
Table of Content

    20 December 2012 Volume 39 Issue 6
    Original Articles
    Application of a simplified PCNN model in color image edge detection
    SHAO Xiaopeng;ZHONG Cheng;WANG Yang;HUANG Yuanhui
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  1-9.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.001
    Abstract ( 1452 )   PDF (7749KB) ( 1037 )   Save
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    An improved color image edge detection method is proposed to overcome the defects of miss-detection and false-detection in traditional methods which are caused by thinking little of chroma information and the influence of noise. This paper exploits the color principal axis to represent both the luminance and the chroma information so that the color image can be converted into a pseudo gray image where color information is contained. Besides, we apply the Pulse Coupled Neural Networks (PCNN) model to reduce the influence of noise. Since we expect fewer arguments in the PCNN model to make our adjusting easier, a simplified version of PCNN is used to solve this problem. Experiment proves that this method which takes advantage of both PCNN model and color principal axis method can help us obtain the exact edge of the color image while the bad influence of noise is significantly suppressed.

    Joint radio resource management mechanism based on the autonomous policy strategy
    ZHANG Wenzhu;ZHOU Xiaoqian;FENG Chengxiao
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  10-15+33.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.002
    Abstract ( 949 )   PDF (672KB) ( 730 )   Save
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    A case-based reasoning approach for generating the optimal policy is presented, which can be used for radio resource management and optimization in an autonomous and efficient mode in heterogeneous wireless networks. It searches for the most appropriate reuse policy in the case library by utilizing case retrieval and matching algorithms, and improves the new policy’s efficiency and quality of learning by utilizing the policy reusing algorithm based on the probability of similarity. The approach also introduces the greedy algorithm for generating coping policies when there is no case available. In addition, it updates in real time the policy case library based on learning. Simulation results show that the proposed approach owns efficient online learning ability, and can effectively improve the network blocking rate together with spectrum utility performance. It achieves the autonomous management of radio resources.

    Multi-radical self-adaptive fusion method for handwritten Arabic character recognition
    XU Yamei;LU Zhaoyang;LI Jing
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  16-21+77.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.003
    Abstract ( 1415 )   PDF (1093KB) ( 828 )   Save
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    For 100 Arabic characters, a handwritten recognition algorithm based on radical decomposition and self-adaptive fusion is proposed. Firstly, the radical model is established by decomposing the Arabic character as three types of radicals: main, affix and dot. According to the analysis of connected strokes, a robust radical description is obtained. Secondly, different feature extractions and classifications are designed for various types of radicals, so that every radical is matched to detect and identify slight differences between similarities. Finally, a multi-radical fusion scheme based on the D-S evidence theory is developed. A new method to estimate the fusion coefficient is also proposed according to the confidence distribution of radicals. With the corresponding discounted mass refined based on the coefficient, all radicals can be self-adaptively fused to enhance character recognition effect. Analyses and experiments show that the proposed method can lead to a better performance than the present traditional algorithms.

    Compensation for channel non-reciprocity by using transform-domain prediction in TDD-MIMO-OFDM systems
    SUN Dechun;LIU Zujun;YI Kechu
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  22-25+41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.004
    Abstract ( 1278 )   PDF (509KB) ( 853 )   Save
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    The bad effect of channel non-reciprocity caused by time-variations on the capacity of TDD-MIMO-OFDM systems is analyzed and a compensation method based on transform-domain prediction is proposed. Based on minimum description length(MDL) criteria, the proposed method detects the transform-domain components, and then prediction is made for each component to compensate for channel time-variances. By transform domain processing, the proposed method effectively reduces the estimation and prediction error, and hence remedies the system capacity.

