (593KB) ( 688 )   Save
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    Utilizing the Precise Participant Location and Identification (PPLI) reporting function of cooperative targets in the data link system, a collaborative radar registration algorithm is presented without a priori information on track-to-track association and system error scale. The distribution feature of points which is obtained by mapping any pair of local radar track and PPLI track to the parameter space is analyzed. A method is provided for preliminarily estimating the radar system error by points cumulation and peak detection in the parameter space. An unbiased estimation of the cumulative squared Mahalanobis distance of the track pair is defined as the associating cost, and the track-to-track association problem is formulized as a linear program problem to carry out global optimal track assignments. The radar system error is estimated according to the result of track association. The performance of the proposed algorithm is validated by Monte Carlo simulations.

    High resolution angle estimation of the bistatic MIMO radar
    SHEN Fangfang;LI Yaxiang;ZHAO Guanghui;SHI Guangming
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  33-37+106.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.006
    Abstract ( 1237 )   PDF (914KB) ( 745 )   Save
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    A new method is proposed in this paper for jointly estimating the azimuths DOD-DOA (Direction of Departure-Direction of Arrival) of the targets in the bi-static MIMO scene under the circumstance of the Gaussian white noise. A two-dimension redundant dictionary is firstly constructed based on the bi-static MIMO scene where the targets are present. Then, the positions (DOD-DOA) of the targets are sparsely denoted as a sparse vector by projecting the positions of targets on the redundant dictionary. On the sparse model, an algorithm is applied for solving for the positions of the targets by solving the problem of minimizing the reweighted l1-norm of the sparse vector. For the algorithm to reconstruct the positions of the targets robustly under a low SNR, a modified weight is used in the algorithm.

    Design and performance of the random access preamble structure  for LTE-A super long-range coverage
    LI Xiaohui;WEI Longfei;HEI Yongqiang;LIU Naian
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  38-43+156.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.007
    Abstract ( 1313 )   PDF (544KB) ( 759 )   Save
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    Aiming at the uplink out-of-synchronization problem due to the long distance and the high delay between the eNodeB and the UE, a random access preamble structure is presented for the long term evolution-advanced(LTE-A) super coverage. The random access preamble structure is a new preamble sequence constructed by two different cascading Zadoff-Chu root sequences followed by the expanded cyclic prefix and guard time. Furthermore, the period auto-correlation and cross-correlation of the proposed preamble is derived and the coverage performance is analyzed. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the auto-correlation of the proposed preamble reaches its peak only when the delay is zero, and the coverage range is greatly improved by using the proposed preamble.

    Joint pilot assisted and despread soft-output carrier  synchronization for the burst DSSS system
    SUN Jinhua;LI Mengliang;WU Xiaojun
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  44-50.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.008
    Abstract ( 1082 )   PDF (848KB) ( 718 )   Save
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    Current carrier synchronization algorithms at extremely low signal to noise ratios (SNRs) for burst direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems are not very good at achieving a high estimation precision and wide estimation range at the same time. A joint pilot assisted and despread soft-output carrier synchronization algorithm is proposed in this paper. Based on a frame structure in which the pilot symbols are separated with data symbols, a coarse frequency offset estimation is first performed based on the averaging periodogram method with the help of pilot symbols, and a coarse phase offset estimation is obtained with the maximum likelihood algorithm, and then the phase of the received signals is compensated for each segment of pilot and data symbols. Next, a fine frequency offset estimation is carried out using the despread soft output; then the fine phase offset estimation is obtained. Simulation results show that at extremely low SNRs and with a fixed number of pilots, the performance of the algorithm is near the modified Cramer-Rao bound with high frequency offset estimation precision and wide frequency offset and phase offset estimation ranges. The bit error rate of the algorithm is close to the ideal performance.

