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    20 October 2019 Volume 46 Issue 5
    Constrained weighted least squares algorithm for TOA-based joint synchronization and localization
    TIAN Qiang,FENG Dazheng,HU Haoshuang
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  1-7.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.001
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    The asynchronous problem between source node and sensor anchors seriously reduces the positioning accuracy in time-of-arrival(TOA) based localization. To solve this problem, a novel algorithm for jointly estimating the clock bias and the position of a source node is developed in this paper. By introducing an intermediate variable, the proposed method first converts the nonlinear TOA equations into pseudo-linear ones, on the basis of which a cost function is constructed. Then, utilizing the relationship between the unknowns and the intermediate variable as the constraint condition, a constrained weighted least squares problem is formulated. Finally, by solving the problem with the technique of Lagrange multipliers, the closed-form solution is obtained. Theoretical analysis and simulation results indicate that our algorithm can reach the Cramér-Rao Lower Bound(CRLB) and perform better than the existing methods.

    Method for comprehensive evaluation of in-pulse characteristics of radar emitter signals
    LIU Mingqian,LI Kunming,WANG Chuanchuan,ZHANG Shun
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  8-14.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.002
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    In order to solve the problem of sorting of the single evaluation index of in-pulse characteristics in radar emitter signals, this paper proposes a novel method for evaluation of in-pulse characteristics. First, a three-layer index evaluation system of in-pulse characteristics is established, and the feature evaluation index is measured and normalized based on the established evaluation system. And then, the interval analytic hierarchy process based on the expert prior knowledge and the actual environment is used to determine the index weight interval, and the nonlinear equation optimization model is established by employing the improved projection pursuit algorithm. Finally, the non-monotone projection spectral gradient algorithm is used to achieve the subjective and objective decision fusion. Simulation results show that the proposed method can give the best in-pulse feature evaluation results according to the specific electromagnetic environment and is more comprehensive than the existing methods.

    Symmetric residual convolution neural networks for the image super-resolution reconstruction
    LIU Shudong,WANG Xiaomin,ZHANG Yan
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  15-23.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.003
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    The image super-resolution reconstruction methods based on the convolutional neural network have high reconstruction performance, but they have many network parameters and are difficult to train. Also, they are prone to problems such as gradient disappearance and network degradation. To solve these problems, a super-resolution image reconstruction method based on the symmetric residual convolution neural network is proposed. This method integrates symmetry into residual blocks. It realizes local feature fusion by adopting the symmetric connection and extracts as many valuable features as possible. To improve the quality of image reconstruction, the global feature fusion is realized by skip connection. In this method, the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM) are used as evaluation indexes. The results by the proposed reconstruction method on Set5, Set14, and BSD100 are superior to those by most of other methods in comparison. The average PSNR and SSIM values are improved compared with those methods. Experimental results show that the image reconstructed by this method has clearer textures, richer details and a better subjective visual effect.

    Model of deep affective interaction in the emotional dimension
    SUN Ying,LV Huifen,ZHANG Xueying,MA Jianghe
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  24-30.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.004
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    In view of the fact that the existing emotion model only divides the emotional state from the space with the interaction between emotions neglected. Therefore, this paper proposes a deep emotion association model which combines the multi-layer Restricted Boltzmann Machine with the emotion interactive cognitive network. In this model, the weights trained by the multi-layer Restricted Boltzmann Machine are used as the weights between the inputs and outputs of the correlated cognitive network. The reciprocal of the emotional space distance in the three-dimensional PAD emotional model is used as the correlation degree between emotional categories. The result of emotion classification is obtained by training the interactive cognitive network. The three basic emotions of “happy”, “angry” and “neutral” in TYUT1.0 and CASIA emotional speech database are selected as data sources, and the Deep Belief Network and deep emotional association model are used for emotional recognition. Experimental results show that the average recognition rate of the deep emotional association model is 6.06% higher than that of the Deep Belief Network. It has a better emotional recognition performance. The results prove that the deep emotion association model has strong superiority and universality in speech emotion recognition, and can reflect the interaction between emotions well.

