
Table of Content

    20 August 2015 Volume 42 Issue 4
    Original Articles
    Study of multi-feature fusion methods for distribution fields  in object tracking
    SONG Changhe;LI Yunsong;NING Jifeng;MOU Yongqiang
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  1-7.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.001
    Abstract ( 831 )   PDF (1138KB) ( 698 )   Save
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    In order to improve the robustness of the distribution fields (DF) as an object model in object tracking, we propose a mutli-feature fusion framework for the distribution fields. In the original DF-based method, the density histogram was used to estimate the DF of a pixel, but the structural information was ignored. For effective representation of the structural information in the DFs, a special type of coding for the featured points which contain structural information is merged into the DFs. Experiments show that the new method outperforms the original method and four other state-of-the-art tracking algorithms for some challenging video clips.

    Design and application of the allpass fractional delay filter
    WU Kai;SU Tao
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  8-13.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.002
    Abstract ( 509 )   PDF (1048KB) ( 631 )   Save
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    By analyzing the design and solving of the allpass fractional delay filter (APFDF) based on the weighted least square method, a new APFDF design procedure adopting the modified genetic algorithm based on elite strategy is proposed, which assures the convergence and stability in obtaining the filter's coefficients. The hybrid genetic operators speed up the convergence of genetic operation towards the global optimal solution and prevent it from pondering around the solution. Simulation results show that the allpass fractional delay filters designed are of low order and high precision. Applied in wideband digital beamforming (WDBF), the aperture transition and frequency dispersion problems are solved successfully and the beam formed approximates the ideal beam.

    Capacitively coupled contactless signal transfer method
    SHI Jungang;LI Xiaoping;XIE Kai;LIU Yanming;GUO Shizhong
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  14-19.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.003
    Abstract ( 623 )   PDF (1641KB) ( 551 )   Save
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    In order to solve the wear, signal drift and low reliability problem of the rotational motion mechanism of the contact electrical transmission mechanism such as slip rings, a new non-contact signal transmission method using the capacitive coupling is introduced. We propose a signal transmission structure, and analyze the distribution parameters and equivalent circuit Modeling and simulation of signal transmission is done and the data transfer circuit is designed. The prototype is built that realizes the real-time data transparent transmission between the moving parts, and removes the contact and friction. Multi-channel signal transmission can be performed if it is extended. The measured data transfer rate reaches 400kbit/s. This method can be used in aerospace, wind power, medical, military and other fields.

    Algorithm for discovering SNMP protocol vulnerability
    WANG Zhiqiang;ZHANG Yuqing;LIU Qixu;HUANG Tingpei
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  20-26+40.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.004
    Abstract ( 579 )   PDF (1017KB) ( 610 )   Save
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    An algorithm for discovering SNMP protocol vulnerabilities is proposed, which solves several problems including single and one-dimensional strategies of constructing test cases, lack of the exception monitor and debugger or inapplicability of the network and SNMP-related software. First, by analyzing the SNMP RFC specification, the algorithm adopts the generation strategy for constructing test cases. Second, the mutation strategy is adopted to construct test cases on the basis of known information about SNMP vulnerabilities and the previous malformed data. According to the algorithm, a tool named tje SRPFuzzer is developed for bug hunting. Finally, an experiment is done on routers and software, including the Cisco router, wireshark and so on. Four groups of vulnerabilities are found, which verifies the SRPFuzzer's validity. Meanwhile, comparing with the PROTOS and other 3 tools, the SRPFuzzer is superior to these tools at test case construction, monitoring, debugging, bug hunting ability and so on.

    HLBP model method with color and location information  about moving objects detection
    HE Xiaochuan;XU Luping;FENG Dongzhu;YU Hang
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  27-32+158.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.005
    Abstract ( 490 )   PDF (2129KB) ( 392 )   Save
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    This paper proposes a background subtraction algorithm using the Gaussian mixture model to combine multiple features which include the Haar-LBP(HLBP) texture model, and color and location information. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, which can not only detects an object timely and precisely, but also obtain a higher shadow detection rate and robustness to camera shake.

