
Table of Content

    20 June 2014 Volume 41 Issue 3
    Original Articles
    Focusing of highly-squinted bistatic SAR using the nonlinear CS algorithm for constant-offset configuration
    CHEN Shichao;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  1-7.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.001
    Abstract ( 671 )   PDF (1762KB) ( 791 )   Save
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    Focusing on the range variance of the range cell migration (RCM) and the second range compression (SRC) for tandem bistatic SAR with high squinted angles, a nonlinear chirp scaling algorithm (NCSA) is proposed to handle the problems based on an exact analytical bistatic spectrum. Unlike the chirp scaling (CS) imaging algorithm which is suitable for the case with small squint angles, not only is the variation with the Doppler frequency considered for the Doppler chirp rate, but also its variation with range is taken into account. The proposed algorithm can compensate the SRC for tandem bistatic SAR well. Satisfactory results are obtained with simulated experiments.

    Parameter estimation based adaptive auxiliary channel receiver method
    GONG Jiling;LIAO Guisheng;XU Jingwei;ZHU Shengqi
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  8-13+78.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.002
    Abstract ( 758 )   PDF (1634KB) ( 744 )   Save
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    The conventional auxiliary channel receiver method is limited by the prior knowledge of clutter distribution and system error in practical application, thus inducing mismatch between the selected auxiliary channels and actual clutter distribution. To deal with the problem, based on least-square parameter estimation, an adaptive space-time auxiliary channel receiver method is proposed in this paper. Firstly, a space-time snapshot of a single range cell is used to estimate the clutter distribution and system parameters are estimated via the least-square method. Then the auxiliary channels are selected adaptively to carry out reduced-dimension adaptive space-time processing. With snapshots from a single range bin, parameter estimation can be achieved with better accuracy. Besides, the proposed method is applicable to arbitrary array geometries, and therefore it is a flexible and robust implementation. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Solution to radial velocity ambiguity by dual-channel two-look interferometric phase difference
    ZHANG Xuepan;LIAO Guisheng;ZHU Shengqi;YANG Dong;GAO Yongchan
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  14-19+87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.003
    Abstract ( 632 )   PDF (1647KB) ( 712 )   Save
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    Based on dual-channel two-look interferometric phase difference, a new method is proposed to estimate the radial velocity of a moving target unambiguously in the synthetic aperture radar/ground moving target indication (SAR/GMTI) system. The two-look data is constructed in the range frequency domain, and interferometric phases of two-look are obtained by interferometry between the data of different channels. Since the interferometric phase difference of the two-look is not wrapped, the proposed method can be used to estimate the radial velocity of a moving target unambiguously. And the maximum unambiguous radial velocity is effectively improved by the proposed method. The effect on radial velocity estimation by the interval of the two-look data in range frequency is focused. Numerical and real data are processed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    New detection method for extended targets using sparse representation
    ZHANG Xiaowei;LI Ming;ZUO Lei
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  20-25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.004
    Abstract ( 619 )   PDF (1151KB) ( 669 )   Save
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    The problem of detecting extended targets embedded in the Gaussian noise is considered. The Sinc basis is introduced to sparsely represent the high resolution range profile (HRRP) of extended targets. Bringing the sparse representation theory into the target detection, a new method is proposed to solve the problem by the adaptive subspace detector (ASD) based on Sinc basis. Firstly, the noise power is estimated by basis pursuit (BP), then the basis pursuit de-noising (BPDN) is used to estimate the noise covariance by the residues and finally, the ASD of the first order Gaussian model realizes the extended target detection. Experimental results based on the raw data measured by the wideband radar show that the Sinc basis can sparsely represent HRRPs very well and that the proposed method can effectively realize the extended target detection.

    Phase gradient autofocus within FFBP flow for spotlight SAR processing
    LI Haolin;CHEN Lulu;ZHANG Lei;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  26-32.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.005
    Abstract ( 850 )   PDF (2831KB) ( 505 )   Save
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    Fast Factorized Back-Projection (FFBP) is an effective algorithm constructed based on aperture factorization. It is shown that the image quality is barely sacrificed compared with Back-Projection (BP). Different from frequency domain algorithms, SAR images reconstructed by FFBP cannot satisfy the requirement of autofocus. To solve this problem, we propose an improved FFBP (IFFBP) by introducing a fire-new coordinate system in this paper. Then, IFFBP can provide autofocus with Fourier transform pairs (FTP) between the image domain and the range compressed phase history domain. With a different framework of the overlapped subaperture in different stages, phase gradient autofocus (PGA) can be embedded into IFFBP to obtain a robust estimation of the phase error. Finally, the processed results of the collected data set validate this approach in spotlight SAR imagery.

