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    20 April 2019 Volume 46 Issue 2
    Design of serial connecting multiple spatially coupled LDPC codes for block-fading channels
    SUN Yue,LI Beilei,LIANG Caihong,LI Ying
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  1-5.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.001
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    To improve the performance of spatially coupled low density parity check (SC-LDPC) codes over block-fading channels, a serial connecting multi-SC-LDPC (SC-MSC-LDPC) codes is proposed based on the structure characteristics of the SC-LDPC codes, which can lead to full diversity. By exchanging the edge connections of variable nodes at the same location of each subchain, multiple subchains are coupled to form the codes with a strong correlation between different fading blocks, which can effectively avoid the outage occurrence caused by deep fading blocks. The infinite-length performance is analyzed by utilizing the protograph-based extrinsic information transfer (PEXIT) algorithm. Furthermore, the finite-length performance is obtained via belief propagation (BP) decoding. Simulation results show that the proposed SC-MSC-LDPC codes improve the performance of SC-LDPC codes over the block-fading channels.

    Cross-tier cooperation resource allocation for interference minimization in ultra-dense networks
    ZHENG Chuangming,LIU Longwei,ZHANG Hailin,LI Yongzhao
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  6-11.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.002
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    Ultra-dense networks (UDN) can maximize spectrum utilization, Nevertheless, the unpredictable and overwhelming inter-cell interference (ICI) constitutes a new challenge. To tackle this problem, a cross-tier cooperation resource allocation for interference minimization (CCRA-IM) is proposed, which is adapted to the dynamic payload of the UDN. First, every piece of cell sub-band interference information is exchanged by the aid of cross-tier cooperation. Then the CCRA-IM allocates the high-power users to the physical resources with the lower sub-band interference of neighboring cells, which results in a decrease in the ICI. When the cell traffic is partially loaded, the CCRA-IM tries its best to reduce the power spectral density of the high-power users by allocating them more resources, which can further mitigate the ICI. Simulation results show that the CCRA-IM can work well to mitigate the ICI of the network efficiently and improve the energy efficiency in the dynamic payload of the UDN.

    Adaptive target birth δ-generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli filtering algorithm
    LI Cuiyun,CHEN Dongwei,SHI Renzheng
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  12-16.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.003
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    Aiming at the problem that the standard δ-generalized labeled multi-Bernoulli (δ-GLMB) filter requires a priori knowledge of target birth distributions, which leads to the reduction of estimation accuracy in a real world scenario, an adaptive target birth δ-GLMB filtering algorithm is proposed. Based on the δ-GLMB filter, the new algorithm approximates the existence probabilities and kinematic states of birth targets using measured data from the previous time, and provides parameterized representations of labeled Bernoulli random finite sets of new birth targets in the current time. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm has a strong robustness, and a better performance in tracking accuracy and time consumption than the standard δ-GLMB filtering algorithm under the unknown priori knowledge of the birth targets complex scenario.

    Improved method for image caption with global attention mechanism
    MA Shulei,ZHANG Guobin,JIAO Yang,SHI Guangming
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  17-22.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.004
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    Aiming at the lack of global information in existing attention based image caption methods, we propose an improved image caption method with global attention mechanism. The proposed method mimics the entire human perception process via designing a global feature extraction network to enhance the global context based on visual attention mechanism. This paper compares the proposed method with the existing attention based image caption technique under the same dataset and hyper parameters, and analyzes the influence of introducing the global feature. The results show that our method outperforms the existing technique in objective evaluations with the challenging Chinese caption dataset. In the subjective evaluation, in the meanwhile, the captions generated by the proposed method describes the image more accurately, vividly and diversely, and they are more close to the natural language.

    Array thermal deformation error calibration method for spaceborne radar
    HUO Lihuan,LIAO Guisheng,YANG Zhiwei,XIN Jinlong
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  23-28.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.005
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    In order to improve the accuracy of the thermal deformation error estimation for spaceborne phased arrays, an array error estimation method is proposed which combines the measurement and the signal processing. In the proposed method, the deformation order and initial positions are obtained from the measurement. Then the echo data can be obtained from the range-Doppler images. The optimization model is established based on the deformation characteristics. The sensor positions can be corrected with high accuracy in the iteration. Several simulated results show that the proposed method can obtain estimation better than one-fifteenth the wavelength and is still robust under the large deformation error condition. The array pattern is compensated well in the simulation.