    Multispectral image compression algorithm based on  composite transform
    LIANG Wei;ZENG Ping;ZHENG Haihong;LUO Xuemei
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  33-40.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.006
    Abstract ( 516 )   PDF (1840KB) ( 526 )   Save
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    Aiming at the problems of inadequate reducing of spatial and spectral redundancy and weak adaptability of existing multispectral image compression algorithms, the multispectral images' spatial sparse equivalent representation and its clustering implementation named the OptimalLeaders are proposed. Furthermore, an adaptive multispectral image compression algorithm—OLPKWS is designed, which is based on composite transform. In the OLPKWS, multispectral data are transformed into representation and residual by the presented spatial sparse equivalent transform, which removes spatial redundancy adaptively. Moreover, an error compensation mechanism is introduced in order to improve the quality of the reconstruction image. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to remove spectral redundancy for representation. However, to predict differences, KLT is utilized to explore spectral correlation, two-dimensional wavelet transform is used to remove spatial redundancy, standard deviation weighted rate allocation and SPIHT are combined to complete the coding. Experimental results show that, in comparison to the clustering, SPIHT and KLT_SPIHT_TCIRA algorithms, the proposed approach achieves a higher peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) under the same compression ratio.

    Effects of deep etching methods on the microstructure of  the etched vias of the silicon-based SIWF
    DU Lin;PU Shi;SHI Yonggui;ZHANG Jincheng;HAO Yue
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  41-46.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.007
    Abstract ( 516 )   PDF (4695KB) ( 494 )   Save
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    The microstructure and the array accuracy of the etched vias of the silicon-basedsubstrate integrated waveguide filter (SIWF) are crucial to the electromagnetic performance and the reliability of the silicon-based SIWF. In this paper, three different etching methods, including potassiumhydroxide etching, picosecond UV laser etching, and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) etching are utilized to etch via arrays onhigh resistivity [100]-siliconsubstrates. The profiles and the array accuracy of the vias are measured by optical critical dimension and the micromorphology of the vias is characterized byscanning electron microscopy (SEM), on the basis of which the effects of different deep etching methods on the microstructure of the viasidewall of the silicon-based SIWF are studied. The results indicate that the microstructure of the vias etched by the inductively coupled plasma etching method is the best. Meanwhile, this kind of vias has the highest array accuracy and the lowest roughness. So, under the current condition of process equipment and technical level, ICP etching is the optimal method for manufacturing deep via arrays of the silicon-based SIWF.

    Stochastic dynamic analysis of a spatial flexible beam
    JIN Hongling;CHEN Jianjun;ZHAO Kuan;CAO Hongjun
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  47-52+62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.008
    Abstract ( 444 )   PDF (646KB) ( 418 )   Save
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    The uncertainty dynamic response of a spatial flexible beam with large overall motion is investigated. The stochastic differential equations of a three-dimensional beam with large overall motion are derived by using the virtual work principle. The polynomial chaos method and monomial cubature rules are applied to derive a set of completely implicit differential equations. Then the polynomial coefficients are obtained by the variable order method and regression method so as to find the numerical characteristics of the response. As an illustrating example, dynamic modeling of a spatial flexible beam by considering the probabilistic of geometric and physical parameters is presented. The accuracy and efficiency of the method are verified by comparing the results with those given by the Monte Carlo simulation method. The results show that the probabilistic parameters have a significant effect on the dynamic response of the flexible beam and that the dynamic modeling with probabilistic parameters can objectively reflect the dynamic behavior of the objective systems.

    Low dimension matrix constraint method for  classifying non-rigid features
    LIU Shigang;XIN Xiaomeng;PENG Yali;QIU Guoyong
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  53-56+69.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.009
    Abstract ( 481 )   PDF (885KB) ( 414 )   Save
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    To classify the features into the rigid and non-rigid ones, a low dimension matrix constraint method for non-rigid feature classification is proposed. All the non-rigid features are put into a matrix and an error function is introduced based on the fact that the matrix which consists of rigid features spans a 3D subspace. The feature which has a max error is regarded as the non-rigid one and moved from the matrix one by one. Experimental results with both simulated and real data show that the method can efficiently classify the features into two sets.