    Performance comparison between two different virtual transformations of the hemisphere conformal array
    ZHANG Xuejing;YANG Zhiwei;LIAO Guisheng
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  33-40.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.006
    Abstract ( 631 )   PDF (1507KB) ( 709 )   Save
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    The spatial steering vector of the conformal array usually does not have a Vandermonde structure, so that some fast high-resolution spatial-spectrum estimation methods which are suitable for uniform linear arrays or plane arrays cannot be directly applied to the conformal arrays. This paper adopts the idea of array manifold interpolation transformation and establishes two different transformation relations from a hemisphere conformal array to a rectangular array and a cross array, respectively. Then we comparatively study the performance of the virtual rectangular array and the virtual cross array on DOA (Direction of Arrival) estimation, adaptive beamforming and computational complexity. The applicable conditions of two kinds of virtual arrays are clearly confirmed by theoretical analysis and extensive simulation, and results of this paper can provide a reference for the engineering applications of conformal arrays.

    Waveform design method for MIMO radar based on joint spatial and temporal optimization
    WANG Xu;ZHOU Shenghua;LIU Hongwei;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  41-48+70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.007
    Abstract ( 751 )   PDF (1221KB) ( 807 )   Save
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    In the waveform design for MIMO radar, the signal in the direction of interest may have a poor temporal property. Therefore, a waveform design method for MIMO radar based on joint spatial and temporal optimization is proposed, by taking account of the power distribution in space and the auto-correlation of the signal in the interested direction jointly. Based on the auto-correlation sidelobe level and correlation coefficients among transmitted signals, the optimization model for waveform design can be established, which is identical for the orthogonal waveform and the waveform with a specific beampattern. Then, the waveform can be optimized by using sequential quadratic programming (SQP) or weigthed iterative algorithm based on gradient information. Numerical results show that the desired beampttern can be approached by the waveform designed and that the signals in the directions of interest have good auto-correlation property.

    Wide angle SAR imaging via sparse non-negative matrix factorization
    XU Ran;LI Yachao;XING Mengdao
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  49-55.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.008
    Abstract ( 1082 )   PDF (2152KB) ( 570 )   Save
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    This paper proposes a novel WASAR imaging scheme, which divides the full aperture data into several overlapping sub-apertures and uses the Polar Format Algorithm (PFA) to obtain sub-images at different aspects. Finally we perform full aperture image composition via Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) with a sparse regularization term. The target feature of the synthesized image is enhanced and the SNR is improved. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the novel approach.

    Novel signal processing approach for squint beam-steering SAR (BS-SAR)
    WU Yufeng;SUN Guangcai;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  56-62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.009
    Abstract ( 695 )   PDF (1273KB) ( 619 )   Save
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    Due to the severe coupling effect between range and azimuth and the aliasing in the azimuth-frequency domain, it is difficult to deal with the squint Beam-Steering Synthetic Aperture Radar (BS-SAR) signal. Although the linear range walk correction can decrease the coupling effect dramatically, it leads to azimuth-variation into the Doppler frequency modulation (FM) rate and range cell migration (RCM). In order to eliminate the azimuth-variation, a novel spectrum processing approach based on azimuth resampling is proposed in this paper. After the linear range walk correction, the azimuth resampling is carried out in the azimuth-frequency domain and the signal’s spectrum will be completely equivalent to the broadside SAR configuration. For squint BS-SAR, the resampling is combined with the SPECAN technique. So the squint BS-SAR signal’s spectrum without aliasing and azimuth-variation can be obtained. Then the signal can be focused by the broadside BS-SAR imaging algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed approach can be used to process squint BS-SAR data effectively.