    Study of the BER performance of the earth-space MIMO  communication system at the millimeter wave band
    GONG Shuhong;LI Xiangdong;ZHENG Tiancheng
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  51-59.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.009
    Abstract ( 1159 )   PDF (751KB) ( 733 )   Save
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    The methods to decide the elements of a channel matrix in clear and rain environments are given. The BER performances of transmitting diversity and spatial multiplexing modes are calculated and simulated based on a supposed earth-space MIMO communication system and the measured rain rate data. The BER performances of transmitting diversity and spatial multiplexing modes in different propagation environments are analyzed according to the simulated results. And the effects deduced by different propagation environments on earth-space MIMO communication are discussed. It can be concluded that MIMO technology is significant for developing earth-space communication systems at the millimeter wave band. The results given in this paper are important and valuable for exploiting the earth-space MIMO communication system at the millimeter wave band.

    Fast blind estimation algorithm for Hamming codes parameters
    YANG Xiaowei;GAN Lu
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  60-65.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.010
    Abstract ( 1140 )   PDF (580KB) ( 805 )   Save
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    An algorithm is proposed for fast blindly estimating the length, the starting point and the parity-check matrix of the hamming code. First, an intercepted matrix is built by the data received, and by exploiting an assumed number of parity-check digits and the assumed starting point of the hamming code. Then, a parity-check matrix is obtained by the assumed primitive polynomial, and when all its row-vectors are dual codes of the intercepted matrix, the hamming code parameters could be estimated. Moreover, a theoretical analysis of the proposed algorithm is made. Simulation results verify the good performance of the proposed method.

    2-D DOA estimation of coexisting uncorrelated and coherent signals
    DIAO Ming;AN Chunlian
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  66-71+98.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.011
    Abstract ( 1124 )   PDF (530KB) ( 737 )   Save
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    The common two dimensional (2-D) direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms for coexisting uncorrelated and coherent signals are based on the complex array structure, such as the uniform rectangular array, so the computational complexity is high and the array aperture is not utilized efficiently. By taking advantage of the L-shape array and adopting an efficient method to eliminate the Gaussian noise, a new 2-D DOA estimation method is proposed. Firstly, the DOAs of the uncorrelated signals are estimated and the influence of the coherent signals is eliminated by utilizing its characteristics. Then, the data covariance matrix containing the coherent information only is obtained by exploiting the Toeplitz property of the uncorrelated signals, and the DOAs of the coherent signals are estimated by the direction finding method based on the compressed sensing theory. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed method has a small computational load, high array aperture as well as excellent estimation performance.

    Research on parameter identification of BCH codes
    ZHANG Yongguang;ZHENG Shilian
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  72-77.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.012
    Abstract ( 1101 )   PDF (526KB) ( 777 )   Save
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    In order to solve the problem of the blind recognition of BCH codes,a novel method for fast detection of the BCH parameter identification based on the Statistical significance is presented. Some analytical models for BCH codes are proposed by analyzing the distribution of BCH code roots.The check matrix is constructed by using the obtained length and code roots of BCH codes with the help of completing shortened codes.Finally the BCH generator polynomial can be calculated directly by simplification of matrices in the finite field. Simulation results illustrate that given the high BER BCH encoded data sequence, the recognized coding parameters are correct by comparing prior conditions, which validates the accuracy of the proposed method.

    Adaptive mechanism for the frequency hopping MAC
    WANG Yequn;YE Xiangyang;QI Yunjun;HUANG Guoce;ZHANG Hengyang
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  78-85.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.013
    Abstract ( 1330 )   PDF (684KB) ( 687 )   Save
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    For the frequency hopping media access control protocol (FH_MAC), there is a parabola relationship between throughput and traffic, and then an adaptive FH_MAC (AFH_MAC) is proposed for the maximum throughput, which is fit for timeliness traffic in aeronautical ad hoc networks. The paper works out the expression for the throughput, success transmission probability and average time delay based on the queuing theory, combination theory and discrete laplase transformation. The results show that, the time delay performance of the FH_MAC is better than that of the time division multiple access (TDMA) and IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function (DCF), that the throughput and success transmission probability of the FH_MAC are higher than that of the ALOHA when the traffic load is low, and that the theoretic analysis of the AFH_MAC is in accordance with simulation, and the adaptive mechanism works well.