    Design approach for a compliant five-bar tristable mechanism
    GOU Yanjie;CHEN Guimin;JIA Jianyuan
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  57-62.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.10012400.2015.04.010
    Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (2300KB) ( 324 )   Save
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    The compliant multistable mechanism is capable of steadily staying at several stable equilibrium positions without a power input, and has many applications in valves, switches, relays, and closures. In this paper, we propose a new idea of using the optimization algorithm to develop the compliant five-bar tristable mechanism: The compliant five-bar mechanism is modeled using a 1 degree of  freedom pseudo-rigid-body model first. Then based on the least action principle, a constrained optimization routine is presented to determine the angular displacements of the three follower bars and the potential energy stored in the compliant five-bar mechanism. Finally, an objective function is proposed, which includes the number of the minima of the potential energy curve and the loop closure equations of the model, and an unconstrained optimization routine is described to develop a compliant five-bar tristable mechanism. The effectiveness of the idea is demonstrated by two prototypes.

    Short rendezvous channel-hopping algorithm for  cognitive radio networks
    ZHONG Ming;ZHANG Hailin;CHENG Wenchi;GUO Chaoping
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  63-69.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.011
    Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (666KB) ( 479 )   Save
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    According to the network topology structure, cognitive networks can be divided into the network with a centralized controller and CRAHNs(CR Ad-Hoc Networks, CRAHNs). Because it is difficult to predict when primary users(PU) appear, secondary users(SU) can not use the fixed common control channel(CCC). This paper presents a short rendezvous channel-hopping algorithm for CRAHNs. By the distributed CCC scheme, secondary users rendezvous on the available channels in common and establish a link in a short time. Compared with previous guaranteed algorithms, our algorithm outperforms the state of the art in terms of TTR(Time To Rendezvous).

    Research on a tensegrity parallel mechanism for  wave energy harvesting
    JI Zhifei;LI Tuanjie;LIN Min
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  70-75.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.012
    Abstract ( 456 )   PDF (626KB) ( 427 )   Save
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    To solve the problem that the conventional floating wave power device can not transform the rotational kinetic energy into electric energy, a novel wave energy harvesting device based on tensegrity parallel mechanisms is proposed. The dynamic model of the novel device is developed on the basis of Airy's linear wave theory and Lagrange's equation. Then, the kinematic and dynamic analyses of the float are made. Afterwards, the efficiency of the novel wave energy harvesting device and conventional floating wave power device is computed and compared. The results indicate that the efficiency of energy harvesting of the proposed device is higher than that of the conventional floating wave power device. Moreover, the ability of the proposed device to resist destructive water waves is better than that of the conventional floating wave power device.

    Effect ofthe manganese doping concentration and site on  the magnetism of graphene
    LIU Jiajia;LEI Tianmin;ZHANG Yuming;CHEN Delin;GUO Hui;ZHANG Zhiyong
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  76-80+106.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.013
    Abstract ( 493 )   PDF (1657KB) ( 424 )   Save
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    Based on the density functional theory, the total magnetic moment and the density of states of Mn-doped graphene are calculated in the case of different impurity concentrations and lattice positions. The results show that the total magnetic moment goes up with the increase of doping concentration. Under the condition of the same impurity concentration, the Mn atoms in different spin directions can make the magnetism stronger. Meanwhile, it is found that the ability to gain and lose electrons of impurities, and the magnetic properties of the supercell are associated with the lattice positions occupied by Mn atoms. Doping in the same lattice has an advantage to enhance the magnetism, meaning that the magnetism of graphene can likely be controlled by changing doping conditions. By analyzing the total and partial density of states, it is concluded that the magnetic mechanism of Mn-doped graphene is relevant to the p-d exchange correlation function of Mn-d and C-p electrons.

    Wonderful events automatic detection and location of the HCRF  and webcast text
    TONG Ming;WANG Shuo;DING Liwei;WANG Gang
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  81-87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.014
    Abstract ( 419 )   PDF (1508KB) ( 554 )   Save
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    Based on the powerful function of the hidden conditional random fields (HCRF) model in the expression and identification of semantic events and combining the webcast text information, a new framework for wonderful events automatic detection is put forward. Firstly, by analyzing and processing the webcast text,  keyword combinations corresponding to each exciting event are obtained. Secondly, by classifying the webcast text to be detected, the happening time labels of each wonderful event are obtained. Thirdly, an HCRF model for semantic shot annotation is built to realize the semantic annotation of multiple types of semantic shots simultaneously, and the semantic shot sequence of the video clip is obtained. Finally, combining the multi-modal semantic clues, an HCRF model for the wonderful events detection and localization is effectively built in the case of small-scale training samples. Based on the mapping relationship among video low-level features, the multi-modal semantic clues and the wonderful semantic events, the inherent patterns of the wonderful events are excavated deeply in the multiple dimensions of the semantic structure, and then the wonderful events automatic detection, localization and segmentation are precisely achieved. Experiments show the effectiveness of this model.

