
Table of Content

    20 December 2015 Volume 42 Issue 6
    Original Articles
    Novel recognition method for digital modulation signals with Alpha stable noise
    LIU Mingqian;LI Bingbing;SHI Yayun
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  1-5.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.001
    Abstract ( 443 )   PDF (493KB) ( 553 )   Save
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    The traditional methods for digital modulation signals recognition with Alpha stable distribution noise have the problem of poor performance. In this paper, a novel recognition method for digital modulation signals based on the generalized cumulant and generalized instantaneous phase is proposed to solve this problem. This method extracts the characteristic parameters which are the generalized cumulant and maximum of normalization and center generalized instantaneous phase spectral density based on fractional Fourier transform. And then the minimum mean square error classifier and the threshold are used to achieve modulation recognition of digital modulation signals with Alpha stable distribution noise. Simulation results show that the proposed method has not only better performance but also lower computation complexity than the traditional recognition methods in an Alpha stable distribution noise environment.

    Attribute-based encryption scheme supporting attribute revocation and decryption outsourcing
    MA Hua;BAI Cuicui;LI Bin;LIU Zhenhua
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  6-10+55.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.002
    Abstract ( 470 )   PDF (618KB) ( 627 )   Save
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    Aiming to tackle the attribute revocation issue and reduce the user's computational overheads, an attribute-based encryption scheme is proposed and it can support attribute revocation and decryption outsourcing. In the proposed scheme, the splitting and reconstruction of secrets is realized by the linear secret sharing technique, and key update is based on the KEK(Key Encrypting Key) tree. In decryption, our scheme outsources some decryption computational tasks to a decryption service provider, which reduces the computational cost on users' side. Security analysis indicates that the proposed scheme can resist collusion attack, and ensure data confidentiality and forward/backward secrecy. Experimental results show that the efficiency of ciphertext update and decryption is improved in terms of time cost.

    Segmentation of the image with multi-visual features for a traffic scene
    DENG Yanzi;LU Zhaoyang;LI Jing
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  11-16.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.003
    Abstract ( 495 )   PDF (3394KB) ( 593 )   Save
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    Scene segmentations based on the pixel classifying calculation are complicated, and they use insufficient features, thus resulting in a low accuracy, so a new model is proposed to overcome these shortcomings,which is to learn these geometric classes based on multi-visual features of super-pixels. First, various features are extracted from the super-pixels of an input image. These features are used for classifying the super-pixels. Then the difference between the adjacent super-pixels is calculated to predict their consistency. The initial classification result and the consistency are synthesized to the Markov Random Field energy function, which is then minimized based on the graph-cuts algorithm to get the final labels of the super-pixels. Experimental results prove the effectiveness of the multi-visual features and the optimization method proposed, with superior performance achieved for traffic scenes.

    Efficient track-before-detect algorithm based on the parameterized track enhancement
    HE Jiayi;LIAO Guisheng;YANG Zhiwei;SUN Cunguang
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  17-22.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.004
    Abstract ( 559 )   PDF (2237KB) ( 535 )   Save
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    To address the problem of detection and tracking in the environment of a low SNR, we propose a new multi-frame track-before-detect algorithm. First of all, the nonparametric tracking initial is made based on the unthresholded multi-frame data. The target's plots can be obtained. Then the track enhancement operator is designed making use of the parameter of the target's state and the measurement imprecision error. Finally, using the designed operator to do the parameterized track enhancement, the results of tracking can be obtained. The algorithm possesses the characteristics of close loop feedback between the state of the target's trajectory and the track enhancement operator, which can improve the accuracy of detection and tracking and realize joint detection and tracking in a low SNR environment. Simulation results show that compared with the traditional track-before-detect the proposed method can obtain similar performance. The method can track stably in the case where the signal-to-noise ratio is 6dB.

    Forest parameters retrieval with dual-baseline polarimetric SAR interferometry based on clustering analysis
    LU Hongxi;LI Donglin;LIU Hongwei;SUO Zhiyong;SONG Wenqing;BAO Zheng
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  23-29.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.005
    Abstract ( 521 )   PDF (780KB) ( 473 )   Save
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    Forest parameters inversion is an important application of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry(PolInSAR). To resolve the volume decorrelation coefficient ambiguity of single-baseline PolInSAR, a new dual-baseline PolInSAR approach is proposed in this paper. The correlation of dual-baseline data is fully investigated to resolve the ambiguity problem effectively, and the performance of the proposed approach is proved to be of great robustness in a very small baseline ratio system. Finally, experimental results with ESA dual-baseline PolInSAR simulated data validate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach.

