
Table of Content

    20 June 2013 Volume 40 Issue 3
    Original Articles
    Novel video coding distortion estimation algorithm for H.264/AVC
    WU Wei;CHEN Jian;SONG Bin
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  1-6+35.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.001
    Abstract ( 888 )   PDF (461KB) ( 999 )   Save
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    A novel video coding distortion estimation algorithm is proposed for H.264/AVC. First, a new linear method is used to compute the variance of the direct current (DC) coefficient. Then, with the assumption that the DC coefficient follows a Gaussian distribution, the distortion of the Gaussian source under the quantization of the dead-zone plus-uniform threshold quantization (DZ-UTQ) with the uniform reconstruction quantizer (URQ) is derived, and according to the distortion of the Gaussian source and the variance of the DC coefficient, the coding distortion of the DC coefficient called DC distortion is calculated. Thirdly, a new function is employed to compute the ratio of video coding distortion to DC distortion. Finally, video coding distortion is estimated using the ratio and DC distortion. Compared with the algorithm with the best performance in the existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm decreases the averaged estimation error by up to 36%. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can provide the estimation of video coding distortion more accurately than the existing algorithms.

    Cooperative beamforming algorithms using the assistant information  from satellite navigation positioning systems
    LIU Longwei;LI Wengang;LI Fengjiao
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  7-13.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.002
    Abstract ( 1231 )   PDF (677KB) ( 924 )   Save
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    The application of beamforming in cooperative communication systems can expand the coverage and increase the SNR of the receiver. The conventional beamforming algorithms need full or half knowledge of channel state information(CSI), and get optimal beamforming matrices by complex matrix decomposition algorithms. So, this paper proposes a cooperative beamforming algorithm called the SIA-CBF, based on satellite navigation positioning information, without the CSI. The proposed scheme, with the satellite navigation information assistance, chooses the optimal codebook vector from the fixed codebook as the beamforming matrix. Certainly, the vector should have the maximum correlation with the direction of arrival of signal. Simulation results demonstrate that when the BER is 10-4, the performance gain is more than 1.5dB, and meanwhile, computational complexity is significantly decreased.

    Packet-layer model for voice quality assessment using  two-level temporal pooling scheme
    JIANG Liangliang;YANG Fuzheng;REN Guangliang
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  14-19+94.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.003
    Abstract ( 1218 )   PDF (512KB) ( 829 )   Save
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    Aiming at the problem that the voice qualities corresponding to different packet loss patterns show significant differences at the same packet loss rate, a packet-layer model for voice quality assessment, which well reflects the effect of the packet loss patterns on the voice quality, is presented. First, the information about the coding bit-rate and packet loss is obtained by analyzing the packet header, on the basis of which the frame quality is measured with the further information about silence detection and error propagation. Then the voice sequence is divided into groups of frames (GOFs) with a variable length and a short-term temporal pooling method is employed to obtain the GOF quality. Finally, the overall voice quality is determined by the long-term temporal pooling of the GOF qualities. The proposed two-level temporal pooling scheme well describes the effect of different packet loss patterns on the voice quality since the strongest impairments are predominately emphasized. Experimental results show that the presented model can lead to an increment of about 0.0129 in the Pearson Correlation coefficient (PCC) and a decrement of about 0.0234 in the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) compared with the E-model in ITU-T recommendation G.107.

    Deramp based frequency scaling algorithm suitable for  tandem bistatic SAR in the spotlight mode
    CHEN Shichao;ZHANG Lei;LI Jian;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  20-26.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.004
    Abstract ( 1031 )   PDF (1932KB) ( 817 )   Save
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    Using an analytical bistatic spectrum and the spectrum analysis (SPECAN) method, an algorithm that is suitable for constant-offset spotlight bistatic SAR is presented. Firstly, the deramp function for bistatic SAR is deduced by analog of the monostatic case, which accomplishes the coarse focusing in the azimuth direction and solves the azimuth spectral folding problem effectively. Then an analytical bistatic spectrum based frequency scaling algorithm is applied to achieve the range cell migration correction, which is implemented through phase multiplication instead of interpolation. Data obtained with the large baseline can be processed accurately. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified with simulation experiments.