    New method for azimuth-dependent correction of  highly squint missile-borne SAR subaperture imaging
    LI Zhenyu;YANG Jun;LIANG Yi;XING Mengdao
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  88-94+197.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.015
    Abstract ( 588 )   PDF (1320KB) ( 38866 )   Save
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    Squinted imaging is one of the most important modes in the missile-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Usually, from the view of practical applications, the missile-borne SAR adopts subaperture processing in order to implement quick look imaging. In the highly squint mode, the echo signal couples greatly between range and azimuth, so traditional algorithms perform the linear range walk correction in the azimuth time domain firstly to mitigate greatly the range-azimuth coupling, which causes the problem of position dependent azimuth phase, resulting in the azimuth uniform processing disabled and impacting the azimuth depth of focus (DOF). Based on the deep analysis of the instantaneous slant range model in the highly squint missile-borne SAR, this paper proposes high-order phase filtering to correct azimuth-dependence for implementing the identical azimuth-focusing processing. Simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

    Improved compressive sensing algorithm for  CT image reconstruction with incomplete projection data
    KUANG Tao;HUANG Liyu;ZHONG Yufang;LI Chao
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  95-99+113.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.016
    Abstract ( 526 )   PDF (1373KB) ( 573 )   Save
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    Aiming at the problem of the long scanning time of the classical scanning modalities in X-ray luminescence computed tomography and based on the traditional total variation minimization (TVM) algorithm, an improved compressive sensing (CS) algorithm for image reconstruction under incomplete projection situations is suggested and investigated. The algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) process under the non-negative constraint and the total variation minimization process solved by the gradient descent method are combined in the improved algorithm. To solve the constrained optimization problem, the ART process is performed several times first and then alternates with the total variation minimization process. The CS reconstructions under two incomplete projection situations, few-view projection and limited-angle projection, are discussed, and the effects of the adjustment factor and the iterative number in the total variation minimization process on the performance are investigated. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated by the simulation experiments based on the Shepp-Logan head phantom.

    Error analysis of the impact for the anechoic chamber on the  missile simulation system
    WANG Jianmin;ZHANG Wulong;WU Yunjie;ZHANG Haowen;QIN Jiangchuan
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  100-106.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.017
    Abstract ( 507 )   PDF (739KB) ( 511 )   Save
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    In the missile semi-physical simulation system, the anechoic chamber provides a radiofrequency simulation environment, and at the same time it brings an error for the simulation system. This paper proposes a specific error calculation method of the anechoic chamber on the missile simulation system. By modeling the anechoic chamber, it gives a computing method for quiet zone energy, and computes respectively energy for four quadrants of the quiet zone using numerical integration. Then according to the theory for angle estimation characteristic of amplitude comparison mono-pulse radar, this paper computes the angle error of radar on the seeker. Besides, the error is put into the missile simulation system. Simulation result shows that, when adding the anechoic chamber error, the trajectories of the missile and target both shift, decreasing the missile hit accuracy, but the error is still within the error range.

    Situation prediction of network information content  security incidents using E-IGA-RBF
    GE Lin;JI Xinsheng;JIANG Tao
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  107-113.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.018
    Abstract ( 451 )   PDF (596KB) ( 488 )   Save
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    In order to resolve the problem of optimizing RBF, an elitist model-immune genetic algorithm is put forward to optimize the structure and parameters of the RBF neural network. The model uses elite selection strategy and adds the factor of simulated annealing. It ensures good genes to be retained into the next generation. At the same time, it increases the diversity of variation to a certain extent through the disturbance of the annealing factor. And the model improves the convergence rate and local search capacity of the whole algorithm. Experimental results are used to demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the algorithm when predicting the situation of network information content security incidents.