    Radar HRRP target recognition by the bidirectional LSTM model
    XU Bin,CHEN Bo,LIU Jiaqi,WANG Penghui,LIU Hongwei
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  29-34.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.006
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    As the traditional recognition methods utilize the envelope information of the high resolution range profile (HRRP) without considering the temporal correlation between range cells, a novel recognition method based on the bidirectional long short term memory (BLSTM) is proposed. First, the method extracts the time-shift robust input representation by figuring out the target areas. Then, to consider the bidirectional correlation between range cells, a bidirectional long short term memory is utilized to extract the bidirectional information from the input representations. Finally, the model uses a voting mechanism to combine the bidirectional information and predict the labels. Experimental results based on measured data show that the proposed model is efficient in recognition and robust to the time-shift sensitivity.

    Lossless high compression ratio circuit design
    ZHU Jia,LIU Hongxia
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  35-40.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.007
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    In order to save the bandwidth and meet the compression requirement of a real-time system, a novel hardware compression circuit based on the deflate algorithm is proposed. Dual hash functions with four columns parallel match processing and a static Huffman encoder are employed to accelerate the compression speed and improve the compression ratio. The compression circuit is implemented with System Verilog, verified by the FPGA, and applied in the trace module in the baseband chip, with the area of the compression module being 0.022mm 2. Test results show that the compression ratio of the hardware circuit reaches 56.68%. The circuit average bandwidth of compression reaches 1039M bit/s, which can satisfy the real-time compression of the baseband trace system.

    Design and realization of a high-precision and low temperature drift reference circuit
    LIU Xiaoxuan,ZHANG Yuming,JI Qingzhou,CAO Tianjiao
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  41-46.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.008
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    A novel bandgap reference circuit with a low temperature coefficient is presented, which compensates the voltage slightly and optimizes the temperature characteristic by setting up a subsection compensation circuit. The circuit and its layout have been done by the 3μm 18V Bipolar process in the No.771 Institute. Simulation and fabrication results show that the temperature coefficient of the voltage reference is 1.7×10 -6~6.0×10 -6/℃ at -55℃~125℃ under the condition of the 2.2V wide input voltage range, and that the circuit possesses the power supply rejected characteristic of 0.03 mV/V. This circuit and its layout have been successfully applied to a low-dropout regulator.

    Algorithm for intelligent and efficient parallel rostering of nurses
    WANG Zhi,LI Yanni
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  47-53.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.009
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    Nurse rostering problem, NRP is an NP-hard optimization problem with multiple constraints. Good nurse rostering is of great significance to improve the efficiency of nurses’ work and optimize the allocation of human resources in hospitals. However,most existing NRP algorithms not only suffer from a non-effective balance between computational time and solution quality, but also deal with the large-scale NRP with difficulty. Motivated to overcome the above problem, in this paper, an intelligent and efficient two-steps parallel nurse rostering algorithm IEPNR is presented with some intelligent and efficient optimization strategies. First, the IEPNR adopts a heuristic method to sort initial stochastic solutions to obtain its high-quality initial solution. Then, a novel intelligent parallel diversified variable neighborhood search and incremental computing strategy are used to quickly obtain optimal solutions. Meanwhile, the random disturbances and a taboo list are introduced to efficiently escape from local optimal solutions and to avoid redundant calculations. Extensive experiments on the benchmarks show that the proposed algorithm IEPNR outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in the average solution quality and running time, and that it is more suitable for the large-scale NRP.

    Fatigue lifetime analysis of the electronic packaging structures under the combined thermal stress and vibration loading conditions
    ZHAO Fubin,QIU Yuanying,JIA Fei,Ma Hongbo
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  54-60.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.010
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    The research object is a substrate which includes a plastic ball grid array package structure and single power level conversion chips. In order to calculate its fatigue life under thermal vibration coupling loading conditions, an approach to calculating fatigue lifetime under coupled loads is developed based on the incremental damage superposition theory. This approach adopts the Anand unified viscoplasticity theory to describe the mechanical behavior of the solder material under the thermal cycle load condition, and adopts the Coffin-Manson equation adjusted by the thermal cycle load frequency to calculate the fatigue lifetime. The random vibration damage in different temperature environments is calculated. Taking the time fraction of each temperature in the thermal cycle load as the weight, the random vibration damage is averaged. The total damage is obtained by superposing the average damage of random vibration and thermal cycle damage, and then the fatigue life is obtained. The result shows that the fatigue lifetime of the research object meets the use requirements under the specific combined thermal stress and vibration loading conditions.