    Moving target detection in the multi-band SAR system and parameter optimization
    WANG Jinwei;SUN Guangcai;WU Yufeng;ZHOU Feng;ZHANG Zijing
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  63-70.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.010
    Abstract ( 715 )   PDF (1328KB) ( 772 )   Save
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    To overcome the shortcomings of the conventional method for moving target detection in single-channel SAR, a method for moving target detection in single-channel multi-band SAR is presented. In this method, the stationary clutter could be eliminated by using the data of the equivalent dual-channel, which is constructed by desampling the original SAR data in the azimuth direction. Then moving target detection, parameter estimation and location are accomplished with the Keystone method. Moreover, a parameter optimization method in the multi-band SAR system is presented, which could solve the problem of blind area in the velocity detectable in the traditional SAR moving target detection system. As a result, the bands utilization and moving target detectable alarm increases greatly. Finally, simulation results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.

    ISAR autofocus method for maneuvering targets
    HUANG Darong;ZHANG Lei;XING Mengdao;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  71-78.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.011
    Abstract ( 576 )   PDF (3531KB) ( 441 )   Save
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    A new autofocus method for maneuvering targets is proposed. The chirp component of the signal can be obtained by means of exhaustive linear search. The random initial phase terms are evaluated precisely by accumulating all the coherent signals in the low SNR case, and the accuracy of estimating the phase error terms can be improved by iteration. Finally, simulation results measured data verify the validity of the proposed algorithm.

    Resource allocation scheme for multi-cell cognitive radio Ad-Hoc networks
    KUO Yonghong;YANG Jianghong;CHEN Jian
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  79-87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.012
    Abstract ( 598 )   PDF (813KB) ( 732 )   Save
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    A resource allocation scheme for the cognitive radio Ad-Hoc network, which is collocated with the multi-cell primary radio network, is proposed based on the hierarchical channel access model. In this case, different primary cells can utilize some parts of the whole spectrums in terms of the reuse factor. Available bands are divided by the secondary system in line with the reused area and different access modes are developed according to the spectrum division. The proposed transmission profit parameter combining the transmission requirement with the interference constraint is used for channel allocation and the secondary system uses the Lagrange duality theory to implement power allocation. The Token Ring is introduced to realize local information exchange for the Ad-Hoc link. Simulation results show that, with the same performance metrics, the proposed algorithm can achieve 20% improvement on the overall throughput compared to the non-reuse-based cognitive scenario.

    Spectrum sensing method based on the double sensing length under a low SNR
    GAO Rui;LI Zan;QI Peihan;GUAN Lei;LIU Jin
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  88-94.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.013
    Abstract ( 623 )   PDF (737KB) ( 566 )   Save
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    According to the spectrum sensing problem under a low signal-noise ratio (SNR) in cognitive radio networks, this paper proposes a spectrum sensing method based on the double sensing length. For the proposed algorithm, a short length energy detection will be carried out first. While it is making the decision there is no primary user, and the second long length energy detection will be taken to make the final decision. This paper analyzes some significant properties, such as the average sample number (ASN), detection performance and implementation complexity. Simulation results validate the theory, and show that in the low SNR regime the proposed algorithm can make the spectrum sensing more efficient than conventional energy detection. Meanwhile it possesses the advantages of a smaller ASN and lower complexity, and has potential applicability in cognitive radio sensor networks.

    Correlated equilibrium-based spectrum sharing algorithm design for the cognitive Wi-Fi networks
    XU Chao;SHENG Min;YANG Chungang;MA Xiao
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  95-102+109.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.014
    Abstract ( 674 )   PDF (825KB) ( 794 )   Save
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    The cognitive Wi-Fi network is a novel WLAN(wireless local area network) operating on TVWS(TV white space) with cognitive radio technology. Two equilibrium-based spectrum sharing algorithms are proposed in this wireless network, which are implemented in a centralized way and a distributed way, respectively. Comprehensively considering the spectrum fragmentation, the interference among networks and the clients' traffic requirements, the spectrum sharing problem is formulated as a noncooperative game. The two algorithms consider the efficiency and complexity, respectively. To be specific, the centralized algorithm can maximize the whole payoff of the networks, while the distributed algorithm can be realized without information interaction. Simulation results show that, compared to the greedy algorithm, both of the two proposed algorithms can achieve higher benefits.