    Vehicle recognition using acoustic sensor networks in  complex scenes via kernel sparse representation
    WANG Rui;WANG Kangyan;FENG Yutian;ZHANG Haiyan;JIN Yanliang;ZHANG Youzheng
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  114-120.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.019
    Abstract ( 515 )   PDF (1276KB) ( 526 )   Save
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    This paper proposes a method of vehicle recognition via kernel sparse representation using acoustic sensor networks in complex scenes. This algorithm uses the Mel frequency cepstral coefficients to extract the acoustic features of vehicles and maps them into a high-dimensional feature space with a kernel function to get linearly separable samples. After extending sparse representation to the kernel space and constructing the over-complete dictionary, the objective vehicles will be recognized by solving the optimization problem. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm gives good performance on vehicle recognition under the circumstance of complex data sets. Compared with other traditional acoustic classification algorithms, the method improves the precision of recognition.

    Failure detection of the avionics system based on  chaotic virtual collision of signals
    ZHANG Chao;ZHANG Fengming;WU Husheng;ZHU Lin
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  121-126.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.020
    Abstract ( 478 )   PDF (833KB) ( 407 )   Save
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    In order to ensure the operation security of the integrated avionics system,a new model for failure detection is proposed. Firstly,according to the chaotic feature of the obtained data,a multi-dimensional collision model of the virtual area is introduced. Then,when the failure occurs,by utilizing the collision feature of avionics system data' chaotic change in space,the possible failure risks in the avionics systems are detected,so as to ensure the security detection of the system under the service availability condition. Finally, the QPME is applied in experimental simulation.It can be seen from the results of failure occurrence rate type distribution and recovery strategy,that this method can quantitatively analyze the impact of hardware and software failures on the safety performance and reduce the burden on the avionics system.

    Recolor method for the fading terracotta warrior  using the texture image
    LI Na;GENG Guohua;GONG Xingyu;WANG Xiaofeng
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  127-132+170.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.021
    Abstract ( 589 )   PDF (4118KB) ( 432 )   Save
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    For the recolor problem of the terracotta warrior's fading texture, we make an improvement on the Welsh algorithm. By using local standard deviation, this paper presents a new mixed color distance of color transfer algorithm based on independent component analysis (ICA) In lαβ color space,  an ICA analysis of the gray source image and color target image are made using the Fast ICA, so that two types of image data have non-Gaussian distribution and are independent of each row vector in color space. Then, the best matching color is determined by the mixed color distance measurement function founded on local standard deviation. And the color transfer is completed from color target image to gray source image. Experimental results show that the algorithm can improve the color transfer issues of the Welsh algorithm in different colors points of the same brightness. At the same time, color information of the terracotta warrior's gray texture can be better recolored.

    Efficient topology inference algorithm using  the finite mixture model
    ZHANG Runsheng;LIU Jian;LI Yanbin
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  133-139.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.022
    Abstract ( 553 )   PDF (615KB) ( 427 )   Save
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    The performance of the existing efficient topology inference algorithm is highly sensitive to the threshold. To address the problem, a finite mixture model based topology inference algorithm is proposed. Firstly, a leaf node is selected from the original leaf-node set, and then the similarities between the node and the other leaf nodes are measured, after which the original leaf-node set is roughly divided into several subsets using the finite mixture model based on the measured similarities. The internal nodes corresponding to each subset could be inferred afterwards. Subsequently, the above procedures are applied for each subset obtained from rough division, and the process is iterated until all of the internal nodes are found. Analysis and simulation show that the proposed algorithm needs less correlation data than the existing algorithm, and performs almost as well as the existing algorithm with the optimum threshold.

    Iteration algorithm for joint TDOA&FDOA location and  its performance analysis
    YANG Jie;LIU Congfeng;TIAN Zhongcheng;ZHANG Bin
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  140-146.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.023
    Abstract ( 541 )   PDF (567KB) ( 429 )   Save
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    Based on the FDOA and TDOA united location of the radiative source using moving observations, an iterative algorithm which solves the location of the target is proposed, which overcomes the difficulty in solving FDOA and TDOA united location. The proposed algorithm sets the carrier frequency as the unknown parameter, and under the condition of omitting the higher order items, the measured time difference and frequency equations are used to figure out both of the target position and carrier frequency from the emitter in the iterative way. The location accuracy of the TDOA and FDOA united location algorithm is analyzed in detail; furthermore, elaborative simulation is given, which proves the accuracy and effectiveness of the theoretical analysis and provides TDOA and FDOA united location algorithm with theoretical foundation.