    Novel adaptive method based on the Taylor series to  compensate channel-mismatches of TIADC
    WANG Yajun;LI Ming
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  27-35.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.005
    Abstract ( 850 )   PDF (906KB) ( 819 )   Save
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    Static-gain and timing-skew mismatches among channels of TIADC significantly limit the Signal-to-Noise plus Distortion Ratio (SNDR) and the Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) of system. In this paper, an adaptive structure based on the Taylor series theory is proposed to compensate these mismatches. The novel structure is composed of differentiators and external reference channel. Controlled by the clock, sub-channels and reference channel sample simultaneously at some times. Comparing the output of reference channel with those of differentiators of sub-channels, the parameters of mismatches can be estimated, and then compensations can be carried out. The whole structure is implemented in the digital domain, and has the advantage of stability. Due to the special clock divider, all sub-channels share the same reference channel, which simplifies the system. Experimental results demonstrate that the SNDR and the SFDR of the output can be raised around 50dB, and the effective number of bits(ENOB) of the system can reaches about 12bits when the ADCs outputs are quantized to 14bits, which proves the validity of the proposed method.

    New method for estimation of nuclear quadrupole resonance  signals parameters in multi-block
    ZHU Kairan;HE Xuehui;ZHENG Jibin;SU Tao
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  36-41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.006
    Abstract ( 986 )   PDF (578KB) ( 791 )   Save
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    Aiming at the time-variation characteristic of interference signals in the explosive detection using the nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) technique, and according to the real world signal model of each signal sample block including the fixed NQR signal, time-variation interference signals and noise, an improved multi-block hankel total least squares stack (HTLSstack) method is presented. Firstly, the number of common poles is determined using the HTLS scheme; secondly, a new selection criterion is constructed to choose the common poles; finally, the prior knowledge is employed to realize the estimation of NQR signals effectively. This method makes full use of the information on original data, and in the case of a low signal-to-noise ratio, it can avoid the performance loss of the multi-block HTLS method in the first singular value decomposition (SVD). The validity of this algorithm is demonstrated with the results of both simulated data and experimental data.

    Improved method for SAR echo signal simulation using  two-dimensional frequency domain transformation
    LIU Xiangyang;ZENG Cao;WANG Jing;ZHAO Weiwei
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  42-49+56.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.007
    Abstract ( 1003 )   PDF (1487KB) ( 756 )   Save
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    The echo signal simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is the basis of the research on SAR signal processing, and the large computation cost is the primary shortcomings of the frequently-used echo signal simulation method. Using the theory that Stolt transformation can simulate the so-called space-varying property of range migration, the IωKA algorithm becomes an impressive fast echo signal simulation method for the extended scenes in the two-dimensional frequency domain, and the computational cost and operation time is cut down sharply. According to the analysis, the key to the IωKA algorithm is the interpolation for the Stolt transformation, and the signal before interpolation in the IωKA algorithm can be seen as a band-limited signal in the strict sense, which is greatly different from that in the ωKA algorithm and may has a great effect on the selection of the interpolation algorithm and the interpolation performance. By preprocessing, the signal before interpolation in the IωKA algorithm is transformed into a baseband band-limited signal in the strict sense, which improves the interpolation performance, reduces the complexity of the interpolation, and enlarges the application range of the algorithm. Experimental result shows that if the error introduced by the simulation is regarded as noise, the error level of our method is much less than the system noise. Also, Compared with the other 2-D frequency-domain simulation methods, this method has a small amplitude error and phase error, and could be applied to the whole strip mode SAR with varieties of squint angles and wide-beam.

    Weighted eigenvector method for sparse-aperture ISAR  phase error correction
    DUAN Jia;ZHANG Lei;SHENG Jialian;XING Mengdao
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  50-56.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.008
    Abstract ( 1154 )   PDF (1664KB) ( 767 )   Save
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    The traditional eigenvector method for autofocus can not obtain ideal results in low-SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) cases, because the contribution of the signal in different range bins to the final signal differs greatly. Thus, a weighted eigenvector method for ISAR(inverse synthetic aperture radar) phase error correction is proposed by adding different weights to each range bin according to its SNR. The method can not only deal with normal ISAR signals, but also can handle evenly under-sampled or block sparse, even unevenly sparse data. Finally, actual data processing results confirm the validity of the proposed algorithm.