    Robust adaptive beamforming with the two level nested array
    YANG Jie;LIAO Guisheng;LI Jun
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  30-36.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.006
    Abstract ( 625 )   PDF (701KB) ( 519 )   Save
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    For the beamforming problem in the two level nested array under the condition of signal model mismatch, this paper proposes a robust adaptive beamforming algorithm based on efficient interference-plus-noise covariance matrix reconstruction and semi-definite programming(SDP). Firstly, by using the diagonal growth-curve(DGC) model of the received signal and the search-free ESPRIT method, we reconstruct the interference-plus-noise covariance matrix of the virtual array precisely; then, the interference-plus-noise covariance matrix and a little prior information are applied to construct the optimization problem in robust adaptive beamforming, which can effectively decrease the performance degradation of the traditional MVDR filter in nonideal signal circumstances; finally, the optimization problem can be approximately expressed as an SDP problem by using the SDP relaxation method, and we can resort to the convex optimization software to solve it. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves a higher output SINR under different input SNRs or sampling snapshots circumstances as compared to traditional methods.

    Robust adaptive beamforming algorithm in the situation of limited snapshots
    ZHU Yutang;ZHAO Yongbo;SHUI Penglang;CHENG Zengfei;LI Hui
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  37-42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.007
    Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (614KB) ( 397 )   Save
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    In order to solve the problem of the sharp degradation of the adaptive beamformer performance due to limited snapshots, this paper proposes a new robust adaptive beamforming algorithm based on the correction of the covariance matrix and the estimation of the steering vector. The proposed algorithm first corrects the covariance matrix, and then obtains the estimation of the optimal steering vector with the corrected covariance matrix. Finally, using the corrected covariance matrix and the estimated optimal steering vector, the weight vector of the adaptive beamformer is calculated. The proposed algorithm can not only deal with all kinds of mismatches efficiently, but also solve the problem of the sharp degradation of the adaptive beamformer performance in the situation of limited snapshots, so that the robustness of the adaptive beamformer can be improved. Simulation results demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

    Parameter estimation method for the cone-shaped target under narrow-band radar observation
    HAN Xun;DU Lan;LIU Hongwei
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  43-48.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.008
    Abstract ( 560 )   PDF (567KB) ( 477 )   Save
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    The parameter estimation for the space cone-shaped target based on precession is very important for target discrimination. This paper proposes a novel parameter estimation method via the scattering centers' micro-Doppler frequency contained in the narrowband echo. After the establishment of the target's precession model, the theoretical variation of top and bottom scattering centers' micro-Doppler frequency are derived, and then the micro-Doppler frequency of the bottom scattering center is expanded, and the relationship between the expansion coefficients and the target's size and precession parameter is analyzed. Finally, a linear system of equations is established to solve the expansion coefficients with the top and bottom scattering centers' micro-Doppler frequencies, and then the target's size and precession parameters are calculated based on the coefficients. Experiments based on electromagnetic computation data indicate that the proposed method is valid and accurate.

    Unsupervised SAR image segmentation using TMF and belief propagation
    GAN Lu;WU Yan;WANG Fan
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  49-55.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.009
    Abstract ( 404 )   PDF (2821KB) ( 330 )   Save
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    To solve the problem that the traditional statistical inference approach for the triplet Markov fields (TMF) model cannot balance segmentation accuracy and computational efficiency, an efficient statistical inference approach for the TMF model using belief propagation is proposed, and then applied to unsupervised synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image segmentation. The algorithm combines the TMF model and the statistical property of the SAR image, and translates the segmentation problem into maximization of the posterior marginal (MPM) estimation. For the two label fields in TMF, the belief propagation algorithm is generalized to the bivariate case to estimate the joint posterior marginal probability of the two label fields through message passing. The two label fields can be simultaneously estimated according to the MPM criterion. Experiments on both simulated and real SAR images demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can efficiently suppress the influence of the speckle, and obtain accurate segmentation results with a reasonable computational cost.