    Sparse representation of large dynamic range SAR imaging for multiple ground moving targets
    YANG Lei,YUE Yunze,LI Pucheng,ZHANG Tao,YANG Huan
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  31-40.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.005
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    When multiple ground moving targets are to be imaged simultaneously by a synthetic aperture radar, the dynamic range of the target responses in the SAR image will be reduced in terms of increased side-lobes. To this end, a parametric Bayesian learning algorithm is proposed in this paper for enhancing the sparse feature of the SAR image as well as reducing side-lobes of the target responses. First, the asymptotically linear Lv’s distribution as a novel time-frequency representation method is adopted to represent the Doppler parameters of the moving targets at the centroid frequency in the chirp rate domain. Accordingly, a quadratic Fourier dictionary is constructed for the following sparse Bayesian learning. Second, in order to evaluate the performance of the designated dictionary quantitatively, the mutual correlation among columns of the dictionary is calculated to evaluate the unaccessable restricted isometry property indirectly. Finally, by encoding a sparse prior or Laplacian distribution onto the multiple moving targets to be imaged, the Bayesian model is established in a hierarchical manner. Following variational Bayesian expectation maximization, the posterior of the target image can be analytically derived, and the sparse feature enhanced synthetic aperture radar image with a promising dynamic range in target response can be obtained. In addition, the non-systematic phase errors from both the airborne radar motion deviation and non-ideal target movement are considered within the Bayesian learning framework, which can therefore achieve promising results. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is validated by both simulations and raw data experiments, and the superiority is evaluated by comparing with conventional algorithms.

    Improved weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithm for WiFi fingerprint positioning
    WANG Boyuan,LIU Xuelin,YU Baoguo,JIA Ruicai,GAN Xingli,HUANG Lu
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  41-47.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.006
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    In WiFi fingerprint positioning, the traditional Euclidean distance of signals cannot well reflect the physical distance between position points. To solve this problem, the weighted k-nearest neighbor positioning algorithm is improved. First, the variance of received signal strength is introduced into the calculation of the signal distance, and a weighted Euclidean distance of signals is designed according to the nonlinear relationship between received signal strength and physical distance. Finally, the weighted Euclidean distance of signals is used for the fingerprint matching and the position estimation, and an improved weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithm is proposed. Experimental results in real environment show that the weighted Euclidean distance of signals can be used to measure the physical distance between points more accurately and select more reasonable nearest neighbor reference points. Compared with the existing weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithms, the improved weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithm can significantly improve the accuracy of WiFi fingerprint positioning.

    Optimization of the voltage noise induced by the power gating technique
    WANG Leilei,WANG Lu
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  48-54.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.007
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    Since voltage noise could threaten the correct execution of the chip function, in this paper a system-level power gating sequence is proposed to reduce the induced voltage noise by turning on circuit modules with power gating. By establishing and solving the mixed integer linear programming problem, we can obtain the optimal order and time interval of multi-circuit modules to connect the power grid within the specified time constrain, so that the introduced voltage noise can be minimized. Experimental results show that our power gating schedules can reduce the introduced voltage noise by over 30%, and we also get the trade-off between the time constrain and the introduced voltage noise. Hence, our power gating sequence could significantly reduce the induced power noise under different time constrains.

    Optimal defense strategy selection based on the static Bayesian game
    WANG Zengguang,LU Yu,LI Xi,LI Zhiwei
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  55-61.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.008
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    Nowadays, the network optimal defense strategy selection based on the game theory has many disadvantages, such as ignoring the influence of strategy selection ability between attacker and defender, and choosing the defense strategy improperly in the form of probability. In order to solve the problem, an optimal defense strategy selection method based on the static Bayesian game is proposed. The network attack-defense process is modeled from the perspective of incomplete information. The difference of strategy selection ability between attacker and defender is quantified by the convergence degree. The defense effectiveness is quantified on the basis of mixed strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium. The optimal defense strategy is selected that takes defense effectiveness as the criterion. The rationality and feasibility of the method proposed in this paper are verified via a representative example. Compared with the traditional strategy selection method based on the game theory, this method is more closely related to the actual network and has a greater operability.