    Novel algorithm for image enhancement with histogram equalization and MSRCR
    LI Jin;WANG Junping;WAN Guoting;LI Ziyang;XU Dan;CAO Honghua;ZHANG Guangyan
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  103-109.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.015
    Abstract ( 946 )   PDF (2959KB) ( 836 )   Save
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    In order to conveniently extract the extra material defect features from an IC real image, this paper proposes a new method for a color image enhancement combined with histogram equalization (HE) and Multi-Scale Retinex with Color Restoration (MSRCR). Using histogram equalization to color image enhancement can significantly improve the contrast but will reduce the original information entropy, the Retinex algorithm can improve the details of the dark area but will lead to the phenomena such as the white and color distortion, low contrast. The new algorithm, according to the characteristics of the processing results of the above two algorithms, weightily fusing the HE enhanced image and the MSRCR enhanced image, has been one of the best weighting factors after a lot of test statistics. Experimental results show that the improved algorithm produces greater enhancement in the image's brightness, contrast, detail, and others and that it not only improves the overall visual effect of the image, but also gives the maximum information entropy. Through objective and subjective evaluation, it is shown that the algorithm has a fantastic effect on enhancement of color image, compared to the HE and MSRCR algorithm that process separately, and that it can better describe IC defects in detail,  which is conducive to the detection and defect feature extraction of the subsequent target, and verify the versatility of the algorithm.

    Detection method for assembling results of electronic components
    JIANG Jianguo;WANG Guolin;MENG Hongwei;LI Fang;ZENG Yi
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  110-115+173.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.016
    Abstract ( 643 )   PDF (1842KB) ( 591 )   Save
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    In order to detect the common problems on PCB faster and more accurately, such as leakage welding, false welding or polarity inversion, a new detection method for assembling results of electronic components is proposed, which makes full use of the powerful search strategy and intelligent optimization mechanism of the EM algorithm. In the new algorithm, the initial population is generated by extracting the coordinate points from the feasible domain randomly and uniformly. The improved normalized correlation function is taken as the objective function. The images' matching points with the same name are regarded as charged particles. And the best image matching point is searched by moving and updating particles. Moreover, a non-uniform mutation operator is introduced to improve the operation of moving particles. Finally the implementation steps and basic process of the new method are designed. Experimental results show that the new method has a faster convergence speed and a higher recognition rate, and is suitable for the detection of PCB.

    Cloud droplets freezing attack in cloud computing
    WANG Yichuan;MA Jianfeng;LU Di;ZHANG Liumei;MENG Xianjia
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  116-122.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.017
    Abstract ( 872 )   PDF (699KB) ( 685 )   Save
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    This paper proposes a novel and practical distributed denial-of-service attack model—cloud droplets freezing attack, by studying the characteristics of the server cluster deployment in cloud computing context. Experimental results show that the attacker can control the infected virtual machine to launch the attack. Such an attack not only produces a serious congestion effect to the internal network bandwidth of cloud server clusters, but also exhausts physical host resources such as memory and CPU. To achieve effective denial-of-service attacks, the attack illegally occupies resources that are originally assigned to a legitimate virtual machine. Combined with the defense related technologies toward traditional denial-of-service attack and the quantitative analysis of the principle of the Cloud droplets attack, the paper discusses the Cloud droplets freezing defense methods.

    New nearest neighbor affinity similarity function based on separation and compactness between samples
    LI Juan;WANG Yuping
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  123-130.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.018
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    Traditional distance and similarity measurements did not take into account the influence of the individual sample on the whole sample set. To deal with this issue, a new similarity improvement strategy of k-nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN) is proposed in the paper. First, a new affinity distance function is introduced, which focuses on the separation and compactness between each individual sample and the whole sample set. Second, a new similarity function using this affinity distance function is proposed and taken as the similarity measure function in the KNN. Third, a theoretical analysis of and experiments on eighteen numerical UCI (University of California Irvine) datasets are made to compare the affinity similarity function proposed in this paper with classical distance or similarity functions through 5-fold partitioning cross-validations. Finally, classification results indicate that the proposed affinity similarity function is not only an effective similarity strategy for classification, but can reduce the classification time for large-scale data sets by combining efficient indexing algorithms.