    Design of a robust H full-order observer about the nonlinear  singular perturbed random jumping system
    CHEN Jia;FANG Yangwang;LOU Shuntian
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  57-65.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.009
    Abstract ( 770 )   PDF (494KB) ( 699 )   Save
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    The design of the robust H full-order observer about the nonlinear singular perturbed system is investigated. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, for the singular perturbed random jumping system in which the observation equation has the Lipschitz nonlinear item, the matrix that deals with the stochastic stability of such a random system is given, and the robust full-order observer in which the estimated error has H performance is designed and the observer gain is computed. The singular system and the singular perturbed system differ in that this method in our paper considers the effect of small time parameter, which is not neglected, and the small time parameter upper bound that allows the H error is computed. Finally the result validates the correctness and the availability of this method.

    Motion compensation approach for airborne bistatic SAR imaging
    ZHOU Song;YANG Lei;LI Yachao;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  66-72+138.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.010
    Abstract ( 1006 )   PDF (2511KB) ( 823 )   Save
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    In airborne bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BiSAR) imaging, not only the motion error of the airborne platform, but also the inaccuracy of data acquisition geometry will introduce an additional phase error that seriously degrades the focusing quality of the final image. For one-stationary BiSAR imaging, the influence of the inaccurate geometry is analyzed in detail and an applicable motion compensation approach is proposed. By using Doppler rates estimation, the phase error both from the motion error and the inaccurate geometry is appropriately compensated so that the focusing quality of the final image is consequently improved. Analyses of acquired raw data are presented to verify the proposal.

    Compressed sensing image reconstruction in multiple sparse spaces
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  73-80.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.011
    Abstract ( 1681 )   PDF (2014KB) ( 984 )   Save
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    Most traditional compressed sensing(CS) reconstruction algorithms only exploit the sparsity of a natural signal in a single sparse space. However, since natural signals often exhibit spatially varying characteristics, the single space sparse representation fails to well characterize the local signal structures. The mismatch between sparse representation in the single space and the varying local structures make the reconstruction algorithms fail to exploit the local sparsity, leading to low reconstruction quality. In this paper, we propose a new image signal reconstruction method based on multiple sparse spaces(MSS) to overcome this defect of the CS reconstruction algorithms in the single space, where a signal is adaptively characterized by the total variation(TV) model or the piecewise autoregressive(PAR) model according to its local structures. The objective function of the proposed MSS-based CS reconstruction is then formulated as a multiple l1-norm and l2-norm minimization problem. To efficiently solve the proposed objective function, an alternating direction method(ADM) is used. Experimental results show that compared with the single space methods the proposed MSS-based reconstruction method achieves a much better visual quality and a higher PSNR. The PSNR improvements over TV and AR based methods can be up to 7dB and 1dB, respectively.

    Two-dimensional DOA estimation with reduced-dimension MUSIC
    CAI Jingjing;LI Peng;ZHAO Guoqing
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  81-86+144.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.012
    Abstract ( 1707 )   PDF (580KB) ( 943 )   Save
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    According to the heavy computation of two-dimensional DOA estimation with 2D-MUSIC, this paper proposes an RD-MUSIC(Reduced-Dimension MUSIC) DOA estimation method without conjunction search or angle pairing. This algorithm decomposes two dimensional DOA estimation into two stage one dimensional DOA estimation. Firstly, we use the rooting method to estimate the angle between signal direction and x axis. Secondly,  least square method is used to estimate the angle between signal direction and y axis. Finally, the 2D angle can be obtained with the angle formula. Simulation results show that the angle accuracy of RD-MUSIC is higher than that of 2D-MUSIC in the low SNR condition, and that they are equal in the high SNR condition, but RD-MUSIC has a higher operation speed.

    Improved electromagnetism-like mechanism algorithm
    JIANG Jianguo;LIU Yongqing;SHANG Haiba;LIN Longjun;WANG Shuangji
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  87-94.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.013
    Abstract ( 1092 )   PDF (546KB) ( 767 )   Save
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    Based on the principle of the electromagnetism-like mechanism(EM) algorithm, the algorithm's optimization mechanism is studied. An improved electromagnetism-like mechanism algorithm is proposed to solve the problems of the original EM algorithm, such as non-uniform initial population, low search efficiency, and pathological feature in the total force formula. The new algorithm generates the initial population with the uniform design method, improves the local search algorithm with the hybrid chaotic pattern search method and calculates the total force between particles with the modified equation. Besides, an adaptive formula of movement is designed to update the locations of those particles. Experimental results show that the improved algorithm has a better convergence result and a higher solution accuracy.