    Novel dual-band bandpass filter with wide upper stopband performance
    LIN Lei;WU Bian;SU Tao;LIANG Changhong
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  56-60.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.010
    Abstract ( 468 )   PDF (1409KB) ( 608 )   Save
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    In traditional design of the dual-band bandpass filter (BPF), two or more resonators need to be utilized, which leads to a relatively large circuit size. For miniaturization, a novel stub-loaded square loop quad-mode resonator is proposed in this paper. Due to the symmetry of the structure, the even-odd-mode method is applied twice to analyze its resonance characteristics. All the four mode equivalent circuits are quarter-wavelength resonators, so the resonator has a compact size and the first harmonic is three times the fundamental one. The resonant frequency of each mode can be tuned freely by changing the corresponding physical dimensions, and the passband frequencies and bandwidths of the designed dual-band filter using the proposed resonator are independently controllable. To improve the selectivity and achieve a wide upper stopband, quarter wavelength hook-shape feedlines are designed to provide appropriate external coupling. Two new transmission zeros are generated by the feedlines. Finally, a microstrip dual-band bandpass filter (BPF) centering at 15 and 24GHz with a 3dB fractional bandwidth (FBW) of 107% and 96% is designed and fabricated. The measured and simulated results which are in good agreement are presented.

    Analysis of non-ideal factors and digital calibration for highresolution SAR ADCs
    CAO Chao;MA Rui;ZHU Zhangming;LIANG Yuhua;YE Qian
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  61-65+87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.011
    Abstract ( 726 )   PDF (722KB) ( 619 )   Save
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    An analysis of capacitor mismatch in a high resolution successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is described. The results show that the mismatch of capacitors and the parasitic capacitance in the LSB capacitor array have a significant influence on the resolution of ADC while the parasitic one in MSB array has little influence on the precision. A 16-bit SAR ADC high-level model is designed and a background digital calibration is proposed to calibrate the errors due to the mentioned sources. Simulation results indicate that the ENOB(Effective number of bits) after calibration is above 15 bit with a probability of more than 90%. The availability of this calibration method is verified, so it can be utilized to calibrate high-resolution SAR ADC.

    Low power dissipation real time counter for sensor network application
    ZHANG Yimeng;ZHANG Yuming;ZHANG Yimen
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  66-69+112.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.012
    Abstract ( 355 )   PDF (1094KB) ( 416 )   Save
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    In sensor network application, to calculate the sleeping time of the sensor nodes, the real time counter is an important part. When the sensor node is in the sleep mode, most of power dissipation is consumed by the real time counter. How to reduce the power dissipation of the real time counter becomes an important research topic to extend the battery life in senor network application. This paper presents a low power dissipation 16-bit real time counter for sensor network application. Charge recovery logic technology is adopted in the real time counter to achieve low power dissipation. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed real time counter, a test chip is designed and fabricated by 018μm CMOS technology. Experimental results indicate that the proposed real time counter with a charge recovery logic dissipates only 27nW when working at the frequency of 100kHz, while the conventional structure of the real time counter dissipates 140nW in total.

    Novel combined edge termination for P-channel VDMOS
    PU Shi;DU Lin;ZHANG Dexi
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  70-74.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.013
    Abstract ( 380 )   PDF (1625KB) ( 433 )   Save
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    This paper is focused on the improvement of the breakdown voltage for P-channel Vertical Double-diffuse MOSFET(VDMOS), mainly on the structure that is combined with the field limiting ring and the field plate. Based on their basic theories, this paper presents a novel junction termination for P-channel VDMOS with a structure of an N+ offset region field limiting ring and two multistep field plates. Simulation results have proved its effective improvement on the electric field distribution at the edge of the main junction. With these achievements, an -80V P-channel VDMOS is designed and fabricated using this structure. The test for the breakdown voltage of the manufactured sample devices has been conducted and experimental results turn out to be in good accord with the simulation results, demonstrating the validity of the design.

