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Our team

发布者: 发表时间:2018-04-23

Our laboratray (PDTAL) has three professors, two associate professors, two lecturers and one engineer. The multidisciplinary researchers ensure the academic backbones. Since 1980s, we have been engaged in the research on the propagation electromagnetic waves and laser beams in complex and random media, light scattering by different kinds of objects. Outstanding achievements have been made in the research on laser scattering characteristics of objects, particle size measurement and its application.
      In recent years, we have undertaken more than 20 national and ministerial level research projects. The researches mainly involve optical phased-array lidar, new type of imaging lidar, adaptive optics, partially coherent light communication in atmospheric channel, propagation characteristics of laser through atmospheric / space channels.

The main academic backbones in our team are as follows:

Xiang’e Han, professor

Joint Ph.D. of physics from University of Rouen

Supervisor of master’s and doctoral student in optics and optical communication.

Honors: Third prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award,

                          First prize of Ministerial Technology Progress Award,

                          Special government allowances of the State Council.

                          Research fields: Photoelectric signal detection and processing,

                          Light scattering of the target(containing small particles),

                          Wireless optical communication.

                          E-mail: xehan@mail.xidian.edu.cn

Kuan Fang REN, professor

Ph.D. of physics from University of Rouen, Chair professor of Xidian University.

Research fields: Light scattering of shaped beams by particles,

Ray theory of waves, Optical metrology of particles,

                         Theoretical prediction of radiation pressure and torques.

                          E-mail: fang.ren@coria.fr

Hongfu Guo, professor

Ph.D. of physics from Xidian University. M.sc supervisor of radio physics.

Research fields: Electromagnetic wave propagation and measurement,

Electric field sensing and information processing techniques.

                         E-mail: hfguo@xidian.edu.cn

Chunbo Liu, associate professor

Ph.D. of information and communication engineering from Xidian University

M.sc supervisor of optics.

Research fields: Lidar technique, Optical imaging and information processing,

                          Optical phased array technology.

                          E-mail: chbliu@xidian.edu.cn

Renxian Li, associate professor

Ph.D. of radio physics from Xidian University, M.sc supervisor of optics.

Research fields: Computational Electro-magnetics, Optical measuring technique,

Scattering characteristic of the target and environment.

                         E-mail: rxli@mail.xidian.edu.cn

Fang Lu, lecture (expe.)

Ph.D. of radio physics form Xidian University.

Research fields:

Propagation and scattering of light wave in atmospheric turbulence,

                         Scattering of the electromagnetic beam from objects.

                         E-mail: lufang11@163.com

Qiwei Li, lecturer

Ph.D. of optical information science and technology form Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Research fields: Space optics and remote sensing, Imaging spectropolarimetry.

E-mail address: lqw17@xidian.edu.cn

Yang Cao, engineer

Master of optics from Xidian University.

Research fields: Weak signal detection, high speed real-time signal processing,

EMC&SI, Generation and acquisition of wide-band signals,

                         Photoelectric detection technology

                         E-mail: wldshy@qq.com