    Fault-tolerant routing algorithm for the 2D-mesh network-on-chip without using virtual channels
    YAO Lei;CAI Jueping;LI Zan;ZHANG Hailin;WANG Shaoli
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  26-33.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.005
    Abstract ( 971 )   PDF (1204KB) ( 869 )   Save
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    To solve one fault node tolerant problem in the Network on Chip (NoC) without using virtual channels, a novel fault-tolerant routing algorithm for the 2D-Mesh NoC is proposed based on Zhang's algorithm. This algorithm uses the Built-in Self Test (BIST) mechanism to get location information on the fault node first, and then sets auxiliary nodes to optimize the fault-tolerant strategy. By these two steps, the traffic loads on the fault ring can be balanced and the transmission distance of the packets routing around the fault node is shortened. Simulation results in the 8×8 2D-Mesh NoC show that, compared to Zhang's algorithm and Chen's algorithm, the network saturation injection rate of the proposed algorithm can be improved by 3.13% and 21.77%, respectively, and the communication power consuption of the proposed algorithm can be reduced by 3.40% and 5.57% respectively, when the injection rate is 0.09.

    Face recognition using two-dimensional diversity preserving projection
    HOU Jun;HAO Xiujuan;XIE Deyan;GAO Quanxue
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  34-41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.006
    Abstract ( 1359 )   PDF (690KB) ( 842 )   Save
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    Previous work has demonstrated that manifold learning can effectively preserve the local geometry among nearby data, and has become an active topic in pattern recognition and machine learning. However, it ignores or even impairs the local diversity of data, which will impair the recognition accuracy and lead to unstable local geometrical structure representation. In this paper, a novel approach, namely two-dimensional diversity preserving projection (2DDPP), is proposed for dimensionality reduction. 2DDPP constructs an adjacency graph to model the variation of data and measures the variation among nearby data by the diversity scatter, on the basis of which a concise criterion is raised by maximizing the diversity scatter. Moreover, 2DDPP directly calculates the diversity scatter matrix from the image matrix, which effectively avoids the small sample size problem. Experiments on Yale, UMIST, and AR databases show the effecitveness of the proposed method.

    High accuracy estimation of low elevation angle based on the interferometric array in the VHF radar
    CHEN Genhua;CHEN Baixiao;ZHU Wei
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  42-48.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.007
    Abstract ( 1128 )   PDF (632KB) ( 886 )   Save
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    Due to the difficulty with the measurement of the low elevation angle on targets near the horizon for VHF radar, combining the interferometry and the advantages of superresolution algorithms, a novel method to estimate low elevation angles with high accuracy based on the interferometric array is proposed. The interferometric array extends the array aperture with small pieces of hardware. The interferometric forward/backward spatial smoothing technique is proposed from the conventional spatial smoothing algorithm for the uniform linear array and is used to decorrelate the ground multipath signal. Then we obtain highly accurate estimation of the low elevation using the dual-size unitary ESPRIT algorithm. Simulation results and real data demonstrate the efficacy of the interferometric forward/backward spatial smoothing technique and the proposed method, with the reasons why there exist the SNR threshold and baseline ambiguity threshold in the proposed method analyzed.

    Collaborative tracking algorithm for multiple maneuvering targets based on the game theory
    LIU Qin;LIU Zheng;LIU Jun
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  49-54+135.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.008
    Abstract ( 1401 )   PDF (798KB) ( 816 )   Save
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    For the dynamic tracking problem in sensor networks, a new collaborative tracking algorithm for multiple maneuvering targets based on game theory is proposed. First, the interacting multiple model extended particle filtering algorithm is applied to obtain the estimated state by each sensor in the networks. Then, the target information gain is utilized as a basis for sensor negotiation. When the desired covariance level is updated during target tracking, a new negotiation will start to reallocate resources. The negotiation will allocate more sensors to the negotiation caller for its tracking under the condition of protecting the interests of both sides. Simulation results show that the proposed method can load to the desired tracking accuracy compared with traditional methods in a nonlinear non-Gaussian system.