    Position-based forward broadcast algorithm in  the mobile sensor network
    HU Changjun;YUAN Shujie
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  147-152.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.024
    Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (555KB) ( 373 )   Save
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    Broadcasting is the basic manner to transmit data in mobile sensor networks. Aiming at the problem of redundant message relay and signal conflict and collision, a position-based forward broadcast algorithm (PFBA) is proposed. An analysis of the impact of the position forwarding node on the efficiency of broadcasting is made, the nodes in a favorable location have priority to relay message and the redundant messages are reduced significantly. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that,compared with the other typical broadcast algorithms, PFBA can not only ensure the receipt ratio of the network in broadcasting, but limit the total number of forwarded messages, and reduce the energy consumption of the network.

    Assorted benchmarking for steganography  based on blind steganalyzer accuracy fitting
    XIA Bingbing;ZHAO Xianfeng;ZHANG Hong
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  153-158.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.025
    Abstract ( 435 )   PDF (724KB) ( 415 )   Save
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    KL divergence gives a precise estimation of the difference between cover and stego mediums, but the high computational complexity makes it impropriate for steganography benchmarking. The existing benchmarking methods use other statistics to evaluate the divergence between cover and stego features, but the performance is relatively poor. To solve this problem, we propose an assorted benchmarking for steganography based on blind steganalyzer accuracy fitting. The two complementary basic statistics, i.e., the mean value of single dimensional mutual information and the maximum mean discrepancy, are combined to obtain a better estimate of the divergence between cover and stego features.

    Data-oriented multi-index Hashing
    MA Yanping;JI Guangrong;ZOU Hailin;XIE Hongtao
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  159-164.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.026
    Abstract ( 489 )   PDF (638KB) ( 770 )   Save
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    The multi-index hashing (MIH) is the state-of-the-art method for indexing binary codes. However, it is based on the dataset codes uniform distribution assumption, and will lower efficiency in dealing with non-uniformly distributed codes. In this paper, we propose a data-oriented multi-index hashing method. We first compute the correlations between bits and learn adaptive projection vector for each binary substring. Then, instead of using substrings as direct indices into hash tables, we project them with corresponding projection vectors to generate new indices. With adaptive projection, the indices in each hash table are nearly uniformly distributed. Besides, we put forward an entropy based measurement to evaluate the distribution of data items in each hash table. Experiments conducted on reference large scale datasets show that compared to the MIH the time performance of our method can be 36.9%~87.4% better .

    Strategic adaptive steganography based on  the game theory model
    NIU Ke;LI Jun;LIU Jia;YANG Xiaoyuan
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  165-170.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.027
    Abstract ( 436 )   PDF (552KB) ( 400 )   Save
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    On the basis of the improvement of the game theory model, we propose a Strategic adaptive steganography method. First, we use the human visual characteristics of luminance masking, texture masking and the frequency masking factor to compute the distortion measure function after the image is transformed into the wavelet domain. Then we establish a connection between content adaptive distortion measure functionand the strategic adaptive bias function, so that we can get the probability of each cover element for embedding the message according to the Nash equilibrium in the game theory model for steganography. Experimental results show that the statistical security of the proposed method is high than that of the HUGO which is the method of content adaptive steganography.

    Study of the switching behavior of a peculiar shape  nanomagnet logic device
    YANG Xiaokuo;CAI Li;GENG Daotian;KANG Qiang;XIAO Mingqing
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  171-175.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.028
    Abstract ( 423 )   PDF (962KB) ( 511 )   Save
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    The switching behavior of the nanomagnet logic device with the single missing corner shape defect is studied. We use micromagnetic simulation software to investigate preferred magnetization of the said peculiar shape nanomagnet logic device under various missing corner ranges, nanomagnet thicknesses and material parameters. The results indicate that the preferred magnetization of the missing corner-type nanomagnet logic device fabricated with different materials appears in the neighboring critical missing corner amplitude, and that the nanomagnet fabricated with Permalloy is susceptible to the missing corner shape defect, higher saturation magnetization and thicker magnetic film block preferred magnetization of peculiar shape devices. These findings provide key theoretical parameters for how to control and apply the preferred magnetization of the peculiar shape nanomagnet logic device.