    Probability-based location anonymity algorithm
    YAN Yushuang;TAN Shichong;ZHAO Dawei
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  75-80.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.014
    Abstract ( 418 )   PDF (568KB) ( 390 )   Save
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    As one of the most effective location privacy preservation technologies, the k-anonymity model provides safeguards for location privacy of the mobile client against vulnerabilities for abuse by constructing an anonymous area of k users including the protected one. However, most existing k-anonymity models only utilize the users who are sending requests at recent time. If there are not enough requesting users, the generated anonymous area of the k-anonymity model will be larger than expected. In this paper, a Probability-based Location Anonymity (PLA) algorithm is proposed for protecting location privacy of the mobile users in a road network. The PLA model takes advantage of the historical path track of the users who are not sending the request currently, and then computes the probability into the anonymous section so that it can greatly reduce the size of the anonymous area. Experimental results show that the PLA algorithm is superior to the k-anonymity and it increases its anonymous efficiency enormously.

    Fingerprint optimization method for the indoor localization system
    MA Xindi;MA Jianfeng;GAO Sheng
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  81-87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.015
    Abstract ( 482 )   PDF (1070KB) ( 712 )   Save
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    The accuracy of the indoor localization is influenced directly by the quality of the fingerprint. But the indoor localization algorithms in existence are almost conducted based on the original fingerprint which is not optimized. The k-means is introduced to optimize the fingerprint in this paper. And deleting the collected bad-points through the theory of cluster could make the fingerprint more accurate for the indoor localization algorithm. Compared with the indoor localization systems in existence, the result of experiments shows that the optimized fingerprint can increase the accurate of indoor localization with a higher probability.

    Fast and precise image registration algorithm
    JIN Feng;FENG Dazheng
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  88-93.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.016
    Abstract ( 643 )   PDF (6285KB) ( 471 )   Save
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    An image registration algorithm is proposed through the analysis of the objective function. There are two optimal solutions to the function: the biggest number of efficient point pairs and the image transformation matrix with the highest accuracy, which can be solved by two different point matching matrices. The algorithm gets the transformation matrix by the points described in the center symmetric local binary pattern (CS-LBP), and obtains the efficient points by the statistical deflection angle order (SDAO). The SDAO is a sample and accuracy descriptor that integrates the local structure and global information of images. By combining with the advantages of the two description methods, the algorithm achieves a high alignment accuracy and a small computational volume.

    Matching method for multispectral images based on improved hough transformation with disparity constraint
    ZHAO Baowei;XIANGLI Bin;HUANG Min;LV Qunbo;ZHANG Guifeng
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  94-98.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.017
    Abstract ( 448 )   PDF (2734KB) ( 503 )   Save
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    To overcome the problems of image matching caused by different charactors and the grey-level in every spectrum of the airborne filter multispectral imager for the same target, a matching method for multispectral images based on improved Hough transformation with disparity constraint is presented. Firstly, we get the N layer pyramid images of the two multispectral images for registration by down-sampling, and then calculate the transformation parameters of each layer between the left and right images progressively. In this progress, the transformation parameters of the two adjacent top Pyramid images can be calculated by using the feature points extracted by the SIFT operator, and the transformation parameters of the other adjacent Pyramid images can be calculated by using the transformation parameters of their upper images and the improved Hough transformation. At the same time, the attitude parameters and the geometric transform relation calculated from the upper layer between the images can be used to improve the matching speed and reliability. By processing two airborne flight multispectral images with 1415×1415 pixels, this approach only takes 78 secends, and its registration accuracy can reach 065 pixels.

    Dynamic characteristics analysis for the random FGM beam
    CHEN Yongqin;XU Yalan
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  99-105.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.018
    Abstract ( 433 )   PDF (621KB) ( 402 )   Save
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    The uncertainty in effective physical properties is inherent since the manufacturing and fabrication processes of FGM (Functionally Graded Materials) are extremely complex. Based on the high-order shear deformation theory, the finite element model is developed for the FGM beam with material properties varying in the axial direction, taking into account the shear deformation. Using the moment method of the random function, the statistics of dynamic characteristics for the FGM beam is calculated, and the effect of random constituent material properties on the dynamic characteristics for the FGM beam is systemically investigated in the case of different volume fraction indexes. The Monte-Carlo method is used to verify the presented method. Numerical results show the dominant effect of the constituent volume fraction index on the dispersion in dynamic characteristics, and the dispersion in modal frequencies becomes higher when more material properties are considered random, and the dispersion in mode shapes depends mainly on the randomness of constituent material mass densities, while the volume fraction index and random elastic modulus of constituent materials have little influence on mode shapes.