    Super-resolution ISAR imaging method with sparse statistics
    SHENG Jialian;ZHANG Lei;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  55-60.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.009
    Abstract ( 1284 )   PDF (2570KB) ( 855 )   Save
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    To improve the resolution of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imagery with short observation, this paper proposes a super-resolution method for ISAR imaging with sparse statistics. Combined with strong sparsity of ISAR images, the imaging process is approximately modeled by statistical probability distributions. By maximum posterior probability and the Bayesian estimation approaches, the close form of sparsity control parameters is deduced, and the optimal image is solved by the conjugate gradient method. Also, with the CFAR (constant false alarm rate) and bandwidth extrapolation technique involved in a stage-by-stage procedure, the robustness of parameter estimation and imaging is improved. Real-data experiments validate the superiority of the proposed method.

    Method for transient interference suppression in the over-the-horizon radar
    ZHOU Zhonggen;SHI Yanling;SHUI Penglang
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  61-65+175.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.010
    Abstract ( 1281 )   PDF (1030KB) ( 797 )   Save
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    Transient interference is a primary factor impairing the detection performance of Over-the-Horizon Radar (OTHR), so it must be suppressed. Therefore, a novel method based on the improved Complex Empirical Mode Decomposition (CEMD) is proposed to suppress transient interferences in OTHR. The algorithm uses the wavelet packet transform (WPT) to decompose the signal echo into a set of narrow band signals prior to the application of CEMD. Then, each of the narrow band signals is decomposed into a set of IMFs by CEMD and a screening process is conducted to remove unrelated IMFs from the result. Finally transient interferences are detected and excised in the residual signal. A key advantage of the proposed method is that it requires neither  to perform clutter suppression, nor to reconstruct data by using the prediction algorithm. This technique is applied to data from the OTHR, and the results show that the algorithm can efficiently detect and suppress transient interferences.

    Calibration for electromagnetic vector sensor array misorientation
    WANG Guibao;TAO Haihong;WANG Lanmei
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  66-69.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.011
    Abstract ( 1141 )   PDF (452KB) ( 867 )   Save
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    The subspace algorithm based on eigenvalue decomposion is sensitive to the array misorientation, so it is necessary to calibration the error. The calibration source's direction-of-arrival and misorientation are studied in this paper. By using a single calibrate source without an exact knowledge of its direction of arrival and rotating the transmitting antenna's 90° around the z axis and x axis, and the array with misorientation receives the three signals whose directions of arrival have a special relationship. According to the subspace theory and the relationship between the Poynting vectors, the calibration source's direction and the array misoriention are precisely estimated.  Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.

    Research on and implementation of the algorithm from the program flowchart to the code
    WANG Liming;WANG Guonü;ZHOU Mingyuan;CHU Yanli;CHEN Ke;CHEN Ping
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  70-77.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.012
    Abstract ( 1331 )   PDF (726KB) ( 1095 )   Save
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    A new method for generating the structural code from the standard program flowcharts is presented. By analyzing the flowchart, linearizing the cycle structure and delimiting the branch structure, the structual C code agreeing with the semanteme of the flowchart is generated. At the same time, the unstructural flowchart is recognized.

    Breaking the CAPTHCHA with rotation normalization and the rough-matching algorithm
    GAO Haichang;FAN Ye;WANG Wei
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  78-83.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.013
    Abstract ( 1340 )   PDF (802KB) ( 1324 )   Save
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    The CAPTCHA is a Turing Test which is used to tell computers from humans. This paper presents the sequential similarity detection algorithm(SSDA) algorithm based on Rough-matching to crack the CAPTCHA with characters rotating and non-distorting. The characters are rotated to normalize the angle of rotation to reduce the template library, with the Rough-matching algorithm used to shorten the time consumption. Taking the CAPTCHA of a bank as an example, we document the four breaking parts, which are Preprocessing, Extraction, Rotation and Recognition. Experimental results show that the success rate of the SSDA matching algorithm based on coarse matching is 85%, and that the average breaking time is 3.5s. It is much better than a similar algorithm.