    Secure zero knowledge watermark detection scheme  based on the text robust feature
    FU Zhangjie;SHU Jiangang;SUN Xingming;ZHOU Lu
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  176-181.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.029
    Abstract ( 850 )   PDF (490KB) ( 539 )   Save
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    The security of a digital watermarking scheme must not depend on the watermarking algorithm itself or the embedding key. To improve the security of the digital watermarking scheme, the zero knowledge watermark detection (ZKWD) scheme based on asymmetric encryption is proposed for a plain text. The scheme consists of four components. Firstly, text features are extracted using the robust feature extraction method, and watermarking information is generated using the logistic chaotic map function. Then watermarking information is embedded into the original text medium using the common text watermarking method. When a copyright dispute occurs, the verifier and prover could verify the embedded watermark information according to the proposed ZKWD protocol based on asymmetric encryption. Using the method of zero knowledge proof, the watermark information could be detected without exposing the secrets related to the watermark, which makes the attacker unable to modify, forge or remove the watermark using the information obtained in the process of watermarking detection. The scheme does not leak any information to the verifier, and improves the security of watermarking detection.

    Angle estimation for bistatic MIMO radar in  impulsive noise environments
    LIU Baobao;ZHANG Junying;YUAN Xiguo;XU Cong;LIU Zhaowen
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  182-187.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.030
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    A fractional lower order moment unitary ESPRIT (FLOM-Unitary ESPRIT) for the joint direction of departure (DOD) and the direction of arrival (DOA) estimation in bistatic multiple input multiple output (MIMO) radar is proposed, which combates the problem of algorithms based on second-order statistics performance declining considerably in impulsive noise environments. Firstly, the fractional lower order moment matrix is constructed based on the basic definition of fractional lower order statistic. Moreover, according to the basic principle of the unitary ESPRIT algorithm, the angle estimation could be performed correctly and paired automatically. Compared with the unitary ESPRIT and ESPRIT algorithms, the proposed algorithm effectively suppresses impulsive noise and the angle estimation performance is improved. Several numerical results verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

    Two-cell MIMO uplink interference alignment transmission
    LI Chuan
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  188-191.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.031
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    Two novel interference alignment (IA) schemes are proposed for the two-cell MIMO uplink transmission system and their respective achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) are derived. The first scheme is the partial selective IA, which can achieve a higher DoF than the traditional selective IA by exploiting the received signals not involved in the IA. The second scheme is the hybrid IA, which exploits both partial selective IA and partial fixed IA schemes and results in the highest DoF compared to these two candidate IA schemes. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes outperform the existing schemes.

    High voltage detection circuit for power over the ethernet
    LI Yongyuan;ZHU Zhangming
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  192-197.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.032
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    A novel high voltage detection circuit with a high accuracy and low temperature coefficient for Power over the Ethernet (PoE) application is presented. The proposed detection circuit uses a bandgap comparator to detect the input voltage without an extra comparator and a voltage reference circuit, which reduces the chip area and detection time. In order to overcome the effect of the Ethernet resistor and avoid the circulating change of the detection circuit between the detection state and classification state, the proposed circuit uses a feedback circuit to realize the hysteresis function. The proposed detection circuit is implemented in 0.5μm65 V BCD process which occupies an active area of 590μm×310 μm. The measured results show that the temperature coefficient of the threshold voltage is 26.5×10<sup>-6</sup>/℃ over the temperature range of -40℃ to 125℃. According to the measured results of 20 chips, the average value of the threshold voltage is 11.9V±0.25V, with a standard deviation of 0.138V.

    Variable step-size matrix adaptive filter design  based on the multiband structured
    QI Xiaohui;WU Ying;WANG Yunlong
    J4. 2015, 42(4):  198-204.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.04.033
    Abstract ( 484 )   PDF (1629KB) ( 412 )   Save
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    In order to improve the convergence performance of the normalised sign subband adaptive filter (NSSAF), variable step-size matrix normalised sign subband adaptive filter (VSSM-NSSAF) based on the variable multiband structure is proposed. In this method, the energy of the subband posteriori error vector is treated as the cost function and the variable step size matrix as a variable. By solving the optimal step length for each subband to minimize the cost function after each iteration calculation, the best variable step size matrix is obtained. Then we employ the following time-average scheme to get the variable step-size matrix before the next iteration. Compared with the traditional NSSAF algorithm and other improved NSSAF algorithms, the proposed algorithm provides a faster convergence speed and lower steady state misadjustment, regardless of whether the input signal is relevant or not, even if it contains impulse noise. Besides, this method has the advantages of a low computational complexity.