    Lightweight authentication mechanism for IP protection of IoT
    CHEN Bo,WANG Pengjun,LI Gang
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  62-68.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.009
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    This paper proposes a secure and lightweight authentication mechanism, which is signed with the physical unclonable functions (PUF) and finite state machines (FSM), because of the characteristics of low-power and micromation of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applications. The model can protect intellectual property (IP) cores from cloning, physical attacks, unauthorized user access, and misuse. The three-level FSM is used to design the authentication with error correction, based on two kinds of hybrid PUF. The goal is to protect IP cores in IoT devices and applications, to reduce the time complexity without using any complex algorithms and huge hardware resources, and to authorize the use. Experimental results show that the lightweight properties such as area and power consumption have obvious advantages compared with existing IP protection.

    Indoor human detection algorithm based on the improved retinaNet
    WANG Lulu,ZHANG Wei,SUN Qilong
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  69-74.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.010
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    Human detection is of great significance in computer vision tasks such as security and human-machine interaction. In this paper, a high-precision detection model based on the indoor human detection dataset(IHDD) is proposed for indoor human detection. As the posture of the indoor staff is changeable and the image shooting angle is quite different from that of outdoor pedestrians, the model we propose makes significant improvement in the field of human detection. In this work, we integrate the Squeeze-and-Excitation module into the residual network to realize the dropout of the convolutional layer to enhance the generalization ability of the model. Meanwhile, dimension clustering is utilized to find the optimal size of anchors and the best feature map to be used in prediction. Experimental results on IHDD demonstrate that the proposed methods can reach a precision of 99.84% and outperform other algorithms in terms of speed and memory usage. It indicates that our method has a certain theoretical and practical value.

    Method for the detection of the piston side defect based on external contour registration
    WANG Hongyan,ZHU Limin,ZHANG Panjie,LI Jinping
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  75-83.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.011
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    In order to detect the defects on the side of the piston, we propose an effective method for detecting the piston side defect based on the registration of piston contour according to the high similarity between the images of two pistons of the same type and specification under the same illumination and angle. The method is divided into four steps: first, we establish a standard template dataset by taking multi-angle images of standard pistons of different types and specifications under standard illumination conditions; second, we use the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) algorithm to register the template image and the current image according to the piston contour features so as to find the exactly corresponding region of the two images; third, the corresponding regions of the two images are traversed with sliding windows of the same size to calculate such features as mean, variance, vertical projection and horizontal projection; finally, we determine whether there is a defect in the current window by comparing the features of two corresponding windows. The results show that the method can effectively detect the piston surface defect and determine the position of the defect, and that the accuracy rate is 94.78%, and it has strong practicability.

    Decomposing sea echoes in the time-frequency domain and detecting a slow-moving weak target in the sea clutter
    ZUO Lei,CHAN Xiuxiu,LU Xiaofei,LI Ming
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  84-90.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.012
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    The echo scattered by a slow-moving weak target is much weaker than the sea clutter, and they are very close in the time or frequency domain,which presents a difficult task for the marine surface surveillance radar. To detect a slow-moving weak target, considering the fact that both the target echo and sea clutter are non-stationary, we propose a slow-moving target detector based on the convex hull of the time-frequency concentration and the lasting time of the decomposed components, which are obtained by the proposed time-frequency decomposing method. The proposed detector can detect the target signal with much weaker energy than that of the sea clutter, with the two being very close in the time-frequency domain. It is evaluated by the IPIX radar datasets with a simulated target or a real target. Results demonstrate that the proposed method can not only detect a slow-moving weak target in high accuracy, but also provide the instantaneous state of the target.

    Derivation ofthe performance of the relay system and simulation analysis of the system under energy cooperation
    LIU Xiangli,LIU Dongni,LI Haijiao,LI Zan
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  91-97.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.013
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    Aiming at the problem of the energy hole caused by the frequent use of relay nodes in wireless sensor networks,a single relay system based on energy cooperation is proposed.The scheme assumes that the distribution position of the relay node obeys the Poisson point process, and that the source node and the relay node can harvest energy from the environment. When the source transmits a signal to the relay, some energy is also sent by the source to the relay. According to the battery storage state the source transmits its data to the destination either directly or cooperatively by the relay. Combined with the position of the relay node and the steady-state distribution of the battery, the system outage probability is derived. The optimization model is established to minimize the system consumed energy. The particle swarm algorithm is used to get the optimal system parameters. Simulation results verify the performance of the proposed model. It is also proved that energy cooperation can significantly reduce the energy loss in the communication link.