    Image inpainting algorithm based on the weighted fractal under the structure-measurement constraint
    YANG Xiuhong;GUO Baolong;YAN Chunman
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  84-91.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.014
    Abstract ( 1095 )   PDF (3662KB) ( 833 )   Save
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    Aiming at enlarging the searching scope and moderately raising the weights of structure pixels during searching and matching in the process of calculating the best repairing patch for each damaged patch, an image inpainting algorithm based on the weighted fractal under the structure-measurement constraint is presented. First, selected domain blocks are transformed by geometrical transform and isomorphic transform. Using the resulting blocks, the codebook is constructed and serves as the enlarged searching scope. By computing the anisotropic nonlinear structure tensor, the local structure measurement is obtained, in accordance with which the normalized weight map is constructed. The luminance transform is performed, in which we derive its new parameter formulas by minimizing the weighted error between the damaged patch and each domain block in the codebook under the structure-measurement constraint. Lastly, we search in the codebook for the best repairing patch with the minimal weighted error, and then the best repairing patch is used to fill in the damaged patch. Experimental results show that the proposed method can restore damaged structures well and simultaneously make the newly filled region maintain good consistency with the source region. The subjective quality and objective evaluation of the inpainted image are both improved greatly.

    Accurate geometry modeling in analysis of composite EM scattering
    LI Jie;GUO Lixin;HE Qiong;WU Zhensen;WANG Xiaobing
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  92-98.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.015
    Abstract ( 1781 )   PDF (2701KB) ( 815 )   Save
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    An approach to studying composite electromagnetic (EM) scattering from the 2-D conducting rough surface and half-buried 3-D conducting target is proposed from geometry modeling to radar cross section (RCS) calculation. A two dimensional rough surface is simulated using the spectral method, which is then converted into a continuous curved surface through inverse engineering. The target model and rough surface model are combined together into a very accurate composite model, after which the surface mesh is generated with the information on the incidence frequency. Then the physical optics method (PO) and multi-level fast multiple algorithm (MLFMA) are respectively employed to study the scattering problem. The results of the single rough surface and the combinative model are given and compared.

    Schema theorem based on limited character set encoding and its proof
    Renqingdaoerji;WANG Yuping
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  99-103.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.016
    Abstract ( 965 )   PDF (428KB) ( 800 )   Save
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    The core theory of the basic genetic algorithm is the schema theorem and the convergence theory. The traditional schema theorem uses binary representation and gets proved. However, in reality, solving many problems using the genetic algorithm needs to use a limited character set encoding method. In this paper, we give some typical genetic operators first, on the basis of which we prove the schema theorem using limited character set encoding. The result shows that the numbers of schema with a low order, a short defined length and a fitness value greater than the average fitness value grow exponentially.

    IMS multi-service triggering mechanism based on the AS triggering chain
    GUO Zhien;DAI Yiqi
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  104-108.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.017
    Abstract ( 1080 )   PDF (697KB) ( 803 )   Save
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    Based on the analysis of problems of current service triggering mechanisms, an IMS multi-service triggering mechanism based on the Application Server (AS) triggering chain, which has the advantages of the multi-service triggering algorithm based on the Service-Key and the Group based multi-service triggering algorithm, is proposed. The performance of this algorithm is analyzed by modeling the service triggering algorithm with the Jackson Queuing Network Theory, and experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the communication traffic between AS and S-CSCF and improve the triggering efficiency.

    Method of computing the peak-to-peak value of data dependent jitter in the mBnB coding data stream
    WANG Donglü;YANG Junfeng;CAO Ping;WANG Yanfang
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  109-113+161.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.018
    Abstract ( 970 )   PDF (750KB) ( 762 )   Save
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    A formula for data dependent jitter (DDJ) is derived from the pulse response function of the high speed serial link. Based on the formula and mBnB encoding schemes, an iterative algorithm for finding the input bits which has the maximum or minimum of DDJ is presented and the peak-to-peak value of DDJ is calculated. Compared to the ordinary method of using lots of random mBnB coded bits to search for the peak-to-peak value of DDJ, this method is more accurate and with less computational complexity. The result can be used to evaluate the jitter performance of different mBnB coding schemes.