    Design of the writing circuit with a low supply voltage for the spin-transfer torque random access memory
    ZHANG Li;ZHUANG Yiqi;ZHAO Weisheng;TANG Hualian
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  131-137.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.019
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    A writing circuit with a low supply voltage for the spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM) is proposed to reduce the writing power consumption. Using the combination of the column selecting and the isolation between writing and reading operation, the writing circuit with a low supply voltage decreases the resistor value of the writing branch and the value of the reading current. Therefore the switching power efficiency and the reliability can be improved. By using an accurate compact model of the 65nm magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) and a commercial CMOS design-kit, mixed transient and statistical simulations have been performed to validate this design. Simulation results indicate that the proposed circuits can decrease the writing power consumption and improve the reliability.

    Novel dual-channel MOS bootstrapped switch circuit
    JING Xin;ZHUANG Yiqi;TANG Hualian;ZHANG LI;DU Yongqian
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  138-144.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.020
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    A novel low-voltage, high-speed and high-linear dual-channel MOS bootstrapped switch is proposed. This proposed switch utilizes the bootstrapping technique of both NMOS and PMOS simultaneously, thus resulting in small-variation low-value on-resistance over the entire input signal range. The switch considers reliability constrains and is suitable for standard CMOS technology. Based on the 0.13μm CMOS technology and 1.2V power supply, simulation results show that the switch achieves an on-resistance variation less than 4.3% throughout the full range (V<sub>pp</sub>=1V) of the input signal range. For a 100MHz input with 1V (V<sub>pp</sub>) amplitude, the switch has a total harmonic distortion (THD) up to -88.33dB at the 100MHz sampling frequency, about -14.8dB and -29dB increase, compared with the conventional bootstrapped NMOS switch and the standard CMOS transmission gate, respectively. The circuit could be applied to the low-voltage and high speed-resolution switched-capacitor circuits.

    Quantitative analysis of effect of the rotational misalignment on image quality
    CHEN Yujiao;WANG Xiaorui;YU Shuo
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  145-151.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.021
    Abstract ( 717 )   PDF (989KB) ( 624 )   Save
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    We quantitatively analyze the effect of the rotational misalignment between the display panel and the reconstruction lenslet array on the reconstructed image quality in the integral imaging system. First, the geometric optics and the ray tracing theory are utilized to build the rotational misalignment theoretical model based on the integral imaging principle by considering the optical axis translation motion and the pixel information dislocation. Then, the degradation of the image quality in the integral imaging system resulted from the rotational misalignment is simulated on the basis of the model mentioned above. Finally, the peak signal-to-noise ratio is introduced to quantitatively characterize the influence degree of the rotational misalignment on the reconstructed image quality, and the rotational misalignment limitations are given corresponding to the HVS observable threshold for different system parameters such as the lens pitch and the distance between the display panel and the reconstruction lenslet array. Research results will provide theoretical support for the parameters design and assembly of the display module in an integral imaging system.

    Parallel RX algorithm implementation based on the FPGA and multi-DSP system
    ZHAO Baowei;XIANGLI Bin;Lü Qunbo;ZHANG Guifeng;ZENG Xiaoru;GUO Wenji
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  152-156.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.022
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    Hyperspectral imagery is hard to apply for real-time detection of abnormal targets due to its huge amount of computation. This paper proposes a fast processing method by parallelizing the RX detection algorithm on a hardware platform based on FPGA and multi-DSP. According to the principle and characteristics of the RX algorithm, computer simulation is completed to confirm the feasibility and characteristics of parallelization. On this basis, the parallel processing RX algorithm is implemented on this platform, where FPGA implements the SVD for dimensionality reduction in hyperspectral imagery to reduce the amount of data processing and transmission, and multi-DSP speeds up the process of abnormal target detection by parallelizing the RX algorithm. For hyperspectral data including 64 bands of images at size 280×800, the proposed system only took 4.86s to obtain the detection result. The demonstrated ability can satisfy the requirement for online processing and fast result acquisition in applications of hyperspectral remote sensing.

    Security detection of the consensus-based spectrum sensing algorithm in cognitive networks
    LI Hongning;PEI Qingqi;LI Zi
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  157-161.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.023
    Abstract ( 682 )   PDF (662KB) ( 622 )   Save
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    Through altering local spectrum sensing data, attackers can launch spectrum sensing data falsification attack to affect the data updating process of other nodes, and lead to a wrong spectrum decision. For the consensus-based sensing algorithm, a security detection is implemented. Simulation shows that if there exists one attacker who can launch a spectrum sensing data falsification attack during the late stage of data convergence, others will be misled to converge sensing data to the value provided by the attacker. Therefore, all users in the local network will make a wrong decision. For the features of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks, considering the factors that can affect sensing data updating, some secure suggestions for spectrum sensing in distributed cognitive radio networks are introduced at the end of this paper.