    Efficient encrypted data aggregation scheme for  wireless sensor networks
    GUO Jianghong;MA Jianfeng;ZHANG Liumei;LU Di
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  95-101+120.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.014
    Abstract ( 1215 )   PDF (579KB) ( 873 )   Save
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    Data aggregation in a wireless sensor network is an important method to reduce redundant transmission and energy consumption. Authors propose an efficient encrypted data aggregating method for wireless sensor networks, the aggregators complete the data integrity checking, source identity authentication and data aggregation without a plaintext and provide the end-to-end security for data transmission. Compared with related schemes, besides higher security,the proposed scheme makes better utilization of high redundancy of neighbor sensors' readings and reduces the communication overhead effectively.

    Optimization methodology for the number of additions in multiplier
    YUAN Bo;LIU Hongxia
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  102-108.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.015
    Abstract ( 922 )   PDF (1490KB) ( 728 )   Save
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    This paper presents a low-power design methodology for the multiplier, whose optimization specification is the number of operations of the adders inside synthesized multiplier. The implementation technique resolves the problem of the optimization logic being introduced into the optimized system, which exists in present low power design. It can reduce system power and area significantly without an additional logic, a declined system working efficiency and a declined calculation accuracy. After a radio-frequency circuit is optimized, FPGA test results show that logic utilization is reduced by 32.1%, total registers number is reduced by 33.1%, and total block memory bits utilization is reduced by 35.4%. The methodology has good performance in optimizing the system including large-scale multipliers, such as DSP, digital filter, etc.

    Enhancing Bluetooth 2.1's anti-interference ability  based on interleaving coding
    NIU Yufeng;ZHUANG Yiqi;LI Zhenrong;XU Fei
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  109-114+211.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.016
    Abstract ( 920 )   PDF (1239KB) ( 716 )   Save
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    The error correction algorithms of Bluetooth are analyzed and improved for the defect of anti-interference ability. To enhance the data transmission throughput and anti-interference ability efficiently, an error correction enhancing mechanism (EECM) combining the forward error correction with interleaving is adopted for Bluetooth, a method of adding the DM packet with an interleaving code to the Bluetooth 2.1+EDR specification is proposed. The mathematical models of the data transmission throughput are set up over the Gillbert-Elliott channel; A numerical simulation of the throughput of different packets in different burst errors are carried out using the model. Simulation results show that adding DM packets and DMI packets to Bluetooth 2.1+EDR specification can improve the anti-interference ability and enhance data transmission throughput significantly in the burst errors channel. Finally, the realized results of the enhanced IP and enhanced Bluetooth baseband IP are obtained by using VLSI design techniques. The performance of the enhanced the Bluetooth baseband is analyzed in comparison with the standard Bluetooth baseband.

    High-speed low-power clock network design for NoC
    LIU Yi;CHEN Bo;YANG Yintang;LIU Gang
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  115-120.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.017
    Abstract ( 1035 )   PDF (725KB) ( 822 )   Save
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    In order to achieve a high-speed low-power NoC(Network-on-chip) clock network, considering the Mesh NoC, a waterfall clock network based on the capacitively-driven low-swing transceiver in which we replace traditional MOS capacitance by metal-insulator-metal(MIM) capacitance as the driven capacitance and receiver coupling capacitance is proposed. These structures are simulated by 0.13μm CMOS technology with Spectre simulators. Results show that the proposed clock network can reach a high frequency up to 5GHz,compared with traditional networks, and this network allows up to 49% power saving and 55% delay reduction. At the same time, this network has a better noise suppression ability.

    Hole mobility of strained Si/(101)SixGe1-x
    ZHAO Lixia;ZHANG Heming;DAI Xianying;XUAN Rongxi
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  121-125.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.018
    Abstract ( 1359 )   PDF (1025KB) ( 772 )   Save
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    The hole mobility enhancement mechanism in the strained Si(101) is studied on the basis of the Fermi Golden rule with the frame of the kp perturbation theory . The results obtained from our calculation show that the hole mobilities in high symmetry oriented directions in the strained Si(101) can be greatly enhanced under strain and that its averaged mobility increases about 2 times at most in comparison with that of the unstrained Si. The results can provide a valuable reference for the understanding of the strained Si-based device physics and its design.