    Frequency estimation algorithm based on weight-fusion of multi-section sinusoids with the known frequency-ratio
    XIAO Wei;TU Yaqing;LIU Liangbing;MO Zhengjun
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  114-123.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.019
    Abstract ( 1345 )   PDF (1728KB) ( 817 )   Save
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    Based on weight-fusion of multi-section sinusoids with the known frequency-ratio (MS-Sinusoids-KFR), a frequency estimation algorithm is proposed. This algorithm aims at improving frequency estimation of the short sinusoid in a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and extending the applicable range of the multi-signals fusion method. According to the known frequency-ratio, the frequency-ratio amend matrix is created to deal with the spectrum problems caused by the known frequency-ratio of the MS-Sinusoids-KFR. To make phases coherence and noise elimination, spectrums of the MS-Sinusoids-KFR are weight-fused by the weighted factor. Consequently, precise frequency estimation can be obtained through spectral peak searching for the weight-fusion spectrum. Simulation results show that compared with the present methods, the proposed algorithm works better in frequency estimation, noise immunity and universality.

    Information theory description of specific emitter identification
    HUANG Yuanling;ZHENG Hui;WAN Jian
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  124-129+141.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.020
    Abstract ( 1154 )   PDF (573KB) ( 781 )   Save
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    In order to give a theoretical description of specific Emitter Identification (SEI), the Information Theory (IT) is introduced to describe the model of SEI. An algorithm for Mutual Information (MI) estimation is proposed to enable the evaluation of the theoretic performance limit of SEI process. The IT SEI model provides a guide for the design of SEI systems, and it derives the Non-parametric feature extraction algorithms based on the MI measure. In simulation and experiments, the MI measure is used to evaluate the influence of the receiver distortion and the performance of the feature extraction algorithms. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the MI description and the resulting non-parametric features of SEI.

    Fuzzy control realization of data scheduling for strategy P2P VoD
    LI Xiaolin;WANG Jinlin;YOU Jiali
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  130-135.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.021
    Abstract ( 1227 )   PDF (554KB) ( 774 )   Save
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    In the Peer-to-Peer(P2P) Video-on-Demand(VoD) system, in order to make full use of nodes' upload bandwidth resources, from the view point of date request amount, a fuzzy control realization of data scheduling strategy is proposed. According to the strategy, a node takes its buffer and its upstream bandwidth as fuzzy variables, generates fuzzy decision based on the fuzzy rule, and dynamically calculates the amount of data request to neighbor nodes and the server by fuzzy decision. Simulation result shows that the strategy improves the overall performance of the P2P media streaming system.

    Jitter and ringing cancellation techniques for signal integrity design
    TONG Xingyuan;ZHU Zhangming;YAN Yintang;KONG Liang
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  136-141.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.022
    Abstract ( 1271 )   PDF (2675KB) ( 1034 )   Save
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    This paper focus mainly on the research on jitter and ringing for signal integrity design. To optimize the jitter caused by ISI (ISI: Inter-Symbol Interference) during high speed signal transmission, a novel current-mode pre-emphasis circuit is presented. Compared with the traditional structure, this novel circuit not only improves the operation speed by pre-emphasizing in both the posedge and negedge of the signal, but also reduces the circuit complexity. Furthermore, with the consideration of the bonding wire model and the chip load, a technique based on impedance matching is proposed to reduce the ringing in LVDS(Low-Voltage Differential Signaling). Simulation and measurement results of the eye-diagram are analyzed, proving the applicability of the proposed circuit and technique.

    SAR image despeckling based on edge detection and the plural pervasion equation in the Shearlet domain
    XU Yuelei;TIAN Song;LI Junwei;FENG Hongxiao
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  142-146+153.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.023
    Abstract ( 1339 )   PDF (3599KB) ( 835 )   Save
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    It is difficult for many current despeckling methods to produce good region smoothing and edge preservation simultaneously. In this paper, a new Plural Pervasion equation is designed, which combines a Shearlet transform and edge detection of module maximum, and a new SAR image despeckling method is proposed. Experimental results indicate that the method possesses advantages of speckle reduction, and point target and edge preservation.