    Capacity optimization for power storage systems in smart grids
    JIANG Zhongyuan;ZHANG Xiuyan;MA Ziyue
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  106-112.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.019
    Abstract ( 569 )   PDF (559KB) ( 412 )   Save
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    The power storage systems in smart grids can continually supply electric power to avoid large area blackouts during fault repair periods. However, the costs of power storage systems are proportional to their capacity. In this paper, the models of power transmission systems are constructed by using finite capacity Petri nets. A scheme for computing the minimum capacity of power storage systems is proposed by analyzing the property of power transmission system models. This scheme can avoid large area blackouts caused by the incompatibility of system parameters. Moreover, it also proposes a constraint for large area blackout avoidance during fault repair periods. Finally, a case study is presented to verify the proposed scheme. The results show that the scheme can avoid large area blackouts and that the capacity of power storage systems are optimized.

    Research on the influence of the channel dimension on the characteristics of the gate grounded NMOS protection device
    WU Xiaopeng;YANG Yintang;LIU Haixia;DONG Gang
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  113-117.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.020
    Abstract ( 444 )   PDF (797KB) ( 415 )   Save
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    The effect of the channel width and channel length on the single finger GGNMOS ESD protection device based on the deep sub-micron technology is researched, which gives the insight into the selection of the optimum value for the channel. The I-V characteristic of the protection device with various layout parameters results from the tapeout based on the SMIC 018μm CMOS process and the TLP test. The physics mechnism is detailed based on the variation tendency of the failure current level and the device simulation. The results show that the selection of the channel width should consider the on-off uniformity and that the channel length affects the robustness of the protection device by changing the heat distribution under the channel. This paper analyzes the physical mechnism of the effcts of the channel dimension on the single finger GGNMOS protection device and gives the guidauce for the optimum layout design of the deep sub-micron ESD protection devices.

    Highly efficient interface circuit for vibrational energy harvesting applications
    WANG Jingmin;YANG Zheng;YANG Yintang
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  118-123.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.021
    Abstract ( 379 )   PDF (601KB) ( 378 )   Save
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    An input-powered vibrational energy harvesting interface circuit is presented. By using a bulk-driven comparator, the lowest input voltage amplitude can be reduced to 02 V. When the input voltage amplitude is low enough, the circuit can automatically shut down by adopting the input-powered, thereby avoiding unnecessary energy loss. Based on standard SMIC 018μm 33V CMOS technology, simulation results show that the voltage conversion efficiency can reach up to 89% when the input voltage equals  02V@100Hz with a load resistance of 40kΩ. The energy conversion efficiency can reach up to 80% when the input voltage equals 025V@100Hz with a load resistance of 40kΩ, and the maximum efficiency can be up to 90%. Input voltages with frequencies in the range of 10~500Hz can be rectified.

    Design and implementation of the graphics accelerator oriented to OpenGL
    DENG Junyong;LI Tao;JIANG Lin;HAN Jungang;SHEN Xubang
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  124-130.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.022
    Abstract ( 407 )   PDF (3358KB) ( 573 )   Save
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    In order to explore the self-development of the graphics processing unit, this paper presents the design of a graphics accelerator which utilizes the classical pipelined structure and supports OpenGL primary commands. The matrix computational unit, which is the critical operation of geometric transformation, projection transformation and viewport transformation, primitive assembly unit and rasterization unit have been optimized to improve the efficiency. The accelerator realizes the rendering effects of Gouraud shading, lighting, full-screen anti-aliasing and texture mapping. In order to verify the circuit, the software and hardware simulation workbench based on C/C++ and SystemVerilog respectively have been established. The prototype system is implemented on EP2C70F896C6 of Altera which takes up to 83% of the FPGA resource, with the speed being up to 100MHz. The test results of plenty of rendering applications show that the accelerator possesses the capability of graphics rendering.