    Enhanced fairness-based multi-resource allocation algorithm for cloud computing
    LU Di;MA Jianfeng;WANG Yichuan;XI Ning;ZHANG Liumei;MENG Xianjia
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  162-168.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.024
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    To address the issue of faimess in resource allocation under cloud computing, this paper proposes a dynamic-resource-demand oriented model of fair allocation for the cloud platform based on DRF(Dominant Resource Faimess). Then, a credit factor based allocation algorithm of enhanced faimess, named cbDRF, is proposed. A credit factor is introduced to cbDRF to evaluate the resource utilization of the computing nodes on the clud platform. Thus, with the credit factor, the nodes which are maliciously occupying resources for a long time will be imposed with Punitive Allocation. Besides, this mechanism can also encourage the node to release its occupied allocations after its task(Release incentive) to guarantee other nodes' share not to be influenced. Compared to the existing approaches, cbDRF strengthens the protection for faimess under the premise of ensuring fair allocation, which effectively guarantees the faimess and reliablilty for the resource scheduling of the cloud platform.

    On efficient estimation of reachable markings for S3PR
    HONG Liang
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  169-173.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.025
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    This paper proposes a method that deals with an approximate calculation of the number of reachable markings of an S3PR in an algebraic way. Based on combinatorics, we find an upper bound of reachable markings of an S3PR. Then we try to find the number of unreachable markings by extracting siphons with two resource places. The obtained number covers most or even all of the unreachable markings. Finally, we can estimate the number of reachable markings by removing the unreachable ones from the upper bound. Calculations and analyses verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

    Multiple unresolved targets distinguish algorithm by combination of the Metropolis algorithm with MDL criteria
    LI Zhenxing;LIU Jinmang;ZHOU Zheng;GUO Xiangke;LI Yanlei
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  174-180.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.026
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    When multiple targets' echoes fall into the same resolution cell of monopulse radar, the echoes are distinguished at a slow rate of convergence using the available processing algorithm. Aiming at this problem, a new processing algorithm is presented, which combines the Metropolis algorithm with minimum description length (MDL) criteria. Constructing the update function and the rule of iteration can improve the convergence of the different markov chains of parameters estimation. Then, by using the fusion decision rule, valid samples are selected to calculate the parameters. Lastly, the numbers of multiple unresolved targets are calculated by using minimum description length criteria. The proposed algorithm has not only a higher rate of convergence, but also a better resolution capability under multiple targets with a more accurate parametric estimation. The efficacy and feasibility of the method are verified by simulation.

    Vehicle navigation system optimization of precise positioning algorithm
    TAN Baocheng;DENG Zihao
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  181-186.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.027
    Abstract ( 550 )   PDF (983KB) ( 636 )   Save
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    Errors exist in the vehicle navigation system under the positioning of the point conversion to the actual electronic map in the process. In order to improve the vehicle navigation system positioning precision by ameliorating the coordinate transformation model, on the basis of classical plane transformation algorithms, we first use the gauss projection of the GPS receiving (B, L) coordinates into plane coordinates (X, Y), Then, According to the least squares method, we obtain the transformation parameter. At the same time, the error of the common point itself serves as a random processing parameters. According to the method of least square configuration model, we transform parameters as nonrandom parameters. In order to obtain a stable parameter estimation, we avoid the common point error caused by of the uneven distribution. Experimental results show that the algorithm has a higher real-time property and stability.

    DRM model supporting individuation sharing
    MA Guojun;PEI Qingqi;ZHANG Hongxiang
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  187-191.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.028
    Abstract ( 545 )   PDF (576KB) ( 591 )   Save
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    According to the problem that the traditional sharing mechanism in the authorized domain does not enable special devices in the authorized domain to share special digital content, so that individuation sharing in the authorized domain is not supported. A ciphytext-policy attribute-based encryption based DRM sharing model is proposed. Devices of the same individuation sharing requirement are organized as an attribute-related logical sub-domain, and the license is encrypted under the attribute in the special sub-domain, so that only devices in the special sub-domain can share special digital content, and individuation sharing in the authorized domain is achieved.