    Dynamic characteristic analysis of intelligent beams structures  based on the correlation of interval parameters
    WANG Minjuan;CHEN Jianjun;ZHOU Yubao;YUN Yonghu;MA Hongbo
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  126-131.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.019
    Abstract ( 846 )   PDF (484KB) ( 752 )   Save
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    The problem of intelligent beam structural dynamic characteristic is studied under the condition that interval physical parameters are correlative. Firstly, the interval variables are turned into the product of the interval coefficients by the certain portion, and the interval coefficients are supposed to be of an allowable range, with the random variables obeying random rectangle distribution in the definition region. Secondly, The mean value and variance of interval eigenvalues equations are deduced by the Moment method for random variable function solutions under the condition that they are correlative each other. The bounds of eigenvalues are obtained by the mean value and variance of rectangle distribution. Finally, the feasibility and validity of this approach are verified by an engineering example. For comparisons, the corresponding eigenvalues ranges are obtained on the assumption that the interval variables are independent of each other and interval parameters are different in correlation.

    Model based on the integro-differential equation  for multiplicative noise removal
    BAI Jian;FENG Xiangchu
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  132-138.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.020
    Abstract ( 1035 )   PDF (3780KB) ( 848 )   Save
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    Multiplicative noise removal is an important research topic on image processing. This paper presents a novel integro-differential equation approach for removing multiplicative noise. Under the assumption that multiplicative noise follows a Gamma distribution, we firstly discuss the classical AA model, and then in order to arrive at the novel integro-differential equation, integrate in inverse scale space a succession of refined ‘slices’ of the image. The novel integro-differential equation includes a monotone increasing scaling function. By choosing an adaptive scaling function, this equation can remove multiplicative noise efficiently. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate the better performance of the proposed model.

    Proxy placement algorithm for the overlay multicast network
    XU Jian;NI Hong;DENG Haojiang;LIU Lei
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  139-144.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.021
    Abstract ( 915 )   PDF (519KB) ( 710 )   Save
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    The existing proxy placement algorithms for the overlay multicast network usually lead to a number of problems, such as high multicast delay, unbalanced proxy load and lack of scalability. Focusing on these problems, an optimized degree constrained minimum delay proxy placement problem model is proposed based on the network median problem. In order to optimize multicast end-to-end delay, the model improves the object function. In order to utilize server resources rationally, the model abstracts the degree constraint to reflect the proxy processing capacity. In this model the problem is shown to be NP-Complete, and a greedy heuristic algorithm is proposed. Experimental results show that the model can decrease average end-to-end delay and have a good performance in different network sizes and multicast group sizes.

    Research on multi-GPU parallel technology in  software radar signal processing
    QIN Hua;ZHOU Mo;CHA Hao;ZUO Wei
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  145-151.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.022
    Abstract ( 1152 )   PDF (1248KB) ( 950 )   Save
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    Since the conventional central processing unit (CPU) platform could hardly fulfill the real-time requirement of radar signal processing, a software radar signal parallel processing algorithm based on multi-GPU is proposed. To make the best of GPU's strong computational capability, we design a pipeline workflow with 3 levels, task level, data level and thread level in the CPU-GPU heterogeneous system. We optimize the algorithm according to the access mechanism of GPU and take full advantage of the GPU's parallel computational resources. Experimental results show that the proposed GPU platform with 4 GPUs is 42.78 faster than the CPU platform, and manages to meet the real-time requirement of radar signal processing.

    Imaging method of airborne downward-looking 3D-MIMO-SAR  with alternate-transmitting mode
    HUANG Xuhua;LI Xiangjun;FANG Yihong
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  152-159.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.023
    Abstract ( 1343 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 770 )   Save
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    By study of the problem of three-dimensional (3D) imaging method of linear arrays synthetic aperture radar (LA-SAR), the conventional LA-SAR with a single transmitting antenna requires a number of receiving antennas to meet the requirement of the spatial sampling rate, which is difficult to implement. To solve the problem, a novel imaging method of down-looking 3D-MIMO-SAR based on the alternate-transmitting mode is proposed. Firstly, the 3-D echo signal model based on the alternate transmitting mode is analyzed. Then by combining equivalent phase center theory and beam-forming technology, the imaging method of downward-looking 3D-MIMO-SAR is put forward in detail, which can cut down the number of antennas significantly, improve the spatial efficiency of the radar platform and reduce the difficulty of project implementation. Finally, the effectiveness of this algorithm is validated by the simulation results.