    Super high-resolution spaceborne multiple-transit and multiple-receive sliding spotlight SAR imaging
    WU Yuan;SUN Guangcai;YANG Jun;XING Mengdao
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  131-137.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.023
    Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (1470KB) ( 358 )   Save
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    In the Wide-field Super High-resolution Spaceborne Multiple-transit and multiple-receive Sliding Spotlight SAR, the line-of-sight approximation of the curved orbit is not established, so traditional imaging algorithms based on line-of-sight approximation is no longer available. For this problem, a super high-resolution velocity scaling algorithm(SHRVS) is proposed to meet the need of wide-field and super high-resolution. Besides, in the procedure of sub-band assembling, a high level virtual image appears due to the frequency aliasing of adjacent sub-bands. For this problem, an optimized linear FM transmit waveform is proposed, which can depress the virtual image level greatly.

    Services promote Lyapunov-based strategy in mobile cloud computing
    LIU Xing;YUAN Chaowei;YANG Zhen;LI Zhenjun
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  138-144.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.024
    Abstract ( 397 )   PDF (1750KB) ( 529 )   Save
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    Aiming to the energy consumption optimization problem in mobile cloud computing, a new services promote Lyapunov-based strategy is proposed, which considering the effect of order services on transmission energy consumption. The proposed strategy can promote cloud computing services to users based on the threshold control, queue backlog and channel state, and it according to the channel transmission rate and subscribed services to deliver the services data in time. Simulation results show that the proposed strategy not only can effectively reduce the transmission energy consumption and extend the battery time of mobile devices, but also can reduce queue backlog and unnecessary order services cost.

    Nash equilibrium cooperative transmission strategy considering competition
    CAO Bin;SUN Xi;LI Yun;CHEN Quan;WANG Shiyan
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  145-151.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.025
    Abstract ( 566 )   PDF (601KB) ( 341 )   Save
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    In cooperative communications, employing the idle relay node for forwarding data can effectively improve the transmission rate and performance of the wireless networks. Therefore, various relay node selection algorithms are proposed. However, most of the existing algorithms just focus on the benefit caused by relay nodes, while ignoring the negative effect of the backoff duration time which does not exist in direct transmission, when more than one flow compete for the same relay node. To this end, considering both advantage and adverse impact caused by the relay node, we adopt the game-theoretic approach and propose a cooperative transmission strategy based on the Nash equilibrium, named the Nash Equilibrium Cooperative Transmission Strategy (NECTS). The NECTS can not only guarantee the gain of each flow, but also maximize the system performance, and improve the system throughput effectively. Simulation results show that the NECTS can take the advantage of cooperative communications. Meanwhile, it can avoid the unnecessary competition, and its performance outperforms that of the existing methods.

    Novel short time interval measurement technology with high precision
    QU Baiyi;ZHANG Rui;ZHANG Xin;SONG Huansheng;FENG Xingle;ZHOU Wei
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  152-157.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.026
    Abstract ( 486 )   PDF (535KB) ( 365 )   Save
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    To get a higher precision when measuring the short time interval which is less than the counting clock's cycle and has a non-periodic characteristic, a novel short time interval measurement technology with high precision is expounded, in which the short time interval will be measured by converting the time interval into the corresponding phase differences between the periodic signals by particular circuits, and the measurement will be proceeded based on phase comparison measurement technology. The paper gives the conversion circuits based on ring oscillators and phase-locked-loop technology, as well as the designing method of the phase comparison device with fine linearity and resolution. The time interval between 0 to 90ns can be measured by the current experimental system with an error of no more than 15ps. Experimental results also show that the random error caused by the noise floor of the system is as low as 20ps.