    Image super-pixels segmentation method based on the  non-convex low-rank and sparse constraints
    ZHANG Wenjuan;FENG Xiangchu
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  86-91.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.014
    Abstract ( 1718 )   PDF (3447KB) ( 798 )   Save
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    Image super-pixels segmentation is considered as the subspace clustering problem. A new constraint condition is presented to be equivalent to using the clean data as the dictionary. The non-convex proximal p-norm of the coefficients matrix is used for the sparse constraint, and, the non-convex proximal p-norm of the singular values of the coefficients matrix is used for the low-rank constraint. Then a non-convex minimization model is proposed. The augmented Lagrangian method and the AM (alternating minimization) method are applied for solving the unknown matrices. The results of numerical experiments show that the constraint condition presented in this paper is better than using the original data as the dictionary, and that the non-convex proximal p-norm has a better segmentation result than the convex nuclear norm and l1 norm.

    SoC hardware/software partitioning algorithm for  multi-performance index constraints
    CUI Yuanyuan;QIU Xuehong;ZHANG Jianxian;ZHOU Duan
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  92-98.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.015
    Abstract ( 1127 )   PDF (582KB) ( 744 )   Save
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    A new partitioning algorithm based on adaptive chaotic genetic annealing is proposed to solve the hardware/software partitioning problem of System on Chip (SoC) on the multi-performance index. A new objective function with different proportions of punishment based on multi-constraints is presented in this algorithm which is based on the genetic algorithm. The chaos operation is employed to generate the initial population, and the adaptive mutation operator is adopted. Individuals with poor fitness are optimized by the adaptive chaos strategy as the population individuals which tend to be similar. The optimum individuals upon genetic manipulation are optimized by the annealing strategy. Simulation results suggest that the algorithm can reduce the least power consumption by 9.8% and 4.7% in the case of 200 nodes, and by 5.6% and 4% in the case of 300 nodes, respectively, compared with the simulated annealing algorithm and genetic algorithm.

    Novel method for haze degraded image scene rendition
    LI Quanhe;ZHA Yufei;XIONG Lei;BI Duyan
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  99-106.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.016
    Abstract ( 1701 )   PDF (13397KB) ( 820 )   Save
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    To remove haze rapidly and effectively, equivalence between Retinex model and Monochrome Atmospheric Scattering model is explored, and then a novel solution for the Monochrome Atmospheric Scattering model is proposed based on the variational Retinex. Firstly, a variational model for the atmosphere transmission map is constructed, so the transmission map estimation problem can be formulated as a Quadratic Programming optimization problem. Secondly, we calculate the transmission map and resolve the Monochrome Atmospheric Scattering model in each channel to get the Reflectance image; Finally, the Color Constancy is adopted to restore the color of the dehazed image. Experimental results show that the proposed method could remove haze rapidly and effectively, and has some advantages over other algorithms.

    Efficient algorithm for mismatching point elimination  with interzone limited pre-testing
    WAN Guoting;WANG Junping;CAO Honghua;WANG Song;WANG Le
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  107-112+199.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.017
    Abstract ( 1200 )   PDF (5414KB) ( 707 )   Save
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    The elimination of mismatching point is a key step in image mosaic. To speed up the mismatching point elimination in image matching, an efficient algorithm for mismatching point elimination is presented. Based on the RANSAC(random sample consensus) algorithm, the algorithm aims at the feature of the image sequence. First, the match points are sorted, divided into three parts and piecewise picked randomly to estimate the transforming matrix. Second, the matrix is cursorily checked with a novel interzone limited pre-test model, a further check is executed on the matrix that passes the pre-testing to get inliers. Finally, the least-square method is used to the inliers to get the real matrix. Experimental results suggest that the proposed algorithm is of lower complexity, higher accuracy and stableness especially in cruel conditions, which meets the demand of image sequence mosaic well.

    Optimization methodology for the width of the fixed-point decimal multiplier
    YUAN Bo;LIU Hongxia
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  113-118.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.018
    Abstract ( 1068 )   PDF (1165KB) ( 761 )   Save
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    With the progress of design and fabrication in the semiconductor area, the chip scale and complexity are raised rapidly, and low-power design becomes a very important topic. This paper presents a low-power optimization methodology for the width of the fixed-point decimal multiplier, describes its principle and implementation, and verifies its optimization result by the FPGA test. On the methodological level, its optimization object is the width of the adders, which are inside the synthesized multiplier. On the circuit level, it resolves the problem of introducing the logic in the optimized system, which exists in the present low power design. The methodology has good performance in optimizing the system including large-scale multipliers, such as DSP, digital filter, etc.