    Successive missing completion based on deep fusion from multiple views
    MAO Yingchi,ZHANG Jianhua,CHEN Hao
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  61-68.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.011
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    Aiming at the shortcomings of existing successive missing complement methods, a successive missing data completion method for multi-view depth fusion is established. The method adopts inverse distance weighted interpolation, bidirectional simple exponential smoothing, user-based collaborative filtering, the collaborative filtering based on mass diffusion and structure embeddings, to obtain intermediate results of five missing data in spatiotemporal and semantic respectively; then, this method constructs a neural network model that combines complementary heterogeneous information across time and space and semantic views to achieve successive missing completion. Experimental results show that the method is universally applicable to the field of Spatial-Temporal successive missing sequence completion and, that it not only achieves a high efficiency, but also reduces the mean absolute error and the mean relative error by 7% and 22%, respectively, compared with the Spatial-Temporal Multi-view completion method.

    Joint robust design of the space-time code and receive filter for multiple-input multiple-output radar
    WANG Hongyan,QIAO Huijiao,PEI Bingnan
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  69-77.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.012
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    For the issue that the detection performance of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar based space-time adaptive processing (STAP) is sensitive to the parameter estimation error such that the detection probability robustness is rather poor, a joint robust design method for the transmit waveform and receive weight is proposed. The mathematical expression for the output signal-inference-noise ratio (SINR) of MIMO-STAP is firstly derived, and then the estimation error model of the space-time-frequency steering vector of the target can be constructed. With the constraints of the obtained error model, waveform constant modulus property, as well as sidelobe and clutter suppression, under the criterion of maximizing the worst-case output SINR, the joint robust optimization problem of transmit waveform covariance matrix and receive weight is formulated to improve the detection probability of MIMO-STAP. To solve the resultant sophisticated nonlinear optimization issue, an iterative approach is developed here. Each step of the developed method can be recast as a semidefinite programming problem, and hence it can be solved effectively. Compared to the existing state-of-the-art robust and non-robust methods as well as uncorrelated waveforms, the proposed method, it is shown by simulation, can improve the robustness of the detection probability of MIMO-STAP considerably.

    Land earth-pole of the HVDC remote control system
    TANG Jie,AO Shaopeng,YUAN Wenjun,LIN Peifei,WANG Yang
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  78-82.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.013
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    With the increasing development of mobile communication technology, the application of remote control systems is constantly creating values for production and life. For the case where the equipment is placed in more remote locations, the application of remote control systems is capable of reducing costs. In this paper, we develop a land earth-pole of the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) remote control system. In particular, through the mobile phone and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) module short message communication, we are able to achieve information transmission in the micro-control unit for the legitimacy of the information passed after the resolution of the current command. After that, a pulse signal is generated in order to control the stepper motor by outputting the required torque to achieve the brake opening and closing.

    User interesting mining method in the heterogeneous social network
    TU Shouzhong,YAN Zhou,WEI Lingwei,ZHU Xiaoyan
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  83-88.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.014
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    Due to great advances in the mobile Internet, the Social Network Service (SNS) has become an indispensable service. The development of current mainstream social media shows a trend that social service and information service are combined and interwork to provide a better experience. Meanwhile there is increasing polarization among users. The heterogeneous features, say, the combination of information content and sociality as well as the polarization of user roles, present challenges to traditional research in social media. Some studies of social media are mainly based on the equal position among nodes or similar relations. If the algorithms brought about by these studies are applied directly to the networks where the users are highly polarized, the results may be distorted or even be quite different from the fact. A new model for interests mining based on social relations is proposed in this paper. Dealing with the polarization in social media, we incorporate matrix factorization and the label propagation algorithm to treat information disseminators and average users, respectively, in order to discover interests of average users in a large-scale heterogeneous network. The validness of the model and the performance and advantages of the algorithm are tested and verified in Zhihu datasets. Experiments show that the maximum increase in the recall of the proposed method, compared with the baseline, is 42%.