    Translation compensation and micro-Doppler extraction by using the information on the strongest scatter
    YANG Youchun;TONG Ningning;FENG Cunqian;CHENG Dong;SHEN Di
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  147-153.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.024
    Abstract ( 1091 )   PDF (2062KB) ( 841 )   Save
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    In order to extract the micro-Doppler of multi-scatters when the echo is subject to strong noise and translation modification, a method based on the instantaneous Doppler of the strongest scatter is proposed. The instantaneous Doppler of the strongest scatter is obtained by the Viterbi algorithm. The translation Doppler is extracted according to the relation between Doppler rate and micro-Doppler. Translation parameters, on the basis of which the translation signal is reconstructed, are estimated by polynomial regression. Then translation modification is compensated and Micro-Doppler parameters of every scatter are extracted by Hough transform. Simulation results indicate that the method is valid and accurate.

    Adaptive filtering method in the empirical mode decomposition domain
    LI Ye;YANG Jiawei;AN Jinkun;LIANG Yanxia
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  154-161.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.025
    Abstract ( 1376 )   PDF (619KB) ( 848 )   Save
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    An adaptive filtering method in the empirical mode decomposition domain is proposed to detect the edges of a noisy signal, and two methods for selecting the noise power threshold are presented. Firstly, the adaptive filtering method decomposes the noisy signal by empirical mode decomposition; secondly, the spatial correlation of the first derivatives of residuals in adjacent scales is calculated; thirdly, the normalized spatial correlation is compared with the first derivative point by point to achieve the filtering; Finally, the noise power threshold decides whether the filtering should be finished or not. Simulation tests show that the new adaptive filtering method can accurately detect edges of signals, and suppress the noise.

    Model of a fast resonant cavity for triangular power and ground planes
    QIU Jiatao;LI Yushan;JIANG Dongchu;LU Jianmin
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  162-166+200.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.026
    Abstract ( 1241 )   PDF (807KB) ( 766 )   Save
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    For the low efficiency and poor accuracy of the model for isosceles right-angled triangular planes, a fast Spice-compatible resonant cavity model is proposed based on double frequencies approximation. Compared with the model based on the inductance approximation, the proposed method greatly improves the simulation efficiency and accuracy of isosceles right-angled triangular power and ground planes, since it uses the least number of basic modes and a high-order modified circuit. Simulation results indicate that the error of the inductance-based model is about 10% when the critical factor of categorization equals 2, while the error of the proposed model is about 1% when the critical factor of categorization equals 1.3. And the simulation time of the proposed model is only 26% that of the inductance-based model. This verifies the effectiveness of the proposed model in improving the simulation efficiency and accuracy of isosceles right-angled triangular power and ground planes.

    Method for blind image restoration based on sparse regularization
    WANG Shuzhen;ZOU Zijian;LI Li;ZHANG Xiaoping
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  167-169+186.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.027
    Abstract ( 1222 )   PDF (2056KB) ( 1090 )   Save
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    In the process of image blind deconvolution, the main obstacle is the lack of enough information about the point spread function (PSF), which leads to the ill-posed problem. To solve this problem, we can give regularization constraints on the original image and PSF simultaneously. In order to gain the stable and unique solution and guarantee the effectiveness of the resulting image restoration, this paper uses a scale invariant and sparse regularization function, and experiments are conducted to verify that our image blind recovery algorithm is robust and has stable convergence.