    Improved distributed traffic sampling algorithm  for high speed network
    SUN Yu;JIANG Fuwei;XIA Jingbo;ZHAO Xiaohuan;SHEN Jian;LI Minghui
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  160-165.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.024
    Abstract ( 1049 )   PDF (534KB) ( 707 )   Save
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    The sampling algorithm based on mask matching is a distributed sampling measurement technology which can be used in a high speed network. But there exists a problem that some masks used in the algorithm result in a large measurement error. In order to solve the problem, the paper proposes an improved scheme that aims to enhance the randomness of its sample. The idea of the scheme is to put the identification field into xor operation to get a new identity value before mask matching and sampling. Firstly, the paper demonstrates theoretically that the xor operation can enhance its computed result's randomness effectively. Then it is checked statistically with the realistic traffic data. Finally, the improved algorithm is tested from two aspects of effectiveness and stability. Experimental result shows that the evaluation indexes of the improved algorithm are better than those of the original algorithm. Hence, any sampling mask can be used in the improved algorithm.

    Frequency-domain iterative receiver  for single carrier MIMO systems
    ZHAO Liang;GE Jianhua
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  166-171.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.025
    Abstract ( 864 )   PDF (555KB) ( 848 )   Save
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    An iterative receiver in the frequency-domain (FD) for the single carrier multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system is proposed. The proposed iterative receiver, using turbo theory, jointly performs soft interference cancellation (SIC), frequency-domain (FD) decision feedback equalization (DFE) and the function of the SCTCM decoder. The proposed iterative receiver can obtain better performance by using soft information derived from the decoder to perform the SIC and update the coefficients of the forward filter and feedback filter of FD-DFE. Simulation results shown that the proposed iterative receiver can improve the system performance significantly compared with FD linear equalization (LE). Moreover, the performance of the proposed receiver using fractional rate sampling approaches the perfect detection with an ideal channel.

    New design of LFSR based stream ciphers to resist power attack
    ZHAO Yongbin;HU Yupu;JIA Yanyan
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  172-179+200.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.026
    Abstract ( 950 )   PDF (537KB) ( 765 )   Save
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    An additional large number of flip-flops are required for available linear feedback shift register (LFSR) design which can completely resist power attack on the stream cipher based on LFSR. By analyzing the relations between the delayed sequence and the initial states, the lower bound on the number of flip-flops in the design of LFSR based stream ciphers to resist the power attack is given and a novel lightweight design to resist power attack is proposed. With this method, the number of flip-flops required is decreased to five and the power consumption is significantly reduced.

    Transmit beampattern synthesis and waveform design  for 2-D wideband MIMO radar
    YANG Tao;SU Tao;ZHANG Wang
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  180-187.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.027
    Abstract ( 1748 )   PDF (2750KB) ( 807 )   Save
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    For matching the desired transmit beampattern of the two dimensional(2-D) wideband MIMO radar system, a new transmit beampattern synthesis and waveform design algorithm is proposed based on the frquency invariant beamforming. In this algorithm, to eliminate any dependency on frequency of the emiting waveform, the 2-D fourier relationship between uniform rectangular array(URA) transmit beampattern and spectrum of emiting waveform is used. Then the cost function of waveform matching frequency response is established, which imposes a constraint on constant modulus. Finally, the alternating matrix fitting method is used to design unimodular sequences. The proposed method effectively mitigates frequency dispersion of the 2-D wideband MIMO radar transmit beampattern. Numerical simulations have proved the validity of this algorithm.