    Novelmethod for low-altitude target angle estimation
    HUANG Baotao,JIANG Min,WU Guangxin,XING Wen’ge
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  98-104.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.014
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    Multipath distortion has been a challenge problem for direction of arrival (DOA) in low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude targets. In this paper, a novel DOA estimation method without characteristic decomposition is proposed based on the three-subarray. In view of this method, three subarrays are established by spatial smoothing to reduce the dimension of the signal matrix. On top of this, the orthogonal vector of the received signal is constructed based on the special form of the three-subarray received signal in multipath environment. Finally, a new cost function is derived to estimate the DOAs. It is worth mentioning that de-correlation and source number estimation is not required in this method. Compared with conventional methods, its superiority appears in DOA estimation accuracy for low angle targets in the low signal noise ratio by numerical simulation.

    Method for real-time in-orbit calibration of angles for the optical surveying and mapping satellite
    JIANG Weijiao,LIU Wei,QIAN Fangming,WANG Hui,WANG Keyan
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  105-112.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.015
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    The positioning accuracy is directly affected by the change of the angle between star sensor and earth observation camera of the optical mapping satellite in the orbit, without the support of ground control point data. Aiming at the practical application problems of low attitude stability and the long calibration period of the earth observation camera, this paper proposes a real-time method for the calibration of the angle between star sensor and earth observation camera, based on the self-collimation method. First, we install collimated light sources, the spot imaging array and other devices inside the satellite load system. Then, we convert changes in the camera's optical axes into changes in the spot images. Finally, the angle variation between the cameras’ optical axes can be solved. Simulation analysis shows that this method can obtain the calibration accuracy of 0.1 arc second-time in both the pitch angle and roll angle. This method requires no ground calibration field and it is not affected by external conditions. It can realize real-time autonomous calibration in-orbit. This method has a good feasibility and practical value.

    Method for predicting the attack intention of hypersonic vehicles
    LUO Yi,TAN Xiansi,WANG Hong,QU Zhiguo
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  113-119.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.016
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    ing at the problem that it is difficult to predict the flight trajectory of hypersonic vehicles with high maneuverability, this paper proposes an attack intention prediction method based on hypersonic target motion characteristics. First, the three motion characteristics of hypersonic vehicles are analyzed: the Markov processes model of the motion state, the yaw angle and the reachable area. In order to predict the attack intention, a dynamic Bayesian network is established to reason out the attack relationship between hypersonic vehicles and attack targets. Finally, the simulation experiment is made. Experimental results show that the dynamic Bayesian networks based on motion characteristics can predict the attack intention and that the prediction method has good real-timeliness and effectiveness.

    Tent chaos and variable neighborhood local search optimized GSA
    LOU Ao,YAO Minli,JIA Weimin,YUAN Ding
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  120-127.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.017
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    An improved gravitational search algorithm (GSA) optimized by Tent chaos and Variable neighborhood Local search (TVL-GSA) is proposed to overcome the problem of easily falling into local optimum and defect of improving accuracy. First, tent chaos is improved to initialize the population and enhance the global search ability of the algorithm by using its ergodic uniformity and randomness; second, the particle speed and gravity coefficient formulas are improved to accelerate the convergence speed; third, a variable neighborhood local search strategy based on Levy flight is designed to guide the population to escape from local optimum and improve search accuracy. Simulation results show that the new algorithm can effectively inhibit the local optimum and has a better optimization accuracy and stability than other test algorithms. The new algorithm is used to optimize the radial basis function neural network (RBFNN). The identification results of the nonlinear system show that the improved RBFNN has a better model approximation ability and generalization level than the standard RBFNN and back propagation neural networks (BPNN).

