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Jianchao DU  (Dr.)

Associate Professor

Master supervisor


School of Telecommunications Engineering (STE)

Xidian University, China

Contact Information


   P.O. box 103

   2 South Taibai Road

   Xi'an, Shaanxi,  710071



Email:       jcdu@xidian.edu.cn

Cell phone:  +86-13572997305


Dr Du was born in Hanzhong, Shaanxi, in 1977. He received the becholar degree and the master degree in Mathematics from Northwest University in 1998 and 2000, respectively. He received the Ph.D degree in EE from Xidian University in 2006. From then on, he has been working with School of Telecommunictions and Engineering, Xidian University. From June 2009 to August 2010, he worked as visiting scholar in State University of New York at Buffalo. His research interests are in the area of video compression and robust transmission over wireless networks, Satellite navigation information processing.

Research Interests

1. high efficient video compression
2. robust video transmission over wireless networks

3. intelligent image information processing

4. Beidou satellite navigation information fusion