    Robust voice endpoint detection fusing Burg spectrum estimate and signal variability
    ZHANG Junchang;HU Haitao;CUI Li
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  192-195+220.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.029
    Abstract ( 794 )   PDF (691KB) ( 695 )   Save
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    Voice Endpoint Detection is challenging, especially in nonstationary noise and a low signal-to-noise ratio(SNR), so this paper proposes a novel Robust Voice Endpoint Detection method fusing Burg spectrum estimate and long-term signal variability(LTSV). This method uses a novel long-term signal variability measure, by which the degree of nonstationarity in various signals can be indicated. Comparison with the traditional Voice Endpoint Detection method based on signal features, this method's detection performance has been greatly improved under the condition of a low signal-to-noise ratio and nonstationary noise. Also, Burg spectrum estimate is proposed, which improves the LTSV parameter discrimination degree, thus further improving the detection accuracy. Simulation results show that in comparison with the standard Voice Endpoint Detection method, the new method's accuracy is generally improved by more than about 6%, which shows that the new method has better robustness in the non-stationary noise and low signal-to-noise ratio environment.

    Study on suppression of simultaneous switching noise in the real-time wavefront processor
    YANG Haifeng;RAO Changhui;LI Mei;ZHOU Rui
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  196-202.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.030
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    In order to reduce the simultaneous switching noise(SSN) in the Adaptive Optics(AO) Real-Time Wavefront Processor(RT-WFP),in accordance with the feature of RT-WFP, 3-D full wave and circuit simulation methods are applied to analyze the board-level SSN. By researching decoupling capacitors, the split power plane, the electromagnetic band gap(EBG) structure for noise suppression, the results show that through a well device layout, reasonable power plane split and place decoupling capacitors around the key components can reduce the plane noise, and that mushroom-like EBG structures have a high bandwidth and low cut-off frequency characteristics with a good SSN inhibition effect. Finally, applying system and board-level noise inhibition measures to RT-WFP, a suppression of SSN from 0GHz to 4GHz is achieved with a high mitigation level of -52dB, the power integrity requirements of RT-WFP are met.

    Research on distributed resources scheduling strategy in the ITSGrid
    XU Lin;QU Shiru;YU Bin
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  203-208.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.031
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    A distributed resource adaptive scheduling algorithm GLBCQ (Global Load Balance and Customed QoS) is proposed, which could take the customed QoS requirement of ITS computing tasks and current system load status of ITSGrid into account and select the optimal resources for the submitted tasks adaptively. Experimental result showed that compared to classical algorithms, GLBCQ has a higher efficiency and adaptability which could promote load balance and overall performance of the ITSGrid.

    Time registration using the curve fitting algorithm of the adaptive changed length moving window
    YONG Xiaoju;FANG Yangwang;GAO Xiang;YANG Pengfei
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  209-213.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.032
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    Aimed at the problem of the window length chosen in the time registration algorithm based on curve fitting, an adaptive window length chosen algorithm based on the mode of the movement of a target is proposed. The movement of the target is divided into like-linear mode and curvilinear mode, and the slope of the trace of the target at each data point is calculated, so the state breaking point and the mode of movement at the point of time registration can be confirmed and the length of the window is chosen adaptively. Large numbers of simulations show the reliability of this algorithm under the condition of time delay and the maneuvering target.

    Context-aware location privacy protection technique without TTP and user cooperation
    MAO Dianhui;CAI Qiang;LI Haisheng;CAO Jian
    J4. 2014, 41(3):  214-220.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2014.03.033
    Abstract ( 703 )   PDF (922KB) ( 787 )   Save
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    Most current privacy-preserving techniques either require a trusted third-party (TTP) anonymizer or have proved to be quivering in the users' cooperative stability when temporal-spatial scenes change in located-based service (LBS). In order to address these challenges, this paper introduces an adaptive context-aware privacy-preserving technique without TTP and user cooperation: the context of a user's location can be real-time achieved based on the multi-granularity abstract road-networks from the LBS server. Furthermore, the usage of the context-aware technique ensures adaptability to the user's personalized privacy settings, and enables the LBS server to retrieve the minimal regional road-network and incremental nearest-neighbor results. Theoretical analysis and experimental results validate the technique's effectiveness on LBS accuracy, privacy protection and communication QoS (Quality-of-Service).