    Multi-mode fractional-N synthesizer with a stabilized loop bandwidth
    FENG Yan;LUO Yang;CHEN Guican
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  119-123+193.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.019
    Abstract ( 1112 )   PDF (555KB) ( 720 )   Save
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    To solve the problem of stability of the multi-mode frequency synthesizer during mode transitions,a method of stabilizating the loop bandwidth is presented by means of calibrating the charge pump current according to the divider ratio. The method makes the variation of the loop bandwidth to be kept within a smaller range at different division ratios. A multi-mode fractional-N synthesizer adopting the method can work stably in seven modes of three positioning systems.Simulation results show that the variation of normalized ICPKVCOVCO in seven modes is in the range of -3.3% and 3.3%. For each mode, the in-band and out-of-band phase noises are not larger than -93dBc/Hz and -119dBc/Hz, respectively. The setting time is less than 24μs. The total power consumption is 15.21mW at 1.8V voltage supply.

    TM01 multimode coupler
    XU Zhi;ZHAI Huiqing;LIANG Changhong
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  124-129.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.020
    Abstract ( 862 )   PDF (564KB) ( 679 )   Save
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    The methodology for designing a TM01-mode coupler is presented which operates in two removed bands. The coupler consists of two parts: a coupler main body and a synthesizing network. The former separates the two bands and the latter works in the lower band to separate the transmission and reception of circular polarization from linear polarization tracking. The paper covers the design principles as well as a Ka-band example with good experimental performance.

    Application of metamaterial absorber for RCS reduction of slot antenna
    YANG Huanhuan;CAO Xiangyu;GAO Jun;YAO Xu;LIU Tao;YANG Qun
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  130-134.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.021
    Abstract ( 1191 )   PDF (3084KB) ( 712 )   Save
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    An ultra-thin metamaterial absorber with polarization stability, a wide incident angle and no surface ullage layer is proposed and applied to the waveguide slot antenna to reduce its in-band Radar Cross Section(RCS). Theoretical analysis, and simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the absorber can exhibit an absorption of 99% with thickness of only 0.0057λ,  that when applied to the waveguide slot antenna in an optimized distribution, it can reduce the in-band RCS of the antenna for more than 3dB from -21° to +21°,  that the largest reduction value exceeds 13dB in the normal direction, and that it can increase the gain by  0.99dB.

    Analysis of the effect of the anti-resonance inspired by via on  PCB on signal transmission
    CHU Xiuqin;LU Shan;QIN Jun;LIN Yongjia
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  135-140.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.022
    Abstract ( 1139 )   PDF (1235KB) ( 765 )   Save
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    The anti-resonant effect of the plane inspired by the via has a serious impact on the transmission effect. To overcome this shortcoming, a novel method, based on the combination of the via and plane resonance, is proposed. The two ports have the same anti-resonant frequency, which don't be discussed in suppressing modal impedances. By introducing the impedance parameter Z of the linear network, the new method can accurately predict whether the transmission effect of two vias which have the same anti resonant frequency is better than that of a single via. Different kinds of vias are tested and discussed. Our extensive experiments lead to two useful finding. First, the through via should be employed when the plane's anti-resonant effects are taken into account. Second, when the signal's path alters twice due to vias, the return path just changes at the via nearest to the plane's edge.

    Motion function reliability analysis of a rotating flexible beam  with random parameters
    ZHAO Kuan;CHEN Jianjun;CAO Hongjun;YUN Yonghu
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  141-147.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.023
    Abstract ( 876 )   PDF (786KB) ( 706 )   Save
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    The assumed mode method and stochastic response surface method are combined to analyze the motion function reliability of a rotating flexible beam with random parameters. Firstly, based on Lagrange's equations and the assumed mode method, the rigid-flexible coupling dynamic model which takes the coupling term of the deformation in the expression of longitudinal deformation is studied. Then considering the physical and geometrical parameters under randomness, the probability analysis is made by the stochastic response surface method. The rationality and efficiency of the modeling and the method presented are verified by an example. The results demonstrate that the third order stochastic response surface method leads to good precision with acceptable time consumption compared with the Monte Carlo (MC) method, and that the randomness of density has a greater effect on the reliability of the system.