    Speech enhancement method based on the perceptual joint optimization deep neural network
    YUAN Wenhao,LOU Yingxi,LIANG Chunyan,WANG Zhiqiang
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  89-94.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.015
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    In the training of speech enhancement models based on the deep neural network (DNN), the mean square error is generally adopted as the cost function, which is not optimized for the speech enhancement problem. In view of this problem, to consider the correlation between the adjacent frames of the network’s output and the presence of the speech component in each time-frequency unit, by correlating the adjacent frames of the network’s output and designing a perceptual coefficient related to the presence of the speech component in time-frequency units in the cost function, a speech enhancement method based on the joint optimization DNN is proposed. Experimental results show that compared with the speech enhancement method based on the mean square error, the proposed method significantly improves the quality and intelligibility of the enhanced speech and has a better speech enhancement performance.

    Sensor management method under target threat level risk control
    PANG Ce,SHAN Ganlin,DUAN Xiusheng
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  95-100.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.016
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    Due to the model error and the observation error, the inaccurate estimate of target threat exists when tracking targets. To solve the problem, minimizing the uncertainty of target threat is taken as the goal when managing sensors. Based on the Hidden Markov Model and risk theory, a sensor management model under the control of target threat level risk is proposed in this paper. A distributed optimization algorithm based on the multiple Agent theory is designed to get the optimal management scheme. Simulation experiments show that the model proposed in this paper can successfully solve the management problem in the case of insufficient sensor resources, and that by the algorithm in this paper perfect solutions can be obtained with a fast computational speed.

    Improved method for 2D target coverage in wireless sensor networks
    LU Yi,ZHOU Jie,WAN Liancheng
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  101-106.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.017
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    Two-dimensional target coverage is a key issue in wireless sensor networks. A good coverage algorithm can effectively improve the monitoring effect of wireless sensor networks. Aiming at the two-dimensional target coverage problem, a new quantum annealing algorithm is proposed, and the corresponding system model is designed. The objective function of coverage optimization is also given. Aiming at the problem of running stagnation in the past heuristic algorithms, a new solution set generation method, quantum revolving gate, qubit measurement method and qubit state update method are designed for the quantum annealing algorithm, which accelerates the convergence speed of the algorithm. The method based on the quantum annealing algorithm is compared with particle swarm optimization and ant colony optimization. Simulation results show that compared with the particle swarm optimization algorithm and the ant colony optimization, the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the quality of the solution, with the number of detected targets greatly improved.

    Super-resolution reconstruction of infrared remote sensing images with radiation fidelity
    SHI Wenjun,GUO Congzhou,TONG Xiaochong,TIAN Yuan,CAO Wen
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  107-113.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.018
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    In order to overcome the contradiction between the super resolution reconstruction of an infrared remote sensing image and the fidelity of radiometric calibration, combined with the theory of regularized super-resolution reconstruction, a super resolution reconstruction model based on two-order total generalized variation is established. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the reconstruction model, the ADMM algorithm is introduced to solve the numerical solution. In the reconstruction process, the bilateral high-frequency filter is used to separate the high and low frequency information of the image, and after separation only the high frequency information image is dealt with. Finally, the low frequency information image and the reconstructed high frequency information image are fused to achieve super resolution. Experimental verification and quantitative analysis of the FY-4 meteorological satellite infrared image show that the influence of this method on radiometric calibration is less than that of conventional super resolution reconstruction.

    Macro diversity scheme for cellular mobile user handoff
    LI Zhongjie,CHEN Yilei,CAO Shiming,ZHU Cuitao
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  114-118.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.019
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    Aiming at the instability of the communication link caused by mobile handoff in millimeter wave cellular networks, a dual base station macro diversity scheme is proposed, and the handoff probability of the mobile user is analyzed based on the scheme. First, the mobile model of cellular users under the dual base station macro diversity scheme is established based on the hypothesis that the distribution of base stations is the Poisson point process and that the typical user adopts the nearest base station access criteria. Second, the theoretical expression for handoff probability for mobile users is derived by stochastic geometry theory. Finally, the theoretical solution of handoff probability is solved by the MATLAB simulation software, and the reliability of the analytical results is verified by the Monte Carlo simulation. Simulation results show that with the increase of the mobile speed and base station density, the probability of one handoff increases obviously, but the probability of two handoffs is almost unchanged. Therefore, the proposed scheme can better guarantee the stability of the mobile user’s communication link.