    Novel angle Doppler compensation method
    FENG Weike;ZHANG Yongshun;ZHANG Dan
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  158-163.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.027
    Abstract ( 482 )   PDF (758KB) ( 569 )   Save
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    In a non-side looking airborne radar system, the clutter of different range cells is not independently and identically distributed, which is caused by the severe clutter range-dependence. The clutter range-dependence can be compensated by the angle Doppler compensation (ADC) method simply and quickly. Although the ADC is widely applied, the compensation performance of the ADC is affected by the system error significantly because of the mismatch between Doppler frequency and spatial frequency. In this paper, a novel method to compensate the clutter range-dependence, namely ADC using sparse recovery (SR-ADC), is proposed. Firstly, the clutter spectral distribution estimation of the test cell and training cells are obtained by using sparse recovery. Then, the spatial frequencies and Doppler frequencies of the clutter spectrum center are determined. Finally, transform matrixes of different training cells are designed so that the clutter of training cells could be nearly stationary with respect to that of the test cell. Compared with the traditional angle Doppler compensation method, the proposed method improves greatly the compensation performance, especially that of main-lobe clutter. In addition, this method can also achieve good performance when the system error exists.

    Research on visual object tracking by fusing dynamic and static features
    ZHANG Lichao;BI Duyan;ZHA Yufei;WANG Yunfei;MA Shiping
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  164-172.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.028
    Abstract ( 524 )   PDF (4754KB) ( 562 )   Save
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    Traditionally, most tracking algorithms only use the single static feature or single dynamic feature to model the object. The static feature based model can not describe the object's dynamic characteristics and is difficult to adapt to the changing object with a background cluster, abrupt movement and rotations. While the classical optical flow is able to describe local dynamic characteristics, it has aperture issues. Therefore, we present a new tracking method based on fusing the dynamic and static features adaptively: the dynamic feature is extracted by the bidirectional optical flow and error metric adaptively, and is fused with the static feature by the fusion weight efficiently. The fusion weight based covariance is constructed to evaluate error ellipse which describes the object's scale and orientation exactly; the weight assignment parameter is updated by an on-line parameter updating mechanism, which balances the dynamic feature and static feature and ensures the tracking adaptation to the object's velocity and scene changes. Experiments show that the proposed algorithm can achieve better tracking results compared with the related algorithms, on the occasions when the object moves abruptly and rotates with a background cluster.

    Design of the beam scanning microstrip reflectarray antenna
    CHEN Hongwei;ZHANG Guangqiu;LEI Xue;WU Junmo;SUN Wujian
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  173-178.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.029
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    For the aim of designing a wide-angle low sidelobe beam scanning microstrip reflectarray antenna, a new design method based on a new aperture phase distribution of three focuses is proposed. This method introduces a new phase distribution determined by three focuses for wide-angle beam scanning firstly. Then the aperture phase distribution is further optimized by the hybrid particle swarm algorithm to reduce the side lobe level of the pattern. Based on the optimization, the antenna realizes beam scanning by use of a moving feed. In order to verify the effectiveness of the design method, a Ku-band circular polarized beam scanning reflectarray antenna is designed and fabricated. The measured results agree well with the simulated ones, with the side lobe level being below -18dB within the scan range of 52°and the band reaching 108%(the overlapping 3dB axial-ratio (AR) and 1dB gain bandwidth).

    Optimization algorithm for dynamic spectrum access based on Q-learning in cognitive radio networks
    HUANG Ying;YAN Dingyu;LI Nan
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  179-183.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.030
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    Under the centralized cognitive radio network architecture, considering the network performance and users' demands. We propose an optimized dynamic spectrum access algorithm based on Q-learning. The proposed algorithm has two steps, which consist of user request according to Q-learning and the application process according to the overall system performance. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can improve the overall system performance obviously, and that the user requirements could be satisfied at the same time.

    Voltage island-driven multilevel floorplanning optimization algorithm
    DU Shimin;XIA Yinshui;CHU Zhufei;YANG Runping
    J4. 2015, 42(6):  184-190.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2400.2015.06.031
    Abstract ( 428 )   PDF (926KB) ( 401 )   Save
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    Since the existing multiple voltage floorplanning algorithms are slower and generate a higher white space, a voltage island-driven multilevel floorplanning optimization algorithm is proposed. Firstly, an ILP(Integer Linear Programming)-based approach is used to assign the voltage to each module aiming at minimizing power consumption, and all modules are divided into different voltage islands according to their voltage assignment results. Secondly, a rapid method based on enumeration and shape curve adding techniques is proposed to determine the shape and position of each voltage island. Finally, an LP(Linear Programming) model is constructed to solve the wirelength optimization problem by exchanging blocks' positions. Experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms previous methods in runtime and chip area usage ratio.