    Intelligent auxiliary function method for multimodal  global optimization problems
    FAN Lei;WANG Yuping;LIU Xiyang
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  148-156.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.024
    Abstract ( 1002 )   PDF (1662KB) ( 755 )   Save
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    When solving multimodal global optimization problems, many auxiliary function methods are sensitive to their parameters and of great difficulty in dealing with high dimensional problems. Aiming to overcome these two disadvantages, a new intelligent auxiliary function method is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the smoothing function is employed to eliminate the solutions worse than the best one found so far. Based on the smoothing function, a novel auxiliary function is constructed, in which there is only one easily-adjusted parameter. This auxiliary function can avoid the unwilling “Mexican hat” effect caused by improper parameter settings. Then, properties of the auxiliary function are analyzed. In order to improve the searching ability, the proposed auxiliary function and intelligent optimization techniques are assembled in the designed method, which can help the method deal with high dimensional problems. Finally, 13 different benchmarks are used to test the influence of the parameter and the performance of the searching method. Experimental results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Using primitive unit roots to construct orthogonal transforms
    SUN Jichao;ZHOU Kai;SHU Da
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  157-162.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.025
    Abstract ( 1055 )   PDF (448KB) ( 750 )   Save
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    A new orthogonal transform based on the primitive unit root in the integral ring is proposed, which summarizes the orthogonal transform in the residue class rings of integers, finite fields and the complex field as well as the polynomial transform, including Discrete Fourier Transform, Hadamard Transform and Chrestenson Transform. The symmetric Transform of Multiple Real Values, Discrete W Transform and Discrete Sine-type Transform can be derived from it. The orthogonality of the Discrete Sine-type Transform has been proved. All transforms possess a fast algorithm based on related of to the DFT. This paper is very beneficial to grasping typical transforms systematically and constructing a new transform.

    Novel reconstruction method for frequency-hopping signals
    YAN Yunbin;QUAN Houde;CUI Peizhang
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  163-168.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.026
    Abstract ( 1049 )   PDF (613KB) ( 671 )   Save
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    The reconstruction of the Frequency Hopping(FH) signal is studied in the noise environment. After analyzing the sparse characteristics of the FH signal at the receiving end, an atomic decomposition is constructed based on the parameters of the FH signal.Then a signal reconstruction method for the FH signal is presented based on the Generalized Regularized FOCUSS Algorithm. By choosing the proper regular parameter, the FH signal is reconstructed in the noise environmet. Simulation results demonstrate that the method is correct and effective.

    Modified forward cloud generator in the cloud model
    LI Qing;DONG Qingkuan;ZHAO Lei
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  169-174+180.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.027
    Abstract ( 1273 )   PDF (1518KB) ( 763 )   Save
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    Some image features of the cloud model created by the forward cloud generator available contradict human cognition,which influences the accuracy of applications directly. For these contradictions, modifications to the forward cloud generator are made in this paper. A function for calculating the cognitive ambiguity value of each sample point in concept is given. Comparing two algorithms, simulation results show that the cloud model created by the modified forward cloud generator is capable of satisfying human cognition and can describe the natural concept more precisely.

    DNA algorithm for k-edge induced sub-graphs of directed graphs
    ZHU Weijun;XU Zhaohui;ZHANG Haibin;YANG Weidong
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  175-180.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.028
    Abstract ( 1040 )   PDF (539KB) ( 698 )   Save
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    The classical algorithms for k-edge induced sub-graphs of the directed graph are very inefficient due to their high complexity. To solve this problem, a DNA sticker algorithm for constructing sub-graphs is put forward in this paper. First, the basic constructs in the algorithm consist of some pre-defined sticker operations. And then, the algorithm is organized in some logical orders of basic constructs. The complexity analysis indicates that the new algorithm can construct the sub-graphs in the linear time. As shown in the simulation results with MATLAB, compared with the classical algorithms, the new algorithm reduces significantly the time for constructing sub-graphs under ideal conditions.