    SG-PTS method for PAPR reduction of multi-channel OFDM signals
    GAO Yang,XIANG Binglong,GONG Fengkui
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  128-133.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.018
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    The multi-channel orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (OFDM) signal is constructed of multiple OFDM signals from different frequency bands. The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the multi-channel OFDM signal is much larger than that of the single-channel OFDM signal. The PAPR reduction algorithms for the single-channel OFDM signal are difficult to apply to multi-channel OFDM systems directly. In this paper, a group PTS(G-PTS) algorithm and a simplified group PTS(SG-PTS) algorithm have been proposed. In the proposed methods, all the multi-channel OFDM signals are divided into different groups and in each group the signals are added directly. Then, the output signal of each group is further added with a different phase rotation factor. The PAPR of the signal can be reduced by selecting the optimal phase rotation factor combination. In addition, compared with the G-PTS algorithm, the computational complexity of finding the optimal phase rotation factor combination can be further reduced by the SG-PTS algorithm. Simulation results have shown that the SG-PTS algorithm can reduce the PAPR of multi-channel OFDM signals effectively, and that its implementation complexity is moderate. Thus, the proposed PAPR reduction algorithms are suitable for practical multi-channel OFDM systems.

    Student’s t Distribution mixture CPHD filter with noise outliers
    WANG Mingjie,JI Hongbing,LIU Long
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  134-141.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.019
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    In order to solve the performance degradation of the Gaussian mixture cardinalized probability hypothesis density (GM-CPHD) filter induced by the process and measurement noise outlier, a novel CPHD filter based Student’s t distribution is proposed. The method introduces the Student’s t distribution to model the heavy tailed process and measurement noise. By approximating the multi-target posterior intensity as a Student’s t distribution mixture form, the linear closed-form solution of the CPHD is derived. Furthermore, the moment matching algorithm is used to prevent the infinite growth of the degree of freedom of the student’s t distribution. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed filter can achieve a better target tracking performance than the GM-CPHD filter and the Student’s t distribution mixture probability hypothesis density filter under process and measurement noise outliers.

    Algorithm for tracking an infrared single target based on correlation filtering with multi-feature fusion
    SONG Jianfeng,MIAO Qiguang,SHEN Meng,QUAN Yining,CHEN Yusheng
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  142-147.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.020
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    iAimng at the problem of infrared single target tracking, a tracking algorithm based on Multi-feature and correlation filtering is proposed. The algorithm fuses convolution features and differential features. The convolution feature and differential feature are used to train the correlation filtering model, respectively. In the tracking stage, the response graphs obtained from the correlation filtering model of the two features are fused dynamically. The final position of the target is determined by the dynamic fusion response graph, and then the correlation filtering model is updated separately by using the obtained target position. Experiments on the Link?ping Thermal InfraRed dataset show that the proposed tracking algorithm has a higher tracking accuracy than the conventional tracking algorithms.

    Analysis of collisions of reflector elements of the FAST active reflector
    LI Jianling,PENG Bo,LI Hui,LI Qingwei,SHEN Yuzhou,JIANG Peng,LUO Bin
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  148-154.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.021
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    As the supporting structure of the active reflector of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, the cable-net is connected with reflector elements through special mechanisms, to change its shape and form in paraboloid or sphere by active control actuators. In this process, reflector elements should adapt to shapes of the cable-net and avoid collisions. In order to provide complement protection for the operation of shape-changing, we obtain the basic principle and criterion of collision analysis of reflector elements. The structural relationship between cable-net and reflector elements enables the collision analysis to be transformed into the stress analysis of the corresponding cables. Through the stress calculation of the corresponding cables under a certain condition, the collision problem of reflector elements is analyzed. A basic criterion is given to show whether collision happens or not during normal shape-changing of the cable-net. Based on the analysis, a method is presented to analyze collisions of reflector elements by calculating the stress change of cables, and the analytical example and result are given. In some sense, the rationality of shape-changing of the cable-net and reflector under normal conditions is explained.