    Model for prediction of structural dynamic non-probabilistic reliability
    FANG Yongfeng;CHEN Jianjun;YAN Bin;MA Hongbo
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  170-175.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.028
    Abstract ( 1115 )   PDF (518KB) ( 776 )   Save
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    The structural dynamic non-probabilistic reliability under the interval variable of loads changing over time and the interval variable of structural strength degrading over time is studied. The formulas for the change interval of structural strength degradation and its mean value and deviation are shown. According to the stress-strength interference theory and the interval theory, the structural dynamic reliability prediction model are established under the structural strength degradation over time while the loads of the structure bearing are classified three cases loads: ladder type, constant amplitude alternating type and random changing over time type. Finally, three examples are used to illustrate that the structural dynamic reliability models are reasonable and feasible.

    Spectrum sensing method for the time-frequency gathering density analysis
    ZHENG Wenxiu
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  176-180+194.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.029
    Abstract ( 1551 )   PDF (685KB) ( 837 )   Save
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    Aiming at the primary users' signals with single carrier or MSK modulation, a novel spectrum sensing algorithm is proposed based on the time-frequency gathering density analysis. The time-frequency ridge line of the received data's mutual correlation is calculated, with whose statistics the probability vector is formed. The time-frequency gathering density is defined to evaluate the gathering level of the time-frequency dots according to the fact that the signal energy gathers around the carrier frequency and that the noise energy disperses evenly among all frequencies. The gathering threshold is set to judge the existence of the primary user's signal. Simulation indicates that the proposed algorithm is effective for both the normal and fading channel and maintains good detecting performance at lower SNRs and that with the same noise power uncertainty, the false alarm of the proposed algorithm is lower than that of the energy detection method.

    Secure virtualization-based fine-grained process execution monitoring
    LIU Zheyuan;MU Dejun
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  181-186.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.030
    Abstract ( 1242 )   PDF (514KB) ( 869 )   Save
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    Computer malware has forced the transfer of the traditional in-host security tools to the development of VMM-based solutions which isolate the anti-malware software from untrusted systems. However, the inherent semantic gap poses a great challenge in supporting existing monitoring tools. In this paper, we present a process transferring method for fine-grained process execution monitoring to address both isolation and compatibility problems. Also by redirecting system calls invoked by the suspect process we guarantee the execution flow of the transferred process. Evaluation results show its effectiveness and feasibility with a tiny influence on the system.

    Approach to along-track velocity estimation via improved matched filter banks
    XU Ruipeng;HU Donghui;DING Chibiao;ZHANG Dandan;LIU Haijun
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  187-194.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.031
    Abstract ( 1009 )   PDF (1708KB) ( 892 )   Save
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    Conventional approaches to the along-track velocity estimation are affected by the serious range walk which is induced by the fast across-track velocity. A novel approach via improved matched filter banks is used to solve the aforementioned problem. The proposed approach analyzes the signal expression of moving targets in different domains. In the range frequency and Doppler frequency domain, both the linear frequency modulation in the azimuth direction and the range walk are exhibited in the same exponential term. We can construct filter banks with different along-track velocities in this domain to match the filter. As a result, the along-track velocity can be estimated by searching the peak magnitude. Comparing to conventional approaches, the approach to the along-track velocity estimation is independent of across-track velocity estimation. Moreover, it is not affected by the range walk. The proposed approach can be applied to both airborne and spaceborne SAR systems. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach are demonstrated by simulated and real data.

    Nonumiformity correction algorithm of using mixed Kalman filter
    LIU Yongjin;ZHANG Guohua;ZHAO Yigong
    J4. 2012, 39(6):  195-200.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2012.06.032
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    A mixed Kalman filtering based nonuniformity correction algorithm is proposed, which can solve the problem of parameter drifts being nonlinear. Firstly, based on the feature of the given state-space model, the proposed algorithm employs the unscented and the traditional Kalman filtering techniques to deal with a nonlinear state transition model and a linear state observation model, respectively. Then, the estimated results can be used for nonuniformity correction. The performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated with simulated 1D and 2D data. Experimental results indicate that our new method extends the application range of the traditional Kalman filtering and possesses higher stability and estimation precision compared with the extended Kalman filtering algorithm.