    Research on the improved frequency-domain equalization algorithm  for OFDM underwater acoustic communication
    FENG Chengxu;LUO Yasong;LIU Zhong
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  181-187.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.029
    Abstract ( 1336 )   PDF (640KB) ( 859 )   Save
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    The traditional OFDM frequency-domain equalization algorithm depends on the long circular prefix to overcome the bad influences caused by multi-path effects in the underwater acoustic channel. But the redundant long prefix is actually a serious waste of energy and bandwidth in underwater systems, which restrains the OFDM signal's advantages of high channel utilization greatly. Aiming at the defects of the traditional equalization algorithm, this paper brings forward a new frequency-domain equalization algorithm based on the analysis of the influences caused by multi-path effects and the equalization theory and structure. The results of simulation show that the new algorithm can compensate the multi-path effects efficiently with few circular prefixes and make sure the high-speed and reliability of the underwater acoustic communication system. Finally, based on the amount of computing, a simple algorithm is given.

    Deployment optimization of the self-organized network on near  space platforms based on the game theoretical learning algorithm
    ZONG Ru;GAO Xinbo;PENG Jianhua
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  188-193.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.030
    Abstract ( 1003 )   PDF (1013KB) ( 676 )   Save
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    Aiming at the self-organized networking problem on near space (NS) communication platforms, a distributed optimization method for the deployment of the network on NS platforms is proposed based on the game theoretical learning algorithm. First, the self-organized network deployment on NS platforms is modeled as a potential game, and the optimizing objective is the network’s coverage area and the quality of service. Then the potential game can be solved by the Restricted Spatial Adaptive Play (RSAP) algorithm, which leads the game to a guaranteed Nash equilibrium with convergence in probability. The Nash equilibrium is the extremal solutions to the objective function of the deployment optimization. The game theoretical learning method enables NS platforms to be deployed in a distributed way without the global information on regions to be covered. Simulation results show that the proposed optimization method deploys the nodes of the MANET on demand, and can quickly achieve the optimal configuration.

    Fairness-aware joint call admission control in  heterogeneous wireless networks
    FENG Xiaofeng;QI Fei;LV Zongting
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  194-199.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.031
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    In heterogeneous wireless networks, mobile terminals of different capabilities (heterogeneous terminals) will be used by subscribers to access network services. There is a problem of the unfairness in allocation of radio resources among heterogeneous mobile terminals in heterogeneous wireless networks. Low-capability mobile terminals (such as single-mode terminals) suffer high call blocking probability, whereas high-capability mobile terminals (such as quad-mode terminals) experience very low call blocking probability. This paper proposes a fairness-aware joint call admission control (JCAC) algorithm to reduce the unfairness. The proposed JCAC algorithm makes call admission decisions based on the mobile terminal modality (capability), network load, and radio access technology (RAT) influence index. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the call blocking/dropping probability of low-capability mobile terminals, and improves fairness in allocation of radio resources among heterogeneous terminals.

    Reduced-reference image quality assessment based on  fuzzy classification
    HOU Weilong;HE Lihuo;GAO Fei
    J4. 2013, 40(5):  200-204.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.05.032
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    Image quality assessment is an important branch in the fields of image processing. It would be employed for calibrating image processing system or algorithms, and be applied for algorithm optimizing and parameter setting. Reduced-reference image quality assessment (RR-IQA) has become to be one of the focuses in image processing fields. Inspired by the fuzzy human evaluation, an efficient RR-IQA framework is proposed in this paper. In the framework, the images are allocated into several fuzzy sets with their degrees of memberships. The natural scene statistics (NSS) in wavelet domain is used for extracting features. After that, a multi-class fuzzy classifier is training for assigning image features into fuzzy sets with their corresponding degrees of memberships. Contrast to the typical RR-IQA methods, the proposed one relates well with the human evaluations and has low computational complexity. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms the state-of-the-art reduced-reference methods.