    Algorithm for selection of features based on dynamic weights using redundancy
    XIAO Lijun,GUO Jichang,GU Xiangyuan
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  155-161.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.022
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    The relevance between the candidate feature and the class label, the interaction information among the candidate feature, the selected feature and the class label, and the redundancy between the candidate feature and the selected feature are important factors that should both be considered by feature selection algorithms. Some feature selection algorithms based on mutual information and three-dimensional mutual information do not consider the relevance, the interaction information and the redundancy at the same time, which affects their performance. Therefore, a feature selection algorithm based on dynamic weights using redundancy is proposed. The algorithm uses three-way interaction information and symmetrical uncertainty as criteria and adopts a method for dynamically updating the weights of candidate features. The objective function can emphatically consider the redundancy between the candidate features and the selected feature on the basis of the fact that the relevance and interaction information are considered. Comparative experiments with typical feature selection algorithms based on mutual information are conducted on ten datasets by using three classifiers. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has a better feature selection performance.

    Speech enhancement based on the modified phase using signal-to-noise ratio information and time-frequency characteristics
    JIA Hairong,WANG Weimei,JI Huifang
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  162-170.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.023
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    Aiming for the problem that the harmonic model-based phase spectrum speech enhancement algorithm can only reconstruct the phase of voiced segment, which leads to speech distortion and auditory discontinuity, a new method to improve phase reconstruction by using signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) information and time-frequency features is proposed. First, the time-frequency characteristics related to phase distortion are introduced and the decision threshold is calculated. Then the phase deviation between noisy speech and clean speech is calculated by using the signal-to-noise ratio information. The two comparisons further estimate the phase of voiced and unvoiced speech, which can effectively improve the coherence of speech. Finally, the reconstructed phase is combined with the amplitude estimation of the improved binary hypothesis model and the speech enhancement is performed. Experiments on different speeches in different noise backgrounds show that phase deviation of the new algorithm is closer to the original signal. Compared with the comparison algorithm, the signal-to-noise ratio of the enhanced speech is increased by 2.39dB on average, and the perceptual evaluation of speech quality is increased by 0.12 on average, which effectively reduces the speech distortion and improves speech intelligibility.

    Image encryption using the genetic simulated annealing algorithmand chaotic systems
    LUO Yuling,OUYANG Xue,CAO Lüchen,QIU Senhui,LIAO Zhixian,CEN Mingcan
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  171-179.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.024
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    Nowadays, some image encryption methods adopt the scrambling algorithm and low-dimensional chaotic system that have the inherent features of small key space and low complexity, which makes the algorithm vulnerable to chosen plaintext attack. In this paper, a color image encryption method using the genetic simulated annealing algorithm and chaotic systems is proposed to achieve a better security performance. First, the plain image is processed by the selection and crossover operations. Then, the optimal pseudo-random sequences are generated to scramble the image based on the simulated annealing algorithm. These three sets of operations make the histogram of the scrambled image uniform, which can resist the statistical attack. Finally, in order to enhance the correlation of each component of the image, the interactions among multiple components are used to mutate the scrambled image, and the mutation operation is judged by the fitness of the plain image and scrambled image. Compared with the classical encryption architecture, the proposed method not only increases the complexity of the cryptosystem, but also enhances the sensitivity of the encryption method to the plain image. Experimental results and performance analysis show that the proposed method has a large key space, high security and high sensitivity to the plain image, which can resist common cryptanalysis attacks effectively.

    Text-to-image generation combined with mutual information maximization
    MO Jianwen,XU Kailiang,LIN Leping,OUYANG Ning
    Journal of Xidian University. 2019, 46(5):  180-188.  doi:10.19665/j.issn1001-2400.2019.05.025
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    Based on the Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks (StackGAN), a novel method is presented to solve the problem of insufficient diversity caused by non-uniformity of generated samples, which constructs the stacked text-to-image generation antagonistic network model by combining local-global mutual information maximization. In the method, the global vector is first decoupled from the generated model to obtain different scale feature maps. And then, the correlation between global features and text descriptions is enhanced by maximizing mutual information between feature maps and global vectors. Finally, in order to make the text-to-image mapping more relevant, we extract the feature map as a local position feature vector, and enhance the correlation between it and text description by maximizing the average mutual information between the local position feature vector and the global vector. Numerical results show that the proposed method can improve effectively the diversity of generated samples on the CUB dataset. Moreover, it is possible to generate samples with a higher semantic accuracy and the method is more realistic for subjective evaluation.