    Method for user interest and capability analysis in social Q&A websites
    HUANG Ying,HE Ting,PEI Qingqi
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  119-123.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.020
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    To deal with the problems of the existing Social Question Answering(SQA) websites such as insufficient quality of answers, users receiving excessive information, and long Q&A cycles, a method for NLP-based (Natural Language Processing) user interest and capacity analysis is proposed. The algorithm for calculating the degree of feature words of different benchmarks is proposed. Through the user data of the social question and answer website, the accuracy of the results of the algorithm itself is evaluated by using its own labels of the question as the verification standard, including the coincidence degree of the classification tree and the accuracy of the label item vectors.

    Ensemble learning artificial bee colony algorithm
    DU Zhenxin,LIU Guangzhong,ZHAO Xuehua
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  124-131.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.021
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    To restrain the precocity problem in the artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC),an ensemble learning framework is proposed to discover more useful information that lies in the current population. When an individual produces a candidate, an ensemble best (ebest) solution will be generated by linearly combining all the solutions better than the current solution, and then the candidate will be generated by using corresponding ABC’s search equations, but the global best solution (gbest) term in the search equations will be replaced by the ebest term. The proposed framework provides more promising solutions to guide the evolution and effectively helps ABCs escape the local optima. Experiments show that the novel ensemble learning framework can significantly improve the performance of gbest guided ABCs without increasing their complexity. Moreover, the proposed framework can be utilized to improve the performance of particle swarm optimization and differential evolution variants.

    Compression algorithm for weights quantized deep neural network models
    CHEN Yun,CAI Xiaodong,LIANG Xiaoxi,WANG Meng
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  132-138.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.022
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    There is a large number of weight parameters in deep neural network models. In order to reduce the storage space of deep neural network models, a compression algorithm for weights quantization is proposed. In the forward propagation process, a four-value filter is utilized for quantizing full-precision weights into four states as 2, 1, -1, and -2 to encode weights efficiently. In order to obtain an accurate four-value weights model, the L2 distance between full-precision weights and scaled four-value weights is minimized. To further improve the compression of the model, 16 four-value weights are encoded and compressed using a 32-bit binary number. Experimental results on the datasets of MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 show that the model compression ratio of the algorithm is the same as that for the TWN (Ternary Weight Network), which is 6.74%, 6.88% and 6.62%, respectively. Also, the accuracy rate is increased by 0.06%, 0.82% and 1.51%. The results indicate that the algorithm can provide efficient and accurate compression of deep neural network models.

    Method for estimation of the elevation value of the Chang’e-3
    ZHOU Zhezhe,ZHAO Meng,SHI Fan,CHEN Shengyong,LUAN Hao
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  139-144.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.023
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    According to the image taken by the Chang’e-3 as a near moon image, the elevation value cannot be obtained without a laser altimeter, and a method to estimate the elevation value of the Chang’e-3 is proposed. The method is based on the “Chang’e-2” multi-sensor data and trains the BP neural network model of the corresponding relationship between the feature descriptors and the elevation values in the image. Then, the corresponding elevation values are estimated using the features of the high precision image of the Chang’e-3. Exxperimental results show that the proposed method can reduce the elevation value estimation error to 3.94%. Therefore, the elevation value of the “Chang’e-3” is reliable and can be applied to high-precision moon reconstruction.