    Passivity enforcement scheme for descriptor systems
    YAN Xu;LI Yushan;DING Tonghao;QU Yongzhe;JIANG Dongchu;LU Jianmin
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  188-193+220.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.028
    Abstract ( 1087 )   PDF (1312KB) ( 834 )   Save
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    For the macromodel in descriptor systems, the existing methods require system decomposition, which greatly increase the compcatational time. A fast and efficient perturbation method is proposed for the passivity enforcement of S-parameter descriptor systems. The method generalizes quadratic programming with equality constraint introduced for regular systems which makes full use of matrix sparsity. It is implemented by perturbing some parameters of the DS to construct the objective function and constraint function of the quadratic programming problem. By using Lagrange multipliers, the complex optimization problem is transformed to a linear system solution, which greatly increases simulation efficiency. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

    Fast intra coding algorithm using smooth region detection for HEVC
    JIANG Jie;GUO Baolong;MO Wei;JIAO Changzhe;SUN Wei
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  194-200.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.029
    Abstract ( 1350 )   PDF (1381KB) ( 908 )   Save
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    Based on the quadtree structure of the HEVC coding unit, a fast intra coding algorithm that skips splitting subblock is proposed according to the result of the smooth region detection to reduce the intra coding complexity. First, the relationship between the image smoothness and coding unit's size has been analyzed by counting statistically the distribution of corresponding final coding units' sizes selected under different quantization parameters for different video contents. Second, whether the current coding unit belongs to the smooth region is detected according to the coding information on the current coding unit, which can help determine how to adaptively skip the coding process of the coding unit sizes not suitable for the texture features. Experimental results on the latest HM4.0 show that, on average, compared with the default fast approach set in the HEVC reference software, the proposed algorithm reduces the computational complexity by 24.8% and 18.6% for Low Complexity (Loco) and High Efficiency (HE) test sets, respectively, while incurring only 0.44% and 0.12% increment on the total bit rate, at the same peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), which is of great practical value.

    Multiplexer rational models extraction based on  the improved Cauchy method
    ZHANG Yongliang;SU Tao;WU Bian;LIANG Changhong
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  201-204.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.030
    Abstract ( 1080 )   PDF (535KB) ( 796 )   Save
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    In recent years, multiplexer synthesis and design is a hot topic in the microwave society, and a number of techniques are proposed on this topic. However, the technique for microwave multiplexer diagnosis and tuning is a new challenge. In this paper, a modified Cauchy method is presented to extract the rational model of multiplexers. First, the system matrix is constructed throgh the modified Cauchy method, and then it is solved by using the total least square (TLS) method. All the coefficients of the rational model are obtained at the same time. A triplexer example is used to test the new technique. The extracted parameters agree with the original coefficients well, which shows the validity of the new method presented in this paper.

    Revealing of  the hierarchy community of the complex network by decomposition multi-objective optimization
    CHEN Guoqiang;WANG Yuping
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  205-211.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.031
    Abstract ( 1432 )   PDF (1090KB) ( 851 )   Save
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    A new algorithm for community detection of complex networks is proposed. The problem of community detection is considered as multi-objective optimization problem. Tradeoff among multi-objectives realizes the detection of the community structure in a wider spread space, the disadvantages of the traditional single optimization algorithm is overcome. The MOEA/D framework is adopted and the Tchebycheff decomposition technique is used. A simulated annealing based weighted-sum method is used to perform local search which can expand the search scope, and not easily fall into local optimal solution. Finally, simulation experiments are done to test the algorithm using artificial and reality networks. The results show that, compared with existing algorithms, the algorithm has a higher detection accuracy and a small amount of computation, and can reveal the hierarchy community structure of the complex network by Pareto optimal solutions.

    Maximizing system benefits and fast convergence relay selection  algorithms in multi-source multi-relay networks
    HU Jie;ZHAO Zuoxi
    J4. 2013, 40(3):  212-220.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2013.03.032
    Abstract ( 846 )   PDF (758KB) ( 768 )   Save
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    Two kinds of distributed relay selection algorithm APARS and HARS are designed to achieve maximum system benefits with a fast convergence speed in multi-user multi-relay wireless networks. Based on auction mechanism, APARS is a kind of ascending price auction taken by users, while HARS is a hybrid auction of ascending price by users and descending price by relays; bids are set as the difference between maximum payoff and second largest payoff of bidders, and the basic price increment is introduced to ensure the convergence of the algorithms. Theoretical analysis and simulation results both prove that APARS with the 0 initial price and HARS with an arbitrary initial price can achieve near optimal system benefits, converge quickly and avoid a price war. When the number of users is larger than that of the relays, HARS is superior in convergence speed.