    Extended belief rule base inference method based on the Hash index
    LIU Wanling,XIAO Chengzhi,FU Yanggeng
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  145-151.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.024
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    Since the extended belief rule base needs to iterate by all the unordered rules in the inference process, it will result in a low efficiency of the belief rule base in system inference with a large number of rules. Therefore, this paper proposes to use the Locality Sensitive Hashing algorithm to index the confidence rule. First, Locality Sensitive Hashing is used to generate special locality sensitive hash value for all the rules in the Extended belief rule base and the hash value can keep the similarity between the original rules, so that similar rules have a greater probability of obtaining the same index value. Then, by processing the input data, we find the rules that are adjacent to the input data in the index table, and selectively activate these rules, thus improving the system’s inference efficiency. Finally, by choosing a nonlinear function fitting experiment and a simulation experiment on oil pipeline leak to the detection Extended belief rule base system based on the Locality Sensitive Hashing index, experimental results show that the Locality Sensitive Hashing algorithms can effectively optimize the Extended belief rule base system inference efficiency and improve the accuracy of the output results.

    CNN image caption generation
    LI Yong,CHENG Honghong,LIANG Xinyan,GUO Qian,QIAN Yuhua
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  152-157.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.025
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    The image caption generation task needs to generate a meaningful sentence which can accurately describe the content of the image. Existing research usually uses the convolutional neural network to encode image information and the recurrent neural network to encode text information, due to the “serial character” of the recurrent neural network which result in the low performance. In order to solve this problem, the model we proposed is completely based on the convolutional neural network. We use different convolutional neural networks to process the data of two modals simultaneously. Benefiting from the “parallel character” of convolution operation, the efficiency of the operation has been significantly improved, and experiments have been carried out on two public data sets. Experimental results have also been improved in the specified evaluation indexes, which indicates the effectiveness of the model for processing the image caption generation task.

    Algorithm for the assessment of ship situation based on the parameter adaptive dynamic Bayesian network
    BI Cheng,WANG Linglin,LIU Yongxin
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  158-163.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.026
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    In order to reduce the error of the Bayesian network algorithm for the assessment of ship situation in the dynamic area of the ocean, an improved algorithm for the assessment of the ship situation is proposed based on the dynamic Bayesian network. The algorithm makes an inference based on the data from multiple sensors and newly acquired situation information. By calculating the mutual information between new situational elements and original situational elements, the dynamic Bayesian network parameters are constructed and updated. Compared with the model of the traditional Bayesian Network, the error rate of the cooperative target of the ship reduces by 7.1% through simulation of about 10,000 ships. By using the improved dynamic Bayesian network algorithm for the assessment of ship situation, under the measured data, the cooperation of situation for the target has increased by 4.2%. The algorithm proposed in this paper not only reflects the environment of ship changes in real time, but also improves the accuracy of the target situation, thus providing a technical support for analysis and decision-making of the situation of ships for Marine Surveillance.

    Novel image defogging algorithm for sky region segmentation correction
    BAO Wanting,WANG Junping,WEI Shulei,LI Yanbo,ZHOU Yong
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  164-169.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.027
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    In order to solve the problems of the detailed information loss, the low atmospheric light intensity estimation and the poor defogging effect in the sky region based on the dark channel prior image defogging algorithm, this paper proposes a new color image defogging algorithm for sky region segmentation correction. Based on the dark channel prior algorithm, the dark channel and bright channel prior model is linearly weighted with a parameter. This paper also proposes a new sky region correction model based on weighted average fusion of the COPLIP model and the MSR model. Compared with the existing dehazing algorithm, experimental results show that the new algorithm can overcome the problem of poor effect in the sky region. In addition, the paper also validates the effectiveness of the new algorithm by objective evaluation indicators.

    Calculations of the specific absorption ratio from mobile phone electromagnetic radiations in complex environment
    ZUO Sheng,BAI Yang,ZHANG Yu,ZHAO Xunwang,LIN Zhongchao
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(2):  170-176.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.02.028
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    Aiming at the problem how to accurately and efficiently calculate the specific absorption ratio (SAR) from the mobile phone electromagnetic radiations in complex environment, the finite element domain decomposition method (DDM) and its solution method for aperiodic targets are studied. By combining the finite element DDM with the parallel computing technology, an efficient method for analyzing the local SAR of the human body under mobile phone radiations is given. By calculating the complex hierarchical head model and comparing with commercial software, the correctness and computational efficiency of this method are verified. Finally, this method is applied to calculate the local SAR of the human head in vehicle environment, and the number of FEM meshes exceeds 10million, which shows the ability of the method.
